Criado por Jennifer Pixley
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help the reader relate to and connect with the story.
the leading character who is often a hero. (Usually the good guy)
causes all the trouble for the protagonist. (Usually the bad guy)
A struggle between opposing forces
a conflict that takes place inside of someone's mind.
A struggle between a character and an outside force
the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character
when the author shows the reader the personality of a character. This can be shown in the following ways: by what the character says, thinks, effect on others, how they act, and what they look like
Author directly describes character
The AUTHOR'S or NARRATOR'S attitude towards the audience, the story, or characters.
How the reader feels about the text while reading.
Sequence of events in a story
Contains all of the plot elements in chronological order
the plot is interrupted to go back in time to a memory
A part of the plot that jumps ahead in time and returns to the present
when the story starts from the mid-point rather than the beginning. The story usually opens with a dramatic action.
The time and place of a story
the perspective from which a story is told
a character in the story is actually telling the story himself/herself. You will see pronouns like, I, me, and my
the narrator is not a character in the story. You will see pronouns like, she, he, they them, him, her, etc.
Central idea of a work of literature