Abd AlRahman Barod
Quiz por , criado 8 meses atrás


Abd AlRahman Barod
Criado por Abd AlRahman Barod 8 meses atrás


Questão 1 de 50


1. From a sociological point of view, communication represents:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. A fundamental way of psycho-social interaction of people, realized in language articulated in order to transmit information, to obtain stability or some modifications individual or group behavior.

  • B. A notice, news or news.

  • C. Informing the parties to a trial of certain procedural documents (action, objection, decision), in
    order to exercise the rights and the execution of the obligations deriving for them, within the time limits that normally run from the date of notification.

  • D. A presentation in a circle of specialists of a scientific paper, as well as the accumulation of knowledge in order to train specialists.

  • E. A complex process, which includes the biological existence of man.


Questão 2 de 50


2. Elements of the communication process are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Sender - transmitter - information.

  • B. Transmitter - discussion - information.

  • C. Sender - message - receiver.

  • D. Transmitter - conflict - informant.

  • E. Transmitter - behavior - interpreter.


Questão 3 de 50


3.Some communication functions are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Conversational, capitalizing, notifying.

  • B. Listening, making impressions, holding a dialogue.

  • C. Informational, interactive, gnoseological.

  • D. Representative, commemorative, axiological.

  • E. Knowledge, cumulative, memorative.


Questão 4 de 50


4. The purposes of the communication are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. To impress, to reinterpret, to determine, to force a conversation.

  • B. To be accepted, to be understood, to provoke reactions, to be received.

  • C. To gain benefits at any cost, to force feedback.

  • D. To impose positions, to gain grip, to capture attention.

  • E. To train thinking, to gain experience, to be responsible.


Questão 5 de 50


5. Feedback as an element of communication represents:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. A specific message in which the sender receives a response from the receiver regarding
    the message communicated.

  • B. A message in which the receiver receives a reply from the sender regarding the transmitted

  • C. A message that the sender repeatedly sends a reply regarding the communicated message.

  • D. A specific message by which the sender clarifies to the receiver the communicated message.

  • E. A complicated message by which the receiver hides from the sender a certain answer about the message communicated.


Questão 6 de 50


6. According to the code used in the communication process, it can be:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Vertical communication, horizontal communication.

  • B. Interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, small group communication,
    public communication.

  • C. Accidental communication, subjective communication, instrumental communication;

  • D. Verbal communication, paraverbal communication, nonverbal communication.

  • E. Referential communication, operational communication, attitudinal communication


Questão 7 de 50


7. The message as an element of communication represents:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. A totality of signs and meanings that mark certain hierarchical connotations for
    people involved in communication.

  • B. A set of signs that do not mark value connotations for the persons involved in communication

  • C. A totality of meanings, hierarchical connotations that oblige the persons involved in the act of

  • D. A total of hierarchical connotations of external nature valuable for the persons involved in

  • E. A small number of gestures that are irrelevant to the people involved in the communication.


Questão 8 de 50


8. The message as an element of communication can be:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Determined and indeterminate message.

  • B. Operational and non-operational message.

  • C. Singular and complex message.

  • D. Verbal and nonverbal message.

  • E. Observed and unnoticed message.


Questão 9 de 50


9. Identify the types of doctor-patient communication according to the stages of the medical act:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Preclinical communication, clinical communication and post-clinical communication.

  • B. Horizontal medical communication and vertical medical communication.

  • C. One-dimensional and one-dimensional medical communication.

  • D. Subjective medical communication and objective medical communication.

  • E. Direct clinical communication and indirect clinical communication.


Questão 10 de 50


10. Preclinical communication means:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. An administrative communication marking the physician's duty to transmit information subjective concerns about health education.

  • B. A strategic communication related to the doctor's duty and responsibility to promote health education, to organize prophylactic measures.

  • C. A subjective communication resulting from the doctor's responsibility to transpose his
    obligationon the organization of prophylactic measures.

  • D. A professional communication related to the doctor's obligation to force health education
    withoutpatient consent.

