Criado por Juan Fernandez Castillo
aproximadamente 2 anos atrás
What is the name of the law according to which power was handed over to kings
directly by God?
To what estate did bishops and cardinals belong?
Did the wealthy bourgeoisie (bankers, large merchants, etc.) belong to the group of the privileged or the non-privileged?
"Tout pour le peuple rien par le peuple" is the motto of...
Name some king of Enlightened Absolutism.
Which Enlightenment philosopher is this quote from? "The most horrible example of fanaticism that history offers was that given by the inhabitants of Paris on the night of Saint Bartholomew, destroying, murdering and throwing out of the windows their fellow citizens who did not go to mass."
Which Enlightenment philosopher is this quote from? "There is no liberty, if the judiciary power be not separated from the legislative and executive. Were it joined with the legislative, the life and liberty of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control"
Which Enlightenment philosopher is this quote from? "The social pact, far from destroying natural equality, substitutes, on the contrary, a moral and lawful equality for whatever physical inequality that nature may have imposed on mankind"
Economic theory dominant in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century, that promoted governmental protection of a nation's economy for the purpose of augmenting state power and measured the wealth in the amount of precious metals the state possesses
Economic theroy that believed that agriculture was the source of all wealth, and advocating adherence to a supposed natural order of social institutions, stressed the necessity of free trade.
Adam Smith, in his work 'The wealth of nations', praised free market and stated that the state should only take care of...
Which country began to dominate international maritime trade starting in the 18th century?
What name did this trade route receive?
What is the main political characteristic of an enlightened absolut monarch?
¿Con qué tratado acabó la Guerra de Sucesión Española?
¿A través de qué decreto igualó Felipe V las leyes de la Corona de Aragón a las de Castilla?
Al ser ambas dinastías borbónicas, España y Francia firmaron, en el siglo XVIII, varios...
En general, la política exterior de Fernando VI se caracterizó por...
¿Durante el reinado de qué rey se produjo el Motín de Esquilache?
¿Qué rey cedió España a Napoleón?