Criado por Talya Hambling
mais de 9 anos atrás
what is a polymer
give 2 examples of monomers
what do all carbohydrates contain
what are carbohydrates made from
give 3 examples of a monosaccharides
what is the difference between alpha and beta glucose
what does an alpha glucose look like
describe a condensation reaction
describe hydrolysis
name and describe 2 dissaccharides
what is a polysaccharide
how to test for starch
what is starch used for
what is starch made from
describe amylose
describe amylopectin
why is starch good for storage
what is glycogen used for
describe the structure of glycogen
describe the structure of cellulose
what is cellulose used for
what is a tryglyceride
what is the structure of a fatty acid
what is the structure of a glycerol
what is an ester bond
what is the difference between saturated and un- saturated triglycerides.
what is a phospholipid
what is a phospholipid bilayer
what do all proteins have
what are proteins made of
how many amino acids are there
what is the structure of every amino acid
what is a dipeptide
describe a peptide bond
describe the primary structure of a protein
describe the secondary structure of a protein
describe the tertiary structure of a protein
describe the quaternary structure of a protein
what are some examples of how proteins are used
describe haemoglobin
what is a reducing sugar
what is a non reducing sugar
how to test for reducing sugars
what is magnification
what is resolution
how to work out total magnification
what are the resolving power orders
how to jump between the resolving powers
compare light to electron microscope
how to find size of cell
what is the definition of an artefact
what is an eyepiece graticule
how to work out magnification factor
what is a eukaryotic cell
list all of the membrane bound organelles found in a eukaryotic cell
what are the functions of each organelle
compare eukaryotic to prokaryotic