Criado por Cate Arlinghaus
mais de 1 ano atrás
how many different characters can be represented with ASCII
DeMorgan's laws in order
describe pipelining
esi and edi are...?
little endian
big endian
cs, ds, es, fs, gs, ss
three types of assembly instructions
what happens in the _declspec c++ calling convention
how do you determine the sign of the remainder when doing idiv operations?
what sizes need prefix bytes
how is 80x86 memory arranged
what is the last address of 32-bit, 512 MB RAM processor
list amount of memory a kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, and terabyte all hold
which way(s) can data travel using the address bus and data bus
using this line of code:
00000005 03 05 00000004 R add eax, num2
label the opcode, object code, and address
what is "enter key" stored as in memory
turn this standard hex number into little endian format: FFFF 05F1h
label the addressing modes of the following:
what are the restrictions on label/variable names
how long is the ascii string that the "wtoa" and "dtoa" macros convert
why does "add [eax], 5" produce a syntax error but "add [eax], ebx" does not?
what does "atod string" do
what does "input prompt, dest, 30" do
what does "wtoa result, bx" do
in a .lst file, when you look at the encoding of certain instructions, the encoding may have an 'R' after it. what does the R mean
why do we include null bytes in our data segment
why does instruction mov ebx, 42 not need a modR/M byte
in general, what does "2+" mean for register indirect mode
keeping in mind that the chart says this type of instruction requires "6+" bytes of object code, which instruction requires more:
mov memVar, 10
mov DWORD PTR[edx], 10
location of different flag bits on EFLAG register
which instructions do not affect eflags
how does div/idiv affect eflags
how does mul affect flags
how does imul affect flags
difference btwn backward and forward reference (relative short jmp)
why do we want to minimize jumps
what does "cmp num2, 20" do
which flags do unsigned jumps look at
what does "loop statement label" do
what does "pop ebx" do
what does "push ebx" do
relative short/relative near displacement
what does call do
what does ret do
what do these instructions do:
and source, dest
or source, dest
xor source, dest
not source
what is a mask
how do logical operations (and, or, xor) affect EFLAGS
what does "test num1, 20" do
arithmetic vs logical shifts
how are status bits affected by shift instructions
5 stages of the instruction execution cycle
where and why do bottlenecks happen and how do we prevent them
why does single precision floating point format provide us with 7 decimal digits of precision
differences between single, double, and extended-double precision floating point formats
how is 0 stored as a floating point value
how is +/- infinity and NaN represented as a floating point value
how many floating-point registers are there, how long are they, and how are they organized
good info to know about labels for jump statements lol
why are there duplicate mnemonics for the various jump instructions? (i.e. jb and jc generate the same machine code and do the same thing-- so why don't we just use jc?)
why is a decrementing count-controlled loop better than incrementing?
how do you establish a pointer to memory and why would you do this over using memory directly