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AP World History Quiz

Criado por maggieluhrman mais de 8 anos atrás


Questão 1 de 135


Persian political organization included which of the following features?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. an emperor who was little more than a figurehead due to provincial satraps

  • b. lower-level officials drawn from local authorities- political assimilation

  • c. a civil service examination system open to all citizens

  • d. a written constitution


Questão 2 de 135


Which of the following was a unique feature of political life in classical Greece?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the granting of limited political rights to slaves

  • b. representative democracy

  • c. the idea of free male citizens running the affairs of state

  • d. the universal right to vote for all men and women who are citizens


Questão 3 de 135


Which of the following represents a similarity between the Persian Empire and Classical Greece?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. by 500 B.C.E., the Persians and Greeks had centralized political structures

  • b. by 500 B.C.E., both had expansive civilizations, whether through conquest or colonization

  • c. by 500 B.C.E., both possessed a strong sense of unified citizenship

  • 500 B.C.E, both had become ethnically homogenous


Questão 4 de 135


Which of the following statements represents a difference between the Persian Empire and Greece?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the Greeks emphasized an absolutist style monarchy

  • b. the Greeks permitted citizen women to participate in political actions whereas Persia did not

  • c. the Greek political culture permitted free males to openly participate in the Assembly

  • d. both political structures utilized provincial governors to maintain stability


Questão 5 de 135


Which statement relates to the Hellenistic Greek era?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. a resulting factor of the Peloponnesian War

  • b. the diffusion and expansion of Greek culture into the former Persian Empire and beyond

  • c. an assimilation of diverse cultures to a more Classical Greek culture

  • d. all to these acceptable answers


Questão 6 de 135


Which of the following was a long-lasting consequence or continuum of the Greco-Persian Wars?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the decline of Athenian democracy

  • b. the end of Eurasian imperial states

  • c. the western expansion of the Maurya Empire

  • d. the concept of East/West divisions and conflict


Questão 7 de 135


Which of the following describes an early Persian policy towards people with different cultural traditions who lived within the empire?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. taxation of those who continued to practice non-Persian traditions

  • b. suppression and elimination of non-Persiona traditions

  • c. respect and tolerance for non-Persian traditions

  • d. forced assimilation to the Persian way of life and culture


Questão 8 de 135


Athenian dominance over other regional city-states is directly related to the Athenian leadership during which series of conflicts?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Greco-Persian Wars

  • b. Punic Wars

  • c. Peloponnesian Wars

  • d. Macedonian Invasions


Questão 9 de 135


Which of the following statements is accurate of the Persian political structure but not the Greeks?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. utilization of a system of spies to maintain control of satrapies

  • b. absolute monarchs ruled by the will of the god Ahura Mazda

  • c. upholding and respecting various religious cults was a method of maintaining stability

  • d. none of these statements relates to Greece- only to Persia


Questão 10 de 135


Infer: Which of the following is the most acceptable pattern of development for Classical Greek culture?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Achaemenids- Egypt- Minoan- Mycenae

  • b. Babylonians- Assyrians- Phoenicians- Minoans- Mycenae- Classical Greek

  • c. Egyptians- Phoenicians- Minoans- Mycenae- Classical Greek

  • d. Egyptians- Persians- Romans- Classical Greek


Questão 11 de 135


What is unique about the Classical Greek political structure?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the polis or city-state developed without a centralized state or empire

  • b. Pericles created the first truly democratic-republic

  • c. the political structure was controlled by series of tyrants

  • d. the socio-cultural homogeneity created a more unified state


Questão 12 de 135


Servants of the Spartan state were referred to as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Hessians

  • b. Satraps

  • c. Helots

  • d. Hellenists


Questão 13 de 135


Whereas the Persians were an assimilation of cultures and more unified due to geography, the Greeks

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. were independent monarchies

  • b. were culturally similar but politically independent due to geography

  • c. were centralized around the Black Sea due to geography

  • d. were a confederation of militaristic city-states


Questão 14 de 135


Greek economy was based on

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. maritime trade

  • b. the development of vineyards- olives and grapes

  • c. colonization in the region of the Mediterranean Basin

  • d. all are acceptable answers


Questão 15 de 135


Which of the following concepts is best representative of both the Persians and Greek?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. expansion was based on warfare and conquest

  • b. their economic structures were based around a strong centralized government

  • c. conquest of territory compared to colonization due to population growth

  • d. conquest was curtailed by epidemic disease


Questão 16 de 135


Ganats were

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. underground irrigation systems

  • b. landed estates for agriculture

  • c. Persian military units

  • d. elevated fortresses or citadels


Questão 17 de 135


Why did commercialism become the basis for Athenian wealth?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. restricted agricultural development due to geography

