Criado por Maridave Mago
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
serves as a catalyst in the countrys growth and development
2 major roles of Financial Institutions
banks create money through
Types of Banks
offer a wide variety of services among financial institutions
Unibanks can engage in
consist bulk of the financial system
By large and more commercial banks were allowed to be established since _____
Unique government banks that are subject to supervision and regulation of the BSP
Veterans Bank of the Philippines
provides an opportunity for veterabs to work in the field of banking and finance, as depositors, borrowers as stock holders and officers
Two important Specialized Government Institution
Rehabilitation Finance Corporation
Land Bank of the Philippines
Philippine Amanah Bank
Thrift Bank Act of 1995
Savings and Mortgages Banks
the most ovious of a thrift bank
example of a thrift bank
2 major innovations undertaken in the PFS
Small Private Banks
Rural Bank Cooperatives
Private Developmet Banks
R.A. 7721
Objectives of BSP
BSP supports activities that serve to strengthen the country's linkages with the world economy by:
Philippine Deposits Insurance Corporation
Securities and Exchange Commission
Commonwealth Act No.83
SEC operations begun
P.D. No. 902-A