  • E. A multicenter communication that causes the physician to promote education for a style oflife
    as comfortable as possible without responsibilities for health.


Questão 11 de 50


11. The objective of post-clinical communication is to:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. The doctor should force the patient to perform the treatment and exclude the existential factors
    that broughtat the onset of the disease.

  • B. The patient should perform the treatment and reduce the existential factors that led to the onset of the disease.

  • C. The patient should formalize the acceptance of the treatment and exclude the existential factors
    that led tothe onset of the disease.

  • D. The doctor should accept the patient's refusal and recommend another specialist.

  • E. The patient should perform the treatment and not be compliant with the dialogue.


Questão 12 de 50


12. The competence of the broadcaster in the communication process involves:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. To determine individually the set of rules that contribute to the distortion of the channel
    transmission of information.

  • B. The potential to use the set of rules that contribute to processing and codingmessage.

  • C. The power to use subjectively, with interest in manipulating the set of rules that contribute to
    decoding feedback.

  • D. The potential to use the set of rules that reduce processing and decoding
    source of information.

  • E. Orientation towards rules that contribute to the interpretation and decoding of the message.


Questão 13 de 50


13. The performance of the broadcaster in the communication process involves:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Intellectual, mental, and physical ability to convey and encode the message.

  • B. Intellectual, mental and physical ability to interpret and decode the message.

  • C. Intellectual, mental, and physical ability to distort the message.

  • D. The intellectual, mental and physical capacity to convey the most ambiguous message.

  • E. The intellectual, mental, and physical ability to ironically encode the message.


Questão 14 de 50


14. The competence of the receiver in the communication process involves:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. To determine individually the set of rules that contribute to the distortion of the channel
    transmission of information.

  • B. The potential to use the set of rules that contribute to the interpretation and
    message decoding.

  • C. The power to use subjectively, with interest in manipulating the set of rules that contribute to
    feedback coding.

  • D. The potential to use the set of rules that reduce processing and decoding
    source of information.

  • E. Orientation towards rules that contribute to the issuance and coding of the message.


Questão 15 de 50


15. The performance of the receiver in the communication process involves:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Intellectual, mental, and physical ability to convey and encode the message.

  • B. Intellectual, mental and physical ability to interpret and decode the message.

  • C. Intellectual, mental, and physical ability to distort the message.

  • D. Intellectual, mental and physical ability to decode the most ambiguous message.

  • E. Intellectual, mental, and physical ability to ironically interpret the message.


Questão 16 de 50


16. The communication of the diagnosis implies the observance of certain rules, one of them canbe:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. The language used must be clear, concise, to the point, in common, honest and concise termsas
    well as the presentation of the diagnosis must be closely related to the formula and / ortreatment

  • B. The language used must be vague, hidden, honest and correct, as well as the presentation.The
    diagnosis must be closely linked to the patient's status and / or treatment schedule.

  • C. The language used must be indirectly medically rendered in a way that the patient does not
    understand, as well, the presentation of the diagnosis must be closely related to the patient's income
    and the scheme oftreatment.

  • D. The language used must be ambiguous so that the patient does not form negative emotions,
    rendered inspecialized terms, as well as, the presentation of the diagnosis must be closely related
    to the formulaand / or treatment schedule.

  • E. The language used must be clear only to the doctor, rendered in professional termsas well as
    the presentation of the diagnosis must be closely related to the contributionthe patient's illness and
    / or treatment schedule.


Questão 17 de 50


17. Communication with different patients outlines certain characteristics specific to the medical
dialogue patient, they can be:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Communication will depend on the patient's economic status, culture, indifference, his
    contribution to the disease, his compliance with treatment, etc.

  • B. Communication will depend on the subjective interest of the physician, the subjective interest
    of the patient, patient compliance with treatment, etc.

  • C. Communication will depend on the patient 's profession, the patient' s subjective interest, and
    patient pathology etc.

  • D. Communication will depend on the manifestation of the disease, the subjective interest of the
    doctor, the module how the patient understands the disease from electronic sources, etc.