  • b. trade related to colonization

  • c. improvements in maritime technology

  • d. all are acceptable arguments for commercial success


Questão 18 de 135


A main causative reason for the Greco-Perisan Wars was

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. continued conflict in the region of Western Anatolia with the Ionian Greeks

  • b. the abduction of Pericles' wife

  • c. the efforts of Alexander to conquer Persian territory

  • d. commercial competitions


Questão 19 de 135


The Hellenistic Era is best represented as a period of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. a reunification of the comer Persian empire under Alexander

  • b. expansion of Greek philosophy and cultural identities

  • c. the establishment of new urban areas throughout the empire

  • d. all of these are related to the Hellenistic Era


Questão 20 de 135


Which of the following is directly related to the death of Alexander the Great?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Antigonid Empire- Ptolemaic Empire- Seleucid Empire

  • b. Carthaginian influence grew in the Mediterranean Basin

  • c. the Roman Empire expanded eastward without conflict

  • d. chaos and rebellion resulted across the former Hellenistic Empire


Questão 21 de 135


Zoroastrianism most probably influenced which of the following philosophical or religious traditons?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Daoism

  • b. Confucianism

  • c. Judaism

  • d. Hinduism


Questão 22 de 135


Which of the following reflects a Zoroastrian idea that can be found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the concepts of heaven and hell

  • b. the idea of Brahman (World Soul)

  • c. the notion of reincarnation

  • d. the unity of opposites


Questão 23 de 135


Which cultural tradition is particularly noted for its emphasis on logic and relentless questioning of received wisdom, without giving much role to the gods?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Confucian philosophy

  • b. Greek philosophy

  • c. Daoism

  • d. Zoroastiranism


Questão 24 de 135


The cosmic struggle between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu lies at the heart of which religion?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Buddhism

  • b. Hinduism

  • c. Judaism

  • d. Zoroastrianism


Questão 25 de 135


Which of the following was a distinctive feature of the Greek way of thinking in the classical era?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. a reverence for organized religion

  • b. confidence in human reasoning

  • c. respect for received wisdom

  • d. deference to established authority


Questão 26 de 135


In the four centuries following the death of Jesus, Christianity

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. excluded women form leadership roles in the Church

  • b. rejected all the teaching and writing of Jews

  • c. created a church without hierarchy where all members were equal

  • d. defined Christianity as a religion open only to Jews


Questão 27 de 135


What did Confucianism and Greek rationalism share in common?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. a fervent belief in the supernatural

  • b. a diverse pantheon of gods

  • c. a monotheistic perspective on religion

  • d. a secular approach to understanding the world


Questão 28 de 135


Which of the following represents a way that Greek scholarship influenced the world?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Greek learning was incorporated into Confucianism, creating a hybrid philosophy

  • b. Greek knowledge became a central element in an emerging "Eastern" civilization

  • c. Greek texts were translated into Arabic and stimulated Muslim intellectuals

  • d. Greek ideas entered India and were absorbed into Hinduism


Questão 29 de 135


What did Buddhism and Christianity have in common?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. they both ultimately died out in the land of their birth as their ideas were absorbed into other religious traditions

  • b. they both started out as an effort to reform the religions from which they had come, but soon emerged as separate religions

  • c. they were both associated with a specific people and localized geographic region

  • d. neither ever became an active missionary religion and did not spread widely beyond the region of their birth


Questão 30 de 135


Who described himself as "the gadfly which God had given the state and all day long in all places ... arousing and persuading and reproaching you"?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Socrates

  • b. Confucius

  • c. Jesus of Nazareth

  • d. Plato


Questão 31 de 135


What did Jesus and Socrates share in common?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. both were historical founders of religions that spread beyond their place origin

  • b. both were sentenced to death by states which felt threatened by their teachings

  • c. both were regarded as having divine status by their followers

  • d. both were prolific writers and left behind a rich written record of their ideas


Questão 32 de 135


Which of the following is true of the religious and philosophical traditions that developed in Eurasia in the centuries surrounding 500 B.C.E.?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. all sought to define a single source of order and meaning in the universe

  • b. all played down the value of humankind

  • c. all drew on rationalism to explain the universe

  • d. all favored communal ritual


Questão 33 de 135


Both Buddha and Jesus

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. were transformed into gods or people of divine state by their followers

  • b. actively opposed Zoroastrianism

  • c. actively sought to found new religions during their lifetimes

  • d. allied themselves with religious authorities in their regions


Questão 34 de 135


Which of the following statements reflects the state of Christianity by 500 C.E.?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. it was clear to all that the future of Christianity would be in Europe

