When quantitative and qualitative methods are combined it is called mixed joined dual constructivist( mixed, joined, dual, constructivist ) methods
Who wrote the quote about mixed methods from 2007 listed in the lecture notes:
Johnson & Onwuegbuzie
Johnson, Onwuegbuzie & Turner
Johnson, Onwuegbuzie, Turner & Hooch
Adding a qualitative component to a quantitative research project to add greater understanding of numerical findings is called adding depth breadth( depth, breadth )
Adding a quantitative component to a fundamentally qualitative project is called adding breadth depth( breadth, depth )
Who said "What distinguishes mixed-method evaluation is thus the intentional or planned use of diverse methods for particular mixed-method purposes using particular mixed-method designs"?
George Jetson, 2062
Green, 2005
Brown, 2010
White, 2014
In program evaluation, the evaluand evaluatable evaluator evaluable( evaluand, evaluatable, evaluator, evaluable ) is the object of an evaluation.
Select all of the examples of objects of an evaluation from the list below:
Project (inc Pilot Projects)
Evaluators make a judgement about the worth of the object of an evaluation
Evaluators make judgements by establishing criteria problems levels( criteria, problems, levels )
Evaluators also make judgements by constructing standards
From the list below, select the processes by which evaluators make judgements (as listed in the lecture notes).
Measuring performance and comparing to standards
Synthesising and integrating evdience
Asking experts
Measuring effect sizes
Program Logic is also known as Program Theory Balance Planning( Theory, Balance, Planning )
Program logic involves a set of interrelated assumptions, principles and / or propositions proposals prepositions( propositions, proposals, prepositions ) to explain or guide social actions
Which of the following is NOT a part of program logic:
Error rates
Program logic is a chain of objectives linked by actions reactions calculations( actions, reactions, calculations )
Literature and stakeholder input would not inform the program logic
Select the correct order for the steps of the evaluation process:
a) collecting and analysing evidence b) making recommendations or decisions c) disseminating findings to appropriate audiences d) negotiating an evaluation plan
d; a; c; b
a; b; c; d
c; b; a; d
b; d; a; c
Of the evaluation forms, which occurs before a program is implemented?
Of the evaluation forms, which involves structure and function?
Of the evaluation forms, which involves delivery and implementation and program improvement?
Which of the following describes the monitoring aspect of evaluation:
tracking an established program
longterm outcomes and goal achievement
learning about key deliverables
measuring success in comparison to earlier evaluations
The impact form of evaluation looks at long term short term medium term( long term, short term, medium term ) outcomes and goal achievemet