  • E. Communication will depend on the manifestation of the symptoms characterized by pain,
    without pain, with acute or bearable pain, etc.


Questão 18 de 50


18. Effective communication within the medical team is essential because:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Provides closed dialogue on medical care and treatment of patients, only in certainstages

  • B. Provides only the need for medical care and the other levels of carethey are ancillary and

  • C. Provides health care and treatment in a closed healthcare setting.

  • D. Provides unilateral medical care and treatment in a limited context of caremedical.

  • E. Ensures continuity of care and effective treatment of patients throughouthealthcare contexts.


Questão 19 de 50


19. The components of work (communication) in the medical team include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Creating a socially and materially unpleasant business environment,that is, failure to ensure
    free access to medical resources.

  • B. Creating a subjective environment of activity both socially and materially, an incorrect and
    unilateral distribution of roles and tasks within the medical team.

  • C. Creating an environment of activity that is both socially and materially unfair,incorrect and
    unilateral distribution of roles and tasks within the medical team,unilateral division of
    responsibilities between team members.

  • D. Creating an activity environment according to the interests of the manager both from the point
    of viewsocial as well as material, the distribution according to the interests of the manager of the
    roles and tasks inwithin the medical team, the unilateral division of responsibilities between team

  • E. Creating an easy (enjoyable) business environment both socially andmaterial (ensuring free
    access to the necessary resources); correct and clear distribution ofroles and tasks within the
    medical team.


Questão 20 de 50


20. Effective communication in the medical team contributes to:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A.
    Increasing the efficiency of teamwork increases confidence, respect, and
    intensifies collaboration between medical staff, reduces the risk of medical errors and mistakes, increases patient and healthcare worker satisfaction.

  • B. Increases separate work in the medical team, increases personal interests in
    collaboration medical staff, reduces the risk of medical errors and mistakes, increases worker
    satisfactionfollowing personal gains.

  • C. Creating an activity environment according to the interests of the manager both from the point of view social as well as material, the distribution according to the interests of the manager of the roles and tasks in within the medical team, the unilateral division of responsibilities between team members.

  • D. Creating an environment that is both socially and materially unfair, incorrect and unilateral distribution of roles and tasks within the medical team, unilateral division of responsibilities between team members.

  • E. Increasing the inefficiency of teamwork, increases trust, respect, and intensifies
    collaboration only according to certain interests of the management of the medical units among the medical staff, maintain neutral risk of medical errors and mistakes.


Questão 21 de 50


21. Metacommunication is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. A form of communication that aims to interpret words and expressions in orderto discover and
    understand the intentions of the sender.

  • B. A notice, news or news.

  • C. Informing the parties to a trial of certain procedural documents (action, objection, decision), in order to exercise the rights and the execution of the obligations deriving for them from them documents, within the time limits that normally run from the date of notification.

  • D. A presentation in a circle of specialists of a scientific paper, as well as the accumulation
    ofknowledge in order to train specialists.

  • E. A complex process, which includes the biological existence of man


Questão 22 de 50


22. What does the transmitter do from the perspective of metacommunication?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. In the metacommunication act, the sender, reshapes the idea onwho wants to send

  • B. In the metacommunication act, the sender interprets and deciphers the communication process.

  • C. In the metacommunication act, the issuer imposes positions, obtains adherence.

  • D. In the metacommunication act, the sender earns benefits at any cost, obliges the receiver to accept.

  • E. In the metacommunication act, the broadcaster informs, commemorates a success.


Questão 23 de 50


23. What does the receiver do from the perspective of metacommunication?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. In the metacommunication act, the receiver reshapes the idea thathe wants to send.

  • B. In the metacommunication act, the receiver discovers and interprets the hidden thought of
    to the sender, in order to understand it.

  • C. In the metacommunication act, the receiver imposes positions, obtains adherence.

  • D. In the metacommunication act, the receiver earns benefits at any cost, obliges the receiver to

  • E. In the metacommunication act, the receiver informs, commemorates a success.