  • b. states questioned the political loyalty of Christian converts and adopted a policy of religious persecution

  • c. Christianity became more unified as it spread, with Rome as its undisputed center

  • d. Christianity was endorsed by states in Europe and North Africa


Questão 35 de 135


Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were associated with

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the Vedas

  • b. Christianity

  • c. the development of social contracts

  • d. Greek rationalism


Questão 36 de 135


How did Christianity change in the first 500 years since its emergence?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the egalitarian small house churches during Jesus's lifetime evolved into a male-dominated hierarchal Christian church

  • b. Christianity changed from a religion of ritual and sacrifice to one of devotion and worship

  • c. Christianity evolved from philosophical reflections on the meaning of life to a fascination with the supernatural

  • d. reason replaced faith as the means of discovering the truth about the universe


Questão 37 de 135


Which of the following can be inferred due to the acceptance of Christianity by Emperor Constantine and the eventual ban on polytheism by Emperor Theodosius during the 4th century C.E.?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the spread of Christianity accelerated westward into Germanic Europe

  • b. the spread of Christianity accelerated into regions of Persia and Africa

  • c. put an end to the intermittent persecution of Christians and created a solidifying effect on the crumbling Roman Empire

  • d. both emperors were ridiculed by the aristocracy for not upholding Roman tradition and were forced out of their positions as emperor


Questão 38 de 135


Which of the following related to the spread of Christianity but not Buddhism

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the religion/philosophy was intolerant of other belief systems as it spread

  • b. the religion/philosophy was absorbed into a revision of polytheism

  • c. the religion/philosophy became a geographically regionalized belief system

  • d. the religion/philosophy was more focused on internalized thought about moral concepts


Questão 39 de 135


Compared to the various interpretations of Buddhism, the various interpretations of Christianity created

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the ideal women as equals in the eyes of the Christian Church following the death of Jesus

  • b. a "clear cut distinction between 'right' and 'wrong'

  • c. a concept of rational thought based on science

  • d. a unified religious empire stretching from Persian in the eat ti Africa and Europe in the auth and west


Questão 40 de 135


The spread and advancement of Christianity was enhanced by

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the development of monasteries for teaching

  • b. missionary work

  • c. concept of salvation for all followers

  • d. all of these are acceptable


Questão 41 de 135


Following the fall of the Roman Empire in the west, the center of Christianity moved to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Ethiopia and the Coptic Christian Church

  • b. the holy city of Jerusalem

  • c. the city of Jericho

  • d. the Byzantine Empire- Constantinople


Questão 42 de 135


Conflicts and disputes in the Christian world led to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the creation of a council to oversee liturgical practices

  • b. the creation of the position of Pope, or Bishop of Rome

  • c. bitterness, violence, and warfare

  • d. the eventual removal of Nestorian beliefs


Questão 43 de 135


Which of the following is true of the Hebrew nation?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. created a covenant with God

  • b. spent time in captivity in Babylon (Babylonian Captivity)

  • c. Held captive in Egypt/led out by Moses

  • d. traditionally consider the Torah as perfect

  • e. all of these


Questão 44 de 135


Which of the following is a common belief between Judaism and Christianity?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the Messiah

  • b. first five books as cultural history

  • c. one on one personal relationship with God

  • d. the influence of Mary Magdalene


Questão 45 de 135


Which concept is common to Socrates, the Buddha, and Jesus?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. they each presented ideals that ultimately transformed their respective cultural regions

  • b. all three were put to death for challenging the state

  • c. each created a society that eliminated the concept of patriarchy

  • d. they created the concept of a parallel universe blending religion, philosophy and science


Questão 46 de 135


The economic wealth of the Early Roman State was based on

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. agriculture

  • b. mercantilism

  • c. mining

  • d. fishing


Questão 47 de 135


The Roman Republic was not a true democracy; it was ruled by

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. an emperor

  • b. a counsel of wealthy male citizens

  • c. the military

  • d. the priests


Questão 48 de 135


Which of the following was a key factor to the Romans' success in winning control of all of Italy?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the practice of enslaving their fiercest opponents

  • b. granting Roman citizenship to conquered peoples

  • c. the consuls served lifetime terms for stability

  • d. establishing alliances through intermarriage with the Etruscans


Questão 49 de 135


As a result of the Roman conquest of Carthage, Rome

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. it allowed the Greeks to regain maritime control of the Mediterranean Sea

  • b. Roman freed their slices to honor the victory

  • c. it limited Rome's southern expansion

  • d. Rome gained control of the western Mediterranean Sea


Questão 50 de 135


Similar to the early Persians and Alexander, when Rome took control of a foreign land, it

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. immediately enslaved the female population

