Criado por Molly Macgregor
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
What is the Kinetic theory?
What is an ion and what are the two types?
Define the following terms;
Define the following terms;
Define the following terms;
Define the following terms;
What is diffusion?
1. Do molecules diffuse in all directions equally?
2. During diffusion in a cell, what substance moves in and what substance moves out?
What are the three main techniques that help us study physiological psychology?
Name and define 3 invasive techniques
What is clinical observation and give two example
What are the Neuroimaging techniques?
What is a CAT / CT scan ?
What are the negatives of CT / CAT scans?
What is a PET scan?
What are the positives and negatives of PET scans?
What is an MRI scan?
What are the positives of an MRI scan?
What is EEG?
What is FMRI?
What is MEG?
What is TMS?
Hydrophilic means...?
Hydrophobic means...?
What is the function of the cell membrane?
What are the types of movement of substances in and out of a cell?
What is active transport?
What are the two types of diffusion which can occur?
What is Osmosis?
Units of measure...
What are the two types of microscope?
Cell membrane proteins;
What are the 6 levels of organisation by Tortora & Grabowski?
Describe the features of a voluntary muscle and where they can be found
Describe the features of a involuntary muscle and where they can be found
Describe the features of a cardiac muscle and where they can be found
What does the motor neuron do?
What is a sensory neuron?
What is an interneuron?
What is homeostasis?
What is an organ?
What are the factors required for life?
What is nervous tissue?
What are glial cells?
What is negative feedback?
What is a positive feedback loop?
What is the endocrine system?
What is the difference between eukaryote and prokaryote?
What does the nucleus do?
What is the role of DNA and the genes?
Describe gene expression
What is the difference between mono zygotic and dizygotic?
What are the two processes involved in protein synthesis?
Describe smooth ER and rough ER
What is the golgi complex?
Describe mitochondria...
How are vesicles formed?
What are lysosomes?
How is the sperm cell ( spermatozoa) relate structure to function?
How do red blood cells relate structure to function?
Describe simple epithelial tissue
Describe compound epithelial tussue...
What is ciliated simple columnar epithelium?
What category of tissue does blood belong to and what is its function?
What is connective tissue?
What is bone and which family of tissue is it from?
Adipose tissue