Questão 24 de 50


24. What is the failed act in the communication process?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. It is a lie presented as truth by verbal expression.

  • B. An action created intentionally in the context of a dialogue, in order to avoid or to get more time to respond.

  • C. An intentionally created action in the context of a dialogue, with the aim of gaining the benefits of any price.

  • D. An action created intentionally in the context of a dialogue, in order to impose positions or to get grip.

  • E. An action created intentionally in the context of a dialogue, in order to train thinking or to gain experience.


Questão 25 de 50


25. What does paraverbal language refer to?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. The paraverbal language refers to the way we say something, with the help of
    characteristicsnonverbal of the voice, not the content of the message.

  • B. The paraverbal language refers to the content of what we say, with the help of the
    characteristics verbal, not in the form of the message.

  • C. The paraverbal language refers to the grammatical structure of the message, with the help of the elements nonverbal.

  • D. The paraverbal language refers to the logical semantics of body expressions, with the help nonverbal characteristics.

  • E. The paraverbal language refers to the set of ideas interpreted by the receiver, with the help verbal characteristics.


Questão 26 de 50


26. The paralinguistic elements of paraverbal language include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, small group communication,
    public communication.

  • B. Accidental communication, subjective communication, instrumental communication;

  • C. Voice qualities, voice characteristics, parameters and voice separators.

  • D. Referential communication, operational communication, attitudinal communication.

  • E. The qualities of the face, the specifics of the movement, the orientation in space.


Questão 27 de 50


27. The qualities of the voice include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Frequency range, lip movement control, word articulation, rhythm, voice resonance, speed of speech.

  • B. Linguistic signs and meanings that mark certain hierarchical connotations for people involved in communication.

  • C. Laughter, crying, whispering, sighing.

  • D. Voice intensity, pitch and extension, voice separators such as (îîî, ăăă, mmm, aaa), breaks.

  • E. A small number of gestures that are irrelevant to the people involved in the communication.


Questão 28 de 50


28. The vocal characteristics are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Frequency range, lip movement control, word articulation, rhythm, resonance voice, speech
    speed, etc.

  • B. Linguistic signs and meanings that mark certain hierarchical connotations for people involved in communication.

  • C. Laughter, crying, whispering, sighing, etc.

  • D. Voice intensity, pitch, and extension, such as voice separators and so on

  • E. A small number of gestures that are irrelevant to the people involved in the communication.


Questão 29 de 50


29. The voice parameters and separators are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Frequency range, lip movement control, word articulation, rhythm, resonance voice, speech speed, etc.

  • B. Linguistic signs and meanings that mark certain hierarchical connotations for people involved in communication.

  • C. Laughter, crying, whispering, sighing, etc.

  • D. The intensity, pitch and extension of the voice, voice separators like “îîî, ăăă, mmm, aaa”, pauses, etc.

  • E. A small number of gestures that are irrelevant to the people involved in the communication


Questão 30 de 50


30. Through the paraverbal language it is possible to transmit:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Knowledge, facial expressions, theoretical connotations.

  • B. Emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, interest, joy, pain, and the nature of interpersonal relationships.

  • C. An intentionally created action in the context of a dialogue, with the aim of gaining the benefits of any price.

  • D. The potential to use the set of rules that reduce processing and decoding source of information.

  • E. Power to use subjectively, with interest in manipulating the set of rules that contribute to feedback coding.


Questão 31 de 50


31. What can nonverbal communication include?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Theories, concepts and ideas.

  • B. Body movements, gestures and facial expressions.

  • C. Linguistic signs and meanings

  • D. Notions, judgments and reasoning.

  • E. Words, statements and findings.


Questão 32 de 50


32. What indication can nonverbal communication offer?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. It gives us a indication about a person's inner thoughts and feelings.

  • B. It offers us the potential to use linguistic rules that contribute to the processing and coding of the message.

  • C. It gives us the power to use subjectively, with interest in manipulating the set of pre-verbal rules that contribute to the decoding of feedback.

  • D. It offers us the potential to use metacommunicative verbal languages that reduce the processing and decoding of the information source.