  • b. reorganized the religious practices to their own

  • c. allowed considerable autonomy to cooperative elites and assimilated the populations

  • d. distributed the conquered territory among the military as reward for their loyalty


Questão 51 de 135


Infer: Which of the following statements best represent social changes to Italian/Roman society as the empire continued to expand?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. long military service was required

  • b. farmers were taken off their land to serve the state

  • c. wealth was concentrated more and more in the hands of the aristocracy

  • d. all are acceptable outcomes of Roman expansion


Questão 52 de 135


The emperor responsible for the reorganization of the Roman government after 31 C.E. was

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Julius Caesar

  • b. Constantine

  • c. Nero

  • d. Augustus


Questão 53 de 135


Which of the following was a motivation for the expansion of the Roman Empire?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the wealth of the Eastern Mediterranean societies

  • b. to gain grater control of the rider with China

  • c. the influence of Christianity

  • d. to repel the threat of Greek expansion and Persian reorganization


Questão 54 de 135


As a result of Germanic tribes entering into the western part of the Roman Empire,

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. they were rapidly accepted as citizens of the Roman state

  • b. they enslaved all Roman citizens who resisted

  • c. the bubonic plague devastated the Roman Empire

  • d. they assimilated and produced a hybrid culture that drew on both Germnic and Roman elements


Questão 55 de 135


When the Roman Empire disintegrated in 476 C.E., the eastern region of the empire came to be known as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the Holy Roman Empire

  • b. the Byzantine Empire

  • c. the Achaemenid Empire

  • d. the Ottoman Empire


Questão 56 de 135


Which of the following had an important influence on the Chinese imperial state following the fall of the Zhou Dynasty, the end of the Warring States Period, and the ascension of the Qin Dynasty?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Confucianism

  • b. Daoism

  • c. Legalism

  • d. Buddhism


Questão 57 de 135


The centralization of the Chinese state under Qin Shihuangdi included

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. standardization of weights, measures, and currency

  • b. participation of the lower classes in shaping public policy

  • c. the organization of Buddhist monasteries

  • d. the creation of a complex of bureaucratic governors to manage the massive territory


Questão 58 de 135


The early Han emperors reformed the Legalist system by

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. blending elements of the Roman Senate

  • b. distributing government bureaucratic positions to the peasantry

  • c. incorporating Confucianism

  • d. instituting Buddhism as a state philosophy


Questão 59 de 135


Emperor Shihuanghi's response to the resistance and opposition of the scholar elite to centralization

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. was to burn their books

  • b. was execution

  • c. forced them to move to the capital

  • d. all of these are acceptable


Questão 60 de 135


Whereas the Roman Empire fell primarily as a result of invasion, the Han Dynasty was weakened by

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. perpetual raids by nomadic groups

  • b. internal tension between the scholar bureaucrats and the eunuchs who were only loyal to the emperor

  • c. loyalties to the Confucian elite

  • d. all of these were reasons for the collapse of the Han Dynasty


Questão 61 de 135


Which of the following expressed the basic difference between what the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty believed was the key to good government?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the Roman Empire empowered the bureaucracy while the Han Dynasty empowered the people

  • b. the Roman Empire depended on a merit-based system of political recruitment while the Han Dynasty limited political office to the aristocracy

  • c. the Roman Empire believed in the separation of church and state while the Han Dynasty made religion the basis of government

  • d. the Roman Empire emphasized good laws while the Han Dynasty emphasized good men (morals)


Questão 62 de 135


In contrast to what followed after the collapse of the Han Dynasty in China, the collapse of the Roman Empire

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. led to the emergence of highly decentralized political systems

  • b. caused an increase in population growth

  • c. ushered in a new phase of stability

  • d. produced a culturally homogenous civilization


Questão 63 de 135


In contrast to the Roman Empire, the process of empire formation or reunification in China

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. was less dependent on military forces including mercenaries

  • b. had precedents to follow

  • c. involved the absorption of a foreign religious tradition

  • d. took centuries for recovery and reunification


Questão 64 de 135


Which of the following was true of both the Roman and Chinese Empires?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. they exhausted themselves through frequent indecisive battles with India

  • b. they invoked supernatural sanctions to support their rule

  • c. they evolved from republican tradition into empires ruled by single rulers

  • d. their economies relied heavily on slave labor


Questão 65 de 135


What statement best describes both the Roman and Chinese gender relations?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Roman and Chinese women had numerous political rights

  • b. while subordinate to men, Roman women were considerably freer and less oppressed than were the Chinese women

  • c. both cultures were matriarchal which protects the process of inheritance

  • d. Rome and China were patriarchal societies where the elite women had considerable influence


