David Marcuno Placeres
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Quiz sobre TBW42_1 Data Extraction, Delta Management & Proces Chain, criado por David Marcuno Placeres em 12-11-2015.

David Marcuno Placeres
Criado por David Marcuno Placeres mais de 9 anos atrás

TBW42_1 Data Extraction, Delta Management & Proces Chain

Questão 1 de 35


Which of the following statments is correct concerning the Delta Queue?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • The Delta Queue is a permanent repository for new and changed records

  • The Delta Queue is a temporary repository for new and changed records

  • The Delta Queue is a function that is possible in BI Service API

  • The Delta Queue is a function that is possible in DB Connect


Questão 2 de 35


Which of the following statments is correct concerning VirtualProviders based on Data Transfer Process?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You need a very up to date form SAP source system

  • You frequently access de the same data

  • Only a lot users execute queries simultaneously on the database

  • You only access a small amount of data from time to time


Questão 3 de 35


It is recommended to use VirtualProvider if you request a large amount of data in the first query navigation step, and no appropiate aggregates are avalaible in the source system

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 4 de 35


When the term Data Marts is used?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • 1. SAP R3 System act as a source system to BI System

  • 2. SAP BI System act as a source system to SAP BI System

  • 3. web system act as a source systema to SAP BI System

  • 1) and 2) are correct


Questão 5 de 35


Where are created RFC connections?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • RFC connections are created in source system only

  • RFC connections are created both in SAP source system and SAP BI System

  • RFC connections are created only in SAP BI System

  • RFC connections are created between the system


Questão 6 de 35


Which statements are true about RFC Connections?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • A user is required in each system (SAP Source system and BI system) to enable the system to communicate with one another

  • Based on the logical system name of the client in a SAP source system

  • To mantain RFC connections we use SM55

  • RFC connections are based on ALE Technology


Questão 7 de 35


Which of the following statements are false regarding RFC Connections?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • To mantain RFC Connections use SM59

  • A second RFC connection (with _RECORD as the suffix to the technical name) is created to enable you to jump from the BI System to the SAP Source system during online processing

  • Before jumping to the SAP source system, the user must log on with the BI user name and pasword since this profile enables you for both background

  • The default for the user should be defined in the source system in SAP R3 Customizing (transaction SPRO) to ensure that is defined correctly


Questão 8 de 35


The BI service API is based on DB Connection

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 9 de 35


Which of the following are functions and tasks of the BI Service API?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Configuration of source system connections

  • Delta Queue (Clickboard for delta records)

  • Data Extraction Monitored by exchanging messeges between systems

  • Less downtime at initialitation (system data is mirrored)


Questão 10 de 35


Which statements are true regarding the "global control parametrers for data transfer"

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • The maximun size of data package to be trasnsferred to BI is 30.000 KB

  • The maximun size of data package to be trasnsferred to BI is 20.000 lines

  • A deffault setting of the size is 20.000 kb

  • The maximun size of data package to be trasnsferred to BI is 20.000 KB

  • A deffault setting of the size is 10.000 kb


Questão 11 de 35


Regarding data transfer parametrers: The maximun main memory requeriment per data package is approximately 2 x Max. Rows x 1000 bytes

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 12 de 35


Regarding the frequency in data transfer parameters. In general, you should choose a frequency between 5 and 10, but not greater than 10.

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 13 de 35


Reagrading Frequency in data transfer parameters. The larger the data package, the lower you should set the frequency.

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 14 de 35


Reagrding data transfer parametrs: The maximun numbers of paralell processes permitted at any one time is set by default to 2. The optimal setting for the parametrs depneds on how the application server that you use to transfer data is configured

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 15 de 35


Regarding data transfer parameters. You use "Maximun Number of Data Packages in a Delta Request" only if you are expecting delta request with a very large volume of data so that more than 1000 data packages can exist in a request in spite of the large volume of data. No restriction is pèrformed for the initial value or value 0. Only a value greater than 0 leads to the number of data packages being restricted.