  • E. Orientation towards logical rules that contribute to the interpretation and decoding of the message.


Questão 33 de 50


33. What are the distinct categories of nonverbal communication?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Kinesthetics, proxemics and touch.

  • B. Intellect, emotions, and willpower.

  • C. The notion, judgment and reasoning

  • D. Verbal expression and paraverbal register.

  • E. Laughter, crying and talking.


Questão 34 de 50


34. What does kinesthetics include?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Includes the physical distance between people when communicating with each other - territories and
    personal space, position and posture.

  • B. Intellect, emotions and willpower or notion, judgment and reasoning

  • C. Includes body movement in communication - gestures, facial expressions and gaze.

  • D. Verbal expression and paraverbal register or laughter, crying and speaking.

  • E. Hidden meanings of logical or metacommunicational expressions.


Questão 35 de 50


35. What does proxemics involve?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. It involves the physical distance between people, when they communicate with each other -
    territories and space staff, position and posture.

  • B. Involves body movement in communication - gestures, facial expressions and gaze.

  • C. Intellect, emotions, and power of will or notion, judgment, and reasoning

  • D. Verbal expression and paraverbal register or laughter, crying and speaking.

  • E. Hidden meanings of logical or metacommunication expressions.


Questão 36 de 50


36. When are gestures used in the communication process?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. When the speech is efficient or clear enough, when we do not have emotions, at the same time,
    to adjust the conversation.

  • B. When speech is inefficient (for example, a language barrier) or insufficient, respectively, when you want to get rid of stress and adjust the conversation.

  • C. When the speech is pleasant or in a good mood, gestures are also used for mislead his opponent.

  • D. When the speech has no value for the participants or those present are not interested in conversation.

  • E. When speech is aimed at gaining subjective interests and we are exposed we use gestures to divert attention in conversation.

  • F. Looking at the communication process helps to assess the interlocutor to change the intonation and speech rhythm.


Questão 37 de 50


37. How eye gaze help in the communication process?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Eye gaze helps us to evaluate our presentation, adjust new directions in conversation or express
    logical meanings.

  • B.Eye gaze helps to become aware of reality, provokes anger in conversation or expresses various
    paraverbal registers.

  • C. Eye gaze helps to evaluate phonetic expressions, regulates the vocal characteristics of the conversation.

  • D. Eye gaze helps to evaluate the interlocutor, regulate the conversation or express feelings and

  • E.Eye gaze helps to evaluate the interlocutor to change the intonation and rhythm of speech.


Questão 38 de 50


38. Intimate space in nonverbal communication was devided into four main categories:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Intimate space, specialized space, street and public space.

  • B. Intimate space, personal space, social public space.

  • C. Family space, personal space, social and cultural space.

  • D. Intimate space, mental space, social biological space.

  • E. Subjective space, personal space, social and objective space


Questão 39 de 50


39. Intimate space include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. The space between 46 and 122 cm include a personal zone, (46-75cm ) this distance is reserved for
    more than just a casual friend or fleeting encounter, and a public distance, this is the distance reserved
    for public speakers and/or public officials or for anyone on public occasions.

  • B. The space until 46cm, being the most important and most defended by human, is used for emotional confidential communications.

  • C. The space between 122 and 369 cm, includes a nearly subzone (122-220 cm), which involves clear
    verbal communication, avoidance of physical contact through a series of barriers, and a remote
    subzone (220-369 cm), which also suggests a hierarchical distance.

  • D. The distance of over 360 cm involves the situation in which we address a large group of people, and
    communication loses its interpersonal character.

  • E. The surface area of a human body until the convenient distance, being the most unimportant and less
    defended by human, the access being allowed to all persons.


Questão 40 de 50


40. Personal space include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. The space between 46 and 122 cm include a personal zone, (46-75cm ) this distance is reserved for
    more than just a casual friend or fleeting encounter, and a public distance, this is the distance reserved for public speakers and/or public officials or for anyone on public occasions.