Questão 66 de 135


Why is "diversity" an apt word to describe India?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. it has many deities

  • b. it has many languages and ethnic groups

  • c. it has a history of political division and class division

  • d. all of the above


Questão 67 de 135


The Vedic Age was a new historical period in India marked by

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the migration of Chinese peasants into India

  • b. the migration of Indo-Europeans into India

  • c. the emergence of the Vedic Kingdom

  • d. insurgencies by the Persians and the Hellenistic Greeks


Questão 68 de 135


The class and caste systems in India were connected to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. a widespread belief in reincarnation

  • b. purely economic concerns

  • c. the manipulations of the government

  • d. intervention by external invaders


Questão 69 de 135


The reincarnation of the atman into a given class depends on

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. economic standing in the society

  • b. karma or deeds in life

  • c. physical strength and mental discipline

  • d. place within the caste


Questão 70 de 135


What is the underlying message of the cycle of reincarnation?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. strive for economic success

  • b. be the best and strongest human being you can be

  • c. accept your place and duties in life

  • d. always work to change your life and the world around you


Questão 71 de 135


The Brahmins were important because

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. they knew how to perform essential sacrifices correctly

  • b. they were the wealthiest of Indian society

  • c. they were the most educated members in society

  • d. they were the only members of society who could own property


Questão 72 de 135


The collection of Indian poetic hymns dedicated to the various deities and describing sacred practices is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Gilgamesh

  • b. Ramayana

  • c. the Rig Veda

  • d. the Artha Sastra


Questão 73 de 135


What does the literature of the Vedic Age reveal about the role of women?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. they are depicted as slaves to men

  • b. they are depicted as strong and resourceful, reflecting a favorable position in society

  • c. they are responsible for the development of the Indian theater

  • d. they are responsible for the care and feeding of the bodhisattvas


Questão 74 de 135


To be released from the cycle of reincarnation is the concept of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. samsura

  • b. sita

  • c. moksha

  • d. nirvana


Questão 75 de 135


Siddartha Gautama articulated the "Four Noble Truths" which taught that

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. life is suffering and suffering is caused by desire

  • b. life is mystical and ephermeral

  • c. the meaning of life can be understood by worshipping a plethora of gods and deities

  • d. humanity is sinful by nature


Questão 76 de 135


The ultimate spiritual reward in Buddhism is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. material wealth

  • b. moksha

  • c. Brahminical salvation

  • d. nirvana


Questão 77 de 135


The foundation of the Hindu religion is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. a more practical of Jainism

  • b. the practice of Mahayana Buddhism

  • c. the Vedic religion of northern Indian Aryans

  • d. the worship of the bodhisattvas


Questão 78 de 135


The Mauryan leader Ashoka converted to Buddhism and became a unique leader because of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the visions and revelations that he had

  • b. his dedication to nonviolence, morality, and moderation

  • c. Buddhist support for the government's extravagance

  • d. the brutality of his earlier conquests


Questão 79 de 135


The deepest underlying message in many pieces of Hindu literature is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the concept that nirvana can be achieved through meditation

  • b. that material desires create conflict

  • c. that death creates life/intrinsic divinity

  • d. that caste created social equality


Questão 80 de 135


The Chinese political system of strict laws and punishment is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Confucianism

  • b. Legalism

  • c. Daoism

  • d. Hinduism


Questão 81 de 135


How does Confucian philosophy differ from Legalism and Daoism?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. it emphasizes rules of morality, responsibility, and proper behavior

  • b. it emphasizes the connection between the spiritual world, nature, and man's existence

  • c. it created a poltical structure based on matrilineal inheritance

  • d. its concepts of nature and society are based on the ethereal existence of ancestors


Questão 82 de 135


The fundamental concept of Daoism can be summarized as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. a blind obedience to the ritual of divination

  • b. follow the path of nature and avoid unnecessary struggles

  • c. mankind is released from the world of evil through ancestor worship and sacrifice

  • d. the evil nature of man will overcome his enemies


Questão 83 de 135


Which of the following best exemplifies a core belief of Confucianism and Daoism?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the importance of education for self-improvement

  • b. the concept of morality thorugh nature

  • c. family life was central to Chinese culture

  • d. male/female hierarchy was critical for maintaining control of one's family


Questão 84 de 135


Which of the following philosophies emerged as a result of the Warring States period in China?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Legalism and Jainism

  • b. Confucianism and Daoism

  • c. Daoism and Buddhism

  • d. Confucianism, Daoism, and Zen Buddhism


Questão 85 de 135


Which of the following is true of Confucianism but not Hinduism?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Confucianism did not focus on spiritual matters such as gods, spirits, or the afterlife

