Criado por Jodie Awthinre
mais de 9 anos atrás
what is a computer?
what is a computer system?
what does the computer system do?
what is a user interface?
examples of a computer system?
and what are the inputs/outputs/processing
what is an embedded system?
what is a control system ?
what is meant in reliability in a computer system ?
what is one thing that if it not reliable that may cause death?
what are the 5 different standards?
what is de jure?
what is de facto?
what is proprietary?
What are industry standards?
What is open soure?
What does cpu stand for?
What does the cpu do?
What is the fetch execute cycle?
What does alu stand for?
What does the control unit do?
What is clock speed?
What is cache memory?
What is meant by mutiple processor cores ?
Explain ram
Explain rom
What is the boot program?
What is virtual memory?
What is flash memory?
What is the operationg systerm?
Why is using files good?
What is meant by the file types doc,pdf and html?
What is meant by the file types
What is a utility program?
What is anti virus software?
What is spyware?
What Are firewals?
Advantages of custom written software
Disadvantages of custom written
advantages of off the shelf
disadvantages of off the shelf
advantages of open source
disadvantages of open source
advantages of proprietary
disadvantages of proprietary
what is the importance of a database?
what is validation?
what are validation methods and meaning?
what are diagnostics?
what is meant by verification?
what is the structure of a database?
what is a database management system?
What are the 5 data types
What is the data type integer and give an example of use?
What is the data type real and give an example of use ?
What is the data type character and give an example of use?
What is the data type string and give an example of use?
What is the data type boolean and give an example of use?
What is a form?
What is a report?
What is query?
What is a network?
Advantages of Lan (local area network)
Disadvantages of lan
What is wan?
What is compression?
What is lossy?
What is lossless?
What is ip adressing?
What is mac adressing?
What are topologies?
What is an algorithim?
What is a expert system?
What is managment information system?
What is data integraty?
Explain magnetic storage
Explain optical storage
What is resoloution?
what is proprietary software?
name two types of interface
what is meant by multi tasking