Criado por SLS Burmese
quase 2 anos atrás
I (for male)
I (for female)
We (both male and female)
He or She
I (as a article writer)
Myanmar people
Myanmar public (or) people
Classifier for person
This; That; He; She (demonstrative pronoun)
This person
That person
This book
That book
This thing
That thing
This matter
That matter
and (connecting 2 sentences)
and (connecting 2 sentences)
because; and (connecting 2 sentences)
because; and (connecting 2 sentences)
In; On; At
When + V (equivalent in usage to adverbial phrases beginning with "in or on")
With (or) and i.e. with my friend
With (or) By i.e. by car
To gether with
Regarding + N
Something to do with + N
This meeting is something to do with America.
Regarding with;
Related to
Sub marker
As for
Obj marker
Sub's; Obj's (posessive case)
Sentence edning particle (past/present tense)
Sentence edning particle (future tense)
Up to/up until