  • b. holy literature was also the basis for understanding the cultural developement

  • c. the human sensory existence was illusory

  • d. Laws of Manu describe a divinely ordained social order


Questão 86 de 135


Pessimism, education as useless for improvement and only the state could act in the interest of the people are ideals related to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Hinduism

  • b. Legalism

  • c. Daoism

  • d. Buddhism


Questão 87 de 135


The concept or ideal that human society consisted of unequal relationships is a primary tenet of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Legalism

  • b. Theravada Buddhism

  • c. Hinduism

  • d. Confucianism


Questão 88 de 135


The philosophy and spirituality of Hinduism unpinned or supported

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the caste system for the purpose of social stability

  • b. a tightening of the patriarchal society as related to the role

  • c. multiple paths for achieving the ultimate goal of moksha or liberation

  • d. all of these are acceptable answers


Questão 89 de 135


Which of the following describes how Confucianism affected Chinese society?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Confucianism was adopted as the state religion of China

  • b. the civil service examination system was based on Confucian views

  • c. Confucianism encouraged individualistic values

  • d. Confucianism challenged social and gender hierarachies


Questão 90 de 135


Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in that they both

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. rejected the religious authority of the Brahmins

  • b. rejected the concept of karma

  • c. offered hope for final release from the cycle of rebirth

  • d. evolved into monotheistic religions


Questão 91 de 135


How was India's social structure different from that of China?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. India had fewer distinct social groups

  • b. Indian social groups were defined more rigidly due to the caste

  • c. social status in India was defined in terms of heredity

  • d. social distinctions in India were more fluid with greater upward mobility


Questão 92 de 135


Similar to First Civilizations, societies of the classical era

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. lacked sharp distinctions along class lines

  • b. were patriarchal in organization

  • c. rarely included slaves

  • d. were based on written constitutions and laws


Questão 93 de 135


China was unique in the ancient world in the extent to which

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. slavery and slaveholding defined the society and state as a whole

  • b. its social organization was shaped and defined by the actions of the state

  • c. they adopted concepts of the caste for the purpose of organization and stability

  • d. women were given more rights and freedoms to participate in public life


Questão 94 de 135


Classical era India and China were similar because in both societies

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the social status of most people was never determined or influenced by heredity

  • b. social prestige was primarily attained thorough service to the state

  • c. upward mobility was common

  • d. sharp, well defined class distinctions and inequalities characterized the social order


Questão 95 de 135


During the classical era, slaves comprised more than one-third of the total population in

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. India

  • b. China

  • c. the Roman Empire

  • d. Athens


Questão 96 de 135


The growth of democracy in classical Athens was accompanied by

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale

  • b. the abolition of slaves and the right to vote

  • c. the association of slave status with ethnic bacgrounds

  • d. greater freedom for women to participate equally with men


Questão 97 de 135


Which ancient society had the fewest restrictions on the female population?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Han China

  • b. Athens

  • c. Sparta

  • d. Classical India


Questão 98 de 135


Which of the following philosophical or religious traditions provided a unifying ideology for peasant rebellions in China?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Hinduism

  • b. Confucianism

  • c. Daoism

  • d. Theravada Buddhism


Questão 99 de 135


Which of the following describes women's status in the classical civilizations?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. upper-class women had a tendency to live less restricted lives than lower-class women

  • b. women in general experienced fewer restrictions compared to those living in pastoral societies

  • c. public life in general was male domain, while women's roles took place mostly in domestic settings (men are outside/ women are inside)

  • d. women in general experienced fewer restrictions as compared to those who lived in early agricultural villages


Questão 100 de 135


In contrast to women in Athens, Spartan women

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. were confined to their homes

  • b. married men close to their age

  • c. participated in government more equally

  • d. were praised for their intellect


Questão 101 de 135


How did the centuries of political fragmentation and conflict following the fall of the Han Dynasty affect the lives of Chinese women?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. women found themselves restricted to a greater degree due to the cultural influences of nomadic peoples who conquered parts of northern China

  • b. women were permanently removed from positions of priests, nuns, and mediators of Daosim

  • c. Buddhism and Daosim grew in popularity along with the influenced of nomadic cultures resulting in some loosening of the strict paritarchy supported by Confucianism

  • d. writings such as those of Ban Zhou encouraged and influenced women to be more assertive public and in the home


Questão 102 de 135


Slaveholding was least prominent and least central to the economy of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Athens

  • b. China

  • c. Sparta

  • d. Imperial Rome


Questão 103 de 135


Peasants were honored for their work while merchants were not respected in the ideology of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. China

  • b. India

  • c. Imperial Rome

  • d. Athens


Questão 104 de 135


Which social group occupied the highest level in the Indian caste?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Brahmin

