Which one of these is a government online service? (1 mark)
Train timetables
Online auction sites
Online tax returns
Internet banking
Instant messaging is a real time online service.
What does VoIP stand for?
Voice over International Protocol
Voice over Internet Protocol
Voice on Instant Podcast
Virtual outline Instant Protocol
What is a VLE?
Virtual Learning Environment used for teachers and pupils to submit work and mark.
Virtual Learning Environment used for businesses to show the co-workers what to do.
Virtual Learning Environment used for commerce services to advertise their items.
What does an algorithm do?
It compresses the file therefore making it smaller.
It extracts the file and it restores the compressed data.
It creates more files.
Give a reason as to why is backing up files important.
So you can access them anywhere
Makes files easier to find
If files are accidentally deleted
Makes editing easier
It's cheaper to buy software's online.
VoIP is a free service.
What is a netiquette?
A netiquette is a website where people can gather information
A netiquette is a computing agency
A netiquette is a set of rules that have to be followed whilst online
A netiquette is a business that pays for a company to be advertised
What type of online service is email?