Criado por Kate Nanovic
mais de 2 anos atrás
attribute substitution
Frequency estimate
How do we make frequency estimates when we don;t have the quantitative information?
availability heuristic
How is memory involved in the availability heuristic? Provide an example.
What explains why people buy lottery tickets even though winning is so rare?
Representativeness heuristic
Gambler's fallacy
Why do we experience illusion of covariation?
confirmation bias
base-rate neglect
Kahneman and Tversky
Dual-process models
Type I way of thinking
Type II way of thinking
When do we use the Type I way of thinking? When do we use Type II?
How can we mitigate base-rate neglect?
How does random chance factor into our judgements?
cognitive reflection test
Subtypes of confirmation bias
Belief preserverance
categorical syllogisms
valid syllogisms
invalid syllogisms
Why did we conclude that invalid syllogisms are accurate?
belief bias
Four-card task
conditional statement
What does the four card task show us?
utility maximization
How does framing affect decision making?
endowment effect
What phenomenom explains why there are less organ donors in the US compared to other countries?
reason-based choice
How can framing change our deicisons when it does not change the utility for the outcomes?
How does emotion play a role in decision making?
somatic markers
orbitofrontal cortex
affective forecasting
Why is affective forecasting often inaccurate?
problem space
Two types of problem-solving heuristics
hill-climbing strategy
Limitations of the hill-climbing strategy
means-end analysis
How are pictures and diagrams helpful in problem solving?
Why are analogies useful in problem-solving? What is the problem with analogies?
How do analogies improve problem solving?
What do experts do differently when solving problems?
ill-defined problems
What is the best way to approach an ill-defined problem?
well-defined problems
functional fixedness
problem-solving set
Uses and limitations of problem-solving sets
nine-dot problem
Creative individuals generally...
personality traits of a creative individual
What does it mean to say that creative individuals are in the right place at the right time?
Wallas's 4 stages of creative thought
1. preparation
evidence that Aha!moments aren't real. What might they be instead?
Proposals for why there is inconsistency in determining whether incubation is real
Why do some claim that your mind must wander during incubation?
What do experts and creative people do when solving problems?
convergent thinking
divergent thinking
Remote association test
Binet test score
intelligence quotient
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
Raven's progressive matrices test
Is test-retest reliability high or low for IQ tests?
When might an IQ test not have test-retest reliability?
predictive validity of IQ tests
General intelligence
Factor analysis
hierarchial model of intelligence
Fluid intelligence
When does fluid intelligence peak? crystalized?
What can deteriorate fluid intelligence earlier?
crystalized intelligence
Correlation between fluid and crystalized intelligence
inspection time
Working-memory capacity (WMC)
practical intelligence
intelligence vs rationality
emotional intelligence
Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences
Savant syndrome
evidence of genetics in intelligence
evidence for environment in intelligence
Flynn Effect
Why can we say that the Flynn Effect is due to environmental factors of intelligence and not genetic?
Reasons for different average intelligences between groups
Stereotype threat
How can education be better suited to increase intelligence?
cognitive unconscious
Difference between products and processes
unconscious reasoning
mistaken introspections
after-the-fact reconstruction
What does it mean to say that consciousness is guided by unconscious frameworks?
What is the framework that the unconscious provides when problem solving?
Korsakoff's syndrome
Blind sight
subliminal perception
Pros and cons of cognitive unconscious
action slips
What processes are governed by the unconscious (go without executive control)?
What do we need to rise above habit and avoid responding to prominent cues in our surroundings?
What does executive control need to rise above habit?
support for plants assessing risk
Metacognition vs. Executive control
mind wandering
How can we mitigate mind wandering?
neural correlates of consciousness
Two different types of neural networks responsible for consciousness
What brain areas are associated with level of alertness in consciousness?
reticular activating system
What brain areas are associated with you being consciously aware of sights in front of you (or of an visual image you've created)?
What brain areas are associated with you being consciously aware of stimuli that are no longer present in your environment?
neuronal workspace hypothesis
binding problem
How does attention help solve the binding problem?
workspace neurons
What does it mean that workspace neurons are selective?
What determines which elements win when the brain is integrating information?
How can we link the neuronal workspace hypothesis to executive function?
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
access consciousness
Phenomenal consciousness
Two types of consciousness
processing fluency
How can we perceive processing fluency?
Why are there memories that we are very confident in that are very inaccurate?
mind-body problem
Phineas Gage
Hebb & Penfield
Frontal lobe syndrome (FLS)
Evidence for frontal lobe developing last
What is happening evolutionarily to our frontal lobes?
Rhesus vs. galago monkeys
object permanence
Stroop task and executive control
Wisconsin card sorting task
Tower of Hanoi
Marshmallow test
A not B error
What does the A not B error demonstrate?
When do children stop making the A not B error?
When do infant monkeys stop making the A not B error?
How do we know that executive functioning is a component of the frontal cortex?
How can we improve executive functioning?
Use it or lose it principle
Why are choices so critical during teenage years?
When do gray matter connections peak and pruning begin?
Difference between boys and girls brains
the positivity proportion
emotional coaching for a child
implicit association bias
Iowa Gambling task
How do people with frontal lobe damage do wth the Iowa gambling task?
empathetic mirror neurons
psychopaths and empathy
Peggy Mason
prescriptive theories of decision making
descriptive theories of decision making
prospect theory
Herb Simon
bounded rationality
How do we measure consciousness?
Two axes of consciousness
Glasgow Coma Scale
What does a score of 15 mean on the glasgow coma sclae?
How long before consciousness do we actually make a decision?