José Carlos Balmón
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

16. Multiple choice, Exercise II Choose the correct option for each of the following: (Council Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 of 28 May 2001 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters)

José Carlos Balmón
Criado por José Carlos Balmón quase 2 anos atrás

IPA UNED - Tema 2 - Inglés jurídico - 15 - Multiple choice, Exercise II

Questão 1 de 30


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1. Where a court requests to take ( proof, evidences, evidence, declaration ) directly in another Member State, it shall submit a request to the central body or the competent authority.


Questão 2 de 30


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2. Each Member State shall draw up a list of the courts competent for the ( performance, carry-out, realization, achievement ) of taking of evidence according to this Regulation.


Questão 3 de 30


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3. The request and all documents accompanying the request shall be exempted ( for, from, of, to ) authentication or any equivalent formality


Questão 4 de 30


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4. Requests and communications pursuant ( of, from, towards, to ) this Regulation shall be transmitted by the swiftest possible means, which the requested Member State has indicated it can accept


Questão 5 de 30


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5. Within seven days of receipt of the request, the requested competent court shall send a(n) ( admission, acknowledgment, confirmation, acceptance ) of receipt to the requesting court.


Questão 6 de 30


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6. Where the execution of a request made using form A in the Annex, which complies with the conditions laid down in Article 5, does not fall within the jurisdiction of the court to which it was transmitted, the ( later, last, latter, last one ) shall forward the request to the competent court of its Member State.


Questão 7 de 30


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7. The requested Court shall acknowledge receipt of the deposit or advance without delay, ( to the latest, at the latest, in the latest, on the latest ) within 10 days of receipt of the deposit or the advance.


Questão 8 de 30


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8. The requested court shall execute the request in accordance ( with, to, on, onto ) the law of its Member State.


Questão 9 de 30


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9. The requested court shall comply ( at, to, on, with ) such a requirement unless this procedure is incompatible with the law of the Member State of the requested court.


Questão 10 de 30


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10. The requested court shall notify the requesting court, ( from, to, of, with ) the time when, and the place where, the proceedings will take place.


Questão 11 de 30


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11. Where necessary, ( in, at, towards, onto ) executing a request the requested court shall apply the appropriate coercive measures in the instances and to the extent as are provided for by the law of the Member State of the requested court.


Questão 12 de 30


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12. A request for the hearing of a person shall not be executed when the person concerned claims the right to ( deny, neglect, refuse, decline ) to give evidence or to be prohibited from giving evidence.


Questão 13 de 30


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13. The execution of a request may be refused only if the execution of the request under the law of the Member State of the requested court does not fall ( in, at, within, between ) the functions of the judiciary


Questão 14 de 30


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14. Execution may not be refused by the requested court solely on the ground that under the law of its Member State a court of that Member State has exclusive ( jurisdiction, jurisdiction over, competence over, discretion on ) the subject matter of the action.


Questão 15 de 30


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15. If execution of the request is refused on one of the ( grounds, foundation, bases, causes ) referred to in paragraph 2, the requested court shall notify the requesting court thereof within 60 days of receipt of the request.


Questão 16 de 30


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16. The grounds for the delay shall be given as well as the ( calculated, computed, budgeted, estimated ) time that the requested court expects it will need to execute the request.


Questão 17 de 30


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17. Where the direct taking of evidence implies that a person shall be ( seen, heard, listened, appeared ), the requesting court shall inform that person that the performance shall take place on a voluntary basis.


Questão 18 de 30


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18. The central body or the competent authority may refuse direct taking of evidence only if the direct taking of evidence requested is contrary ( to, against, towards, for ) fundamental principles of law in its Member State.


Questão 19 de 30


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19. Without prejudice ( of, in, to, against ) the conditions laid down in accordance with paragraph 4, the requesting court shall execute the request in accordance with the law of its Member State.


Questão 20 de 30


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20. If it is compatible ( for, towards, to, with ) the law of the Member State of the requesting court, representatives of the requesting court have the right to be present in the performance of the taking of evidence by the requested court.


Questão 21 de 30


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21. The execution of the request, in accordance with Article 10, shall not give ( arise, rise, raise, risen ) to a claim for any reimbursement of taxes or costs.


Questão 22 de 30


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22. The duty for the parties to ( bear, carry, relay, bring ) these fees or costs shall be governed by the law of the Member State of the requesting court.


Questão 23 de 30


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23. In all other cases, a deposit or advance shall not be a condition ( for, of, to, with ) the execution of a request.


Questão 24 de 30


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24. This Regulation shall not preclude Member States ( for, of, to, from ) maintaining or concluding agreements or arrangements between two or more of them to further facilitate the taking of evidence.


Questão 25 de 30


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25. So as to ensure the utmost clarity and legal ( warrant, certitude, certainty, security ) the request for the performance of taking of evidence must be transmitted on a form to be completed in the language of the Member State of the requested court or in another language accepted by that State.


Questão 26 de 30


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26. The parties and, if any, their representatives, should be able to be present at the performance of the taking of evidence, if that is provided for by the law of the MS of the requesting court, in order to be able to follow the ( proceedings, procedures, processes, proceeds ).


Questão 27 de 30


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27. This Regulation should prevail ( on top of, above, over, beyond ) the provisions applying to its field of application, contained in international conventions concluded by Member States.


Questão 28 de 30


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28. Each MS shall designate a central body responsible for ( forwarding, resending, directing, advancing ), in exceptional cases, at the request of a requesting court, a request to the competent court.


Questão 29 de 30


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29. The request shall contain the nature and ( issue, subject matter, content, topic ) of the case and a brief statement of the facts.


Questão 30 de 30


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30. The request shall contain any requirement that the ( interrogation, declaration, examination, asking ) is to be carried out under oath or affirmation in lieu thereof, and any special form to be used.
