Criado por Tianne Atori
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
define crime
define deviance
what is the difference between crime and deviance?
why is it difficult to define deviance?
what is the consensus view on crime? (functionalists)
what is the conflict view on crime? (marxist and feminist)
what are formal rules?
what are informal rules?
examples of informal rules
examples of informal rules
how might the family control social behaviour?
how might work control social behaviour?
how might peer groups control social behaviour?
how might religion control social behaviour?
agents of formal social control
what are problems of official statistics?
why are some crimes not reported?
what is the dark figure off crime?
what are British crime surveys?
what are British crime surveys otherwise known as?
advantages of British Crime Surveys
disadvantages of British Crime Surveys
what are official statistics?
what are self report studies?
advantages of self report studies
disadvantages of self report studies
psychological explanation of criminal and deviant behaviour