  • B. The space until 46cm, being the most important and most defended by human, is used for emotional confidential communications.

  • C. The space between 122 and 369 cm, includes a nearly subzone (122-220 cm), which involves clear
    verbal communication, avoidance of physical contact through a series of barriers, and a remote subzone (220-369 cm), which also suggests a hierarchical distance.

  • D. The distance of over 360 cm involves the situation in which we address a large group of people, and communication loses its interpersonal character.

  • E. The intimate space into which anyone we do not like have access and remotely dedicated to family members, colleagues or clients.


Questão 41 de 50


41. Social space include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. The space between 46 and 122 cm include a personal zone, (46-75cm ) this distance is reserved for more than just a casual friend or fleeting encounter, and a public distance, this is the distance reserved for public speakers and/or public officials or for anyone on public occasions.

  • B. The space until 46cm, being the most important and most defended by human, is used for emotional confidential communications.

  • C. The space between 122 and 369 cm, includes a subzone (122-220 cm), which involves clear verbal communication, avoidance of physical contact through a series of barriers, and a remote subzone
    (220-369 cm), which also suggests a hierarchical distance.

  • D. The distance of over 360 cm involves the situation in which we address a large group of people, and communication loses its interpersonal character.

  • E. The intimate space into which anyone we do not like have access and remotely dedicated to family members, colleagues or clients.


Questão 42 de 50


42. Public space include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. The space between 46 and 122 cm include a personal zone, (46-75cm ) this distance is reserved for
    more than just a casual friend or fleeting encounter, and a public distance, this is the distance reserved for public speakers and/or public officials or for anyone on public occasions.

  • B. The space until 46cm, being the most important and most defended by human, is used for emotional confidential communications.

  • C. The space between 122 and 369 cm, includes a subzone (122-220 cm), which involves clear verbal communication, avoidance of physical contact through a series of barriers, and a remote subzone (220-369 cm), which also suggests a hierarchical distance.

  • D. The distance of over 360 cm involves the situation in which we address a large group of people, and communication loses its interpersonal character.

  • E. The surface area of a human body until the convenient distance, being the most unimportant and less defended by human, the access being allowed to all persons.


Questão 43 de 50


43. In what context the communication doesn't take place?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. In a clean space.

  • B. Cultural.

  • C. Homogeneous

  • D. In an environment exposed to natural factors,

  • E. Extrasocial.


Questão 44 de 50


44. Communication manifests itself as a system:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Closed,

  • B. Hermetic,

  • C. Open,

  • D. Extended,

  • E. Chaotic,


Questão 45 de 50


45. Communication barriers are encountered:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. In a single information system.

  • B. In any information system.

  • C. In some information systems.

  • D. In no information system.

  • E. All variants.


Questão 46 de 50


46. What is one of the internal factors of communication disturbances:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Physiological,

  • B. Excessive noise pollution

  • C. Environmental pollution,

  • D. Semantics,

  • E. Successive fragments of the communication process.


Questão 47 de 50


47. Identify one of the external factors that disrupts communication:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Physiological,

  • B. Excessive noise pollution.

  • C. Perceptives.

  • D. Intrapersonal.

  • E. Personal.


Questão 48 de 50


48. Which element is not defining the concept of barrier of communication?:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Any element of communication which possesses the capacity to restrict the proper conduct of communication,

  • B. Influencing the minimization of the degree of compliance,

  • C. Accuracy

  • D. the effectiveness of the transferred message,

  • E. Which influences the minimization of the degree of non-compliance.


Questão 49 de 50


49. Which of the authors classifies communication barriers into macro and microbarriers:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Denis McQuail.

  • B. Leonard Saules.

  • C. Shanon-Weaver.

  • D. Samuel C. Serto.

  • E. Eduard Limbos.


Questão 50 de 50


50. Who among the authors is particularly interested in the intrinsic process of communication and less
of the extrinsic one (its context):

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Niki Stanton.

  • B. Denis McQuail.

  • C. Jean Lohisse

  • D. Leonard Saules.

  • E. Sidney Shore