  • b. Kshatriya

  • c. Vaishya

  • d. Shudra


Questão 105 de 135


Peasant rebellions and resistance in China was a result of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. high taxes and rent

  • b. state demands for military service

  • c. demands for state labor

  • d. all of these are acceptable answers


Questão 106 de 135


Membership in a particular jati determined

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. occupation

  • b. whom one could marry

  • c. required duties and responsibilites

  • c. all are acceptable answers


Questão 107 de 135


The inequalities and maintenance of the caste was related to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Hindu ideals of karma, dharma, and rebirth (reincarnation)

  • b. Buddhist concepts of nirvana and enlightenment

  • c. a strict hardline state supported military

  • d. none of these is an acceptable answer


Questão 108 de 135


In India, the caste encouraged loyalty to local communities

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. due to the lack of a unified state military

  • b. because localization was based on the corresponding jati

  • c. through matrilineal inheritance

  • d. due to socio-cultural fragmentation


Questão 109 de 135


Which of the following represented the major source of slaves for Imperial Rome?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. indebted citizens

  • b. prisoners of war

  • c. criminals

  • d. foreign citizens


Questão 110 de 135


In general, patriarchal systems that restricted women's lives were weakest

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. during long periods of peace and stability

  • b. in the early years of a civilization's developement

  • c. when states adopted ideologies that linked female inferiority to nature and animistic concepts

  • d. in urban-based civilizations at the height of their power


Questão 111 de 135


Which concepts is the best comparative analysis for the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the slave rebellion led by Spartacus in the Roman Empire?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. both were large-scale, violent reactions to oppressive conditions implemented by each state

  • b. both resulted in the expulsion of slavery in their respective empirs

  • c. both forced their respective government to implement reforms and requirements of slaves

  • d. both saw influential women assume leadership roles


Questão 112 de 135


Which of the following is true of slavery in the Mediterranean societies but not in China or India?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. slavery was much more common in the Mediterranean region than in China or India

  • b. slaved in the Mediterranean region were restricted in their duties compared to China

  • c. slave states developed in the Eastern states due to extensive trade

  • d. India and China depended on slaved to maintain an economy supplying a large population


Questão 113 de 135


Which of the following statements represents an accurate comparison of the treatment of women in Athens and Sparta?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. In Athens, women were excluded from public life whereas women of Sparta were afforded more freedom but not any formal role in public life

  • b. Spartan women were often engaged in or preparing for war, whereas Athenian women had very little or no responsibility to the military

  • c. Athenian marriages typically took place between a woman in her teens and a man 10-15 years older whereas Spartan marriages were between people of the same age

  • d. all of these answers are acceptable and correct comparisons


Questão 114 de 135


Which of the following statements represents an accurate comparison of social hierarchies of China and India?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Indian society was divided into vast numbers of distinct social groups whereas China had fewer, but broader categories in their society

  • b. slaves were critical to the economy and held a higher level of esteem in India than in China

  • c. the social hierarchies were determined based on your occupation and importance to the state

  • d. upward mobility was a key motivator for the people to succeed in the duties and responsibilites


Questão 115 de 135


How did masculinity or feminism relate to social status?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. females of elite families were permitted greater public freedoms

  • b. participation in Athenian democracy was open to all free born citizens

  • c. political offices were limited to men in Athens and Rome / China's civil service was limited to men

  • d. peasant women gained the same privileges as women of the aristocracy due to their importance of maintaining a working economic system


Questão 116 de 135


During the Classical Era, the world's population was unevenly distributed with the majority living on which landmass?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Africa

  • b. Central/South America

  • c. Eurasia

  • d. North America


Questão 117 de 135


Which of the following is the most commonly accepted cause for the decline of the Maya Civilization in the 9th century C.E.?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. European invasions and conquest

  • b. mass flooding creating agricultural deprivation

  • c. long periods of drought

  • d. internal conflict and rebellion


Questão 118 de 135


Which of the following is an acceptable comparison for the development of civilizations in Mesoamerica and the Eurasian landmass?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. greater diffusion and assimilation in the Eastern hemisphere due to geographic proximity

  • b. the availability of animals for domestication allowed for the development of pastoral societies in the Eastern civilizations whereas the Mesoamerica civilizations were not pastoral

  • c. the development of metallurgy in the Eastern hemisphere generated plow-based agricultural societies whereas the Mesoamerican civilizations maintained a simpler agricultural system

  • d. all these are acceptable comparisons


Questão 119 de 135


How did the environmental features of Africa affect the continent?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. a general lack of rainfall meant that agricultural societies were completely dependent on irrigation

