Criado por Kristen Walters
mais de 2 anos atrás
emergency exit
parking lot
main entrance
back door
Please describe for me the venue.
I need to see the venue. When can we go see it together?
We need to speak with the security team at the venue.
What do you know about the areas surrounding the venue?
Do you know of any threats or problems at the venue?
Where will the meeting take place? In a room or an open area?
How long do you expect the meeting to last?
How many entrances and exits does the building have?
Do you have a K-9 unit? How many dogs are in the unit?
Can you set up a metal detector?
Nobody is allowed to enter after…
Where can we stage the motorcade?
I would like to walk the perimeter with you.
Where will the motorcade drop off the VIP?
Where are the closest elevator and stairs from the drop-off point?
When was the last time the elevators were inspected?
Is there a technician on call at the venue?
Is there a designated safe haven?
If anything happens, where can we go?