Criado por Josefina Gonzalez
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
What is the official molecular designation of Hemoglobin C disease?
What is the official molecular designation of Sickle Cell disease?
Genotypes are?
phenotypes are?
Homozygous means?
Heterozygous means?
what is homo alpha hemoglobinopathy?
What is the result of homo alpha thalassemia?
what is hgb Barts?
what is the result of hgb Barts?
what is a major hallmark in thalassemia?
Thalassemia is quantitative or qualitative?
beta thalassemia is caused by?
alpha thalassemia is caused by?
how would you characterize thalassemia?
who does beta thalassemia affect primarily?
who does alpha thalassemia affect primarily?
What is the other name for beta thalassemia major?
What hallmark is important to beta thalassemia?
what are signs/symptoms of homo beta thalassemia (cooley's anemia)?
what does peripheral blood in homo beta thalassemia (cooley's anemia) show?
what does the bone marrow of homo beta thalassemia show?
what is a quantitative hemoglobinopathy caused by?
what is a qualitative hemoglobinopathy caused by?
if your only missing one chain it is called?
if your missing all chains it is called?
hetero vs homo beta thalassemia?
what type of hgb is present in hetero alpha thalassemia?
what is hgb H?
what is one of the major problems with homo beta thalassemia (cooley's anemia)?
what is hgb constant spring?
what is hgb lepore?
what is the difference in sickle cell anemia and trait?
hgb S results from what?
sickling occurs when?
what is affected in sickle cell anemia (homo)?
what are signs/symptoms of sickle cell anemia (homo)?
what is the primary cause of death in sickle cell anemia (homo)?
what are lab findings in sickle cell anemia?
the sickle cell solubility test is positive when?
what hgb is found with sickle cell anemia (homo)?
what are lab findings in sickle cell trait (hetero)?
Hgb C (qualitative) results from?
what is the most common hgb variant?
what is the second most common hgb variant?
what is common to cause sickling of cells to increase?
what does peripheral blood in hgb C disease (homo) show?
hemoglobin SC disease (hetero) characteristics?
what test is used to confirm hgb D or hgb S?
what is hgb E?
what does hgb E commonly combine with?
Dithionate test includes?
which hgb is the sturdiest?
what is the correct order of hgb's on an cellulose acetate electrophoresis?
cellulose acetate Hgb electrophoresis (quantitative) is?
citrate agar (qualitative) hgb electrophoresis?
what test is used to determine if moms blood is mixed with baby's?
what tests are used for hgb F?
what intrinsic (inherited) disorders result in hemolytic disease?
what conditions result from intrinsic problems effecting structure?
what conditions result from intrinsic problems effecting synthesis?
what extrinsic (acquired) disorders result in hemolytic anemia?
tests used for RBC destruction in hemolytic anemia?
tests used for intravascular hemolysis, in hemolytic anemia?
tests used for extravascular hemolysis, in hemolytic anemia?
what is characteristic of homo alpha?
what is the first hgb made by a fetus?
what hgb is present in neonates with hetero alpha thalassemia?
what condition develops with hetero alpha thalassemia?
what is characteristic of sickle cells?
what is a splenic sequestration crises?
what are the different crises associated with sickle cell anemia?
what is aplastic crises?
in infants, 6-9 mos, what are the first sites affected by crises?
with sickle cell trait, how much hgb S is shown on a hgb electrophoresis?
with sickle cell anemia, how much hgb S is shown on a hgb electrophoresis?
with hgb C disease, how much hgb C is shown on a hgb electrophoresis?
with hgb C trait, what are typical characteristics?
with hgb SC disease, what does the hgb electrophoresis show?
with hgb SC disease, what is a significant clinical finding?