  • b. persistent warm temperatures accelerated the decomposition of humus, resulting in a less productive agriculture

  • c. the network of rivers draining the continent facilitated the emergence of large empires that encompassed most of the continents population

  • d. the scarcity of raw materials prevented the development of iron tools and weapons


Questão 120 de 135


Which of the following linguistic families was spoken by the migrating people of Africa?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. Arabic

  • b. Bantu

  • c. Latin

  • d. Germanic


Questão 121 de 135


In contrast to cities in other civilizations, cities in the Niger River region

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. had their own centralized political structure with a divine monarch

  • b. were run by complex bureaucracies

  • c. were encompassed within a larger regional imperial state

  • d. functioned without a coercive dominating state authority


Questão 122 de 135


During the period of Bantu migration, these groups of people assimilated with East African hunting-gathering groups and gained an advantage due to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. their ability to produce gunpowder

  • b. their extensive trade network with Europeans

  • c. their iron-working technology

  • d. their mysticism and rituals


Questão 123 de 135


Both the Maya and Axum were similar in the both

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. were ruled by a single powerful kind

  • b. possessed a written script

  • c. left behind few monumental structures

  • d. severely limited trade to protect homgeneity


Questão 124 de 135


During the second wave civilizations or the classical era, which of the following differentiated Mesoamerica from Eurasian civilizations?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. domestication of animals

  • b. use of various metallurgies

  • c. the creation of complex imperial states

  • d. all of these are acceptable differences


Questão 125 de 135


The political organization of the May most resembled

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the city-states of classical Greece

  • b. the imperial state of Rome

  • c. dynastic China

  • d. the Niger River civilization


Questão 126 de 135


Mesoamerican and Andean cultures were similar in that both

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. were influenced by the Chavin and Olmec

  • b. failed at their respective attempts to generate long-distance trade networks

  • c. used iron tools extensively

  • d. were dominated by cities or regional states rather than a single empire


Questão 127 de 135


As Meroe developed and exerted more influence along the southern Nile

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. a cultural shift away from Egypt occurred

  • b. they came in greater contact with the interior of Africa

  • c. they created an imperial state similiar to Rome

  • d. they developed a close trade alliance with the Muslim Arabs


Questão 128 de 135


Which of the following statements related to Andean civilizations is most accurate?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. in the Andean region, it was possible to settle along the coastal plain

  • b. civilizations of the Andean region were politically weak

  • c. no regional religious traditions developed in the Andean region

  • d. the need for elaborate irrigation projects helped create strong states in the Andes region


Questão 129 de 135


Christianity in Axum most closely identified with which church?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. the Coptic Church of Egypt

  • b. the Church of Rome

  • c. the Orthodox Church of Constantinople

  • d. Cyrillic Orthodoxy


Questão 130 de 135


Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between civilizations of Mesoamerica and the Andean region?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. they developed a thriving trade network based on regional scarcity

  • b. they had constant battles over the territories north of South America

  • c. they had little if any direct contact with each other

  • d. they developed a strong alliance against common invaders


Questão 131 de 135


Which of the following relates to a feature of the Bantu religious culture?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. it was concerned with explaining, predicting, and controlling local affairs

  • b. it claimed to be a universal religion and was focused on missionary outreach

  • c. it incorporated aspects of Christianity due to diffusion and assimilation with Rome

  • d. it viewed God as remote and largely uninvolved in ordinary life


Questão 132 de 135


The archeological evidence found at the village located at Chavin suggests

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. that it was a center of political attempts with democracy

  • b. that the culture studied science and medicine

  • c. that they were steeped in slave trade and slave-based economy

  • that the Chavin were focused on a religious movement that spread throughout the Andes


Questão 133 de 135


According to the remains of the Moche civilization suggests that

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. peace and meditation was a focus of the rulers to maintain stability

  • b. war and ceremony was important to the rulers

  • c. the leaders were focused on establishing a culture based on nature and farming

  • d. the rulers had established a civilization based on education and democracy


Questão 134 de 135


How did sharing a common border affect relations between the inland empires of Wari and Tiwanaku?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a. they exchanged knowledge as seen in the Tiwanaku adoption of the hillside terracing style of farming developed by the Wari

  • b. They appeared to cooperate as there was little overt conflict or warfare between them

  • c. people living along the border intermarried and created a hybrid culture that assimilated into a common Andean culture

  • d. there was constant warfare and invasions into each other's territory for resources


Questão 135 de 135


Which society was considered to be less patriarchal due to its system of "gender parallelism" which associated female roles with village life and male roles with hunting and the forest?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Aksum

  • b. Bantu

  • c. Maya

  • d. Tiwanaka