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 16 de 35


Select which are Virtualproviders type?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • 1. VirtualProvider based on Data Transfer Process for Direct Acces"

  • 2. VirtualProvide based on ALE

  • 3. VirtualProviders based on BAPI

  • 4. VirtalProvider based on Data Transfer Process for Flexible Acces

  • 5. VirtualProvider based on Function Module


Questão 17 de 35


A VirtualProvider based on Data Transfer Process for Direct Access enables you to define queries with direct access to transaction data in an SAP source system

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 18 de 35


Regarding VirtualProviders which statements are true?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • 1.A VirtualProvider based on Data Transfer Process for Direct Access applies in particular to DataSources for using Delta Process

  • 2.All DataSources are capable of providing data to VirtualProvider based on Data Transfer Process for Direct Access

  • 3. A VirtualProvider based on BAPI is used to read data for reporting from Non-SAP System

  • 4. A VirtualProvider based on Function Moduel is an Infoprovider type with data that is always managed in BI.

  • 5. A VirtualProvider based on Function Module type anables you to construct analyses with the data that you have developed yourself, independent of the staging and the sourcesystem


Questão 19 de 35


What are Generic DataSources?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • 1. UD Tables, DB Views, Infosources and Function Modules

  • 2. DB Tables, DB Views, Function Modules and and Infoset

  • 3. DB Tables, UD Views, Infosuorces and Infosets

  • 4. UD Tables, UD Views, Function Modules and Infosets


Questão 20 de 35


Which statements are true regarding BI Service API

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • 1. To trasnfer data and metadata from SAP source systema

  • 2. With HTML based data transfer

  • 3. With data trasnfer using the Data Marts Interface

  • 4. With XML/SOAP based data Transfer


Questão 21 de 35


The Process of transfer of Business Content data sources is divided in 2 Parts:

1) Transfer of the aplication Component Hierarchy

2) Transfer of the data source

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 22 de 35


Regarding to the process of transfer of Business Content data sources, which statements are true?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You can only transfer the aplication component hierarchy as a whole.

  • You can select components to transfer the aplication component hierarchy

  • You can adpat the hierrachy at a later stage

  • You can activate DataSources remotly from the BI System


Questão 23 de 35


DataSources can be transferred separatly in one of two ways:
1) SBIW Transaction
2) Remotly using BI System

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 24 de 35


Selecione da lista do Menu para completar o texto.

When activating BI Content, you can also activate DataSources remotly from the BI System. This activation is subject to an autoritation check. You need role ( SAP_RO_BCTRA., SAP_BW_BCTRA, SAP_RO_BWTRA ) The autoritation is valid for all DataSources of a source system.


Questão 25 de 35


Selecione da lista do Menu para completar o texto.

Remote activation is not supported in source systems and/or in BI systems with a Service API release lower than SAP ( Netweaver 2004s, Netweaver 2000s, Netweaver 2007s ). In this case, you have to activated the DataSources in the source system manually and then replicate them to the BI system


Questão 26 de 35


Preencha o espaço em branco para completar o texto.

The transaction that shows the "Logistic Extraction Structures Customizing Cockpit" is


Questão 27 de 35


Which 3 update methods from the "logistics extraction structures Customizing Cokpit" can be selected for each application?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Direct Delta, Queue Delta and Unserialized V3 update

  • Initialitation Delta, Direct Delta and Queue Delta

  • Direct Delta, Queue Delta and serialized V3 update

  • Initialitation Delta, Queue Delta and serialized V3 update


Questão 28 de 35


Preencha o espaço em branco para completar o texto.

The transaction to mantain generic DataSource is


Questão 29 de 35


Which of the next enhancement of BC DataSources are true?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Some aplication areas such as the LO cockpit or CO-PA allow you to enhance the extraction structure

  • Some aplication areas such as the LIS or CO-PA allow you to enhance the extraction structure

  • The extraction structure from the LO Cockpit cannot be enhanced.

  • In most cases, enhacements are made though "User Exits" either in the SAP applications or on the way to BW

  • An enhamcement using transaction SE11 is not specific to BI and cannot be used for BI. In this case it would be wothwhile to enhance extraction during Data Transfer Process with a routine to fill the field.


Questão 30 de 35


Regarding to define the function enhancement for filling the new fields in the extraction structure, which statements are true?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You have to create a project before you can use an enhancement like this

  • You can integrate one or more enhacements into one project

  • You can integrate one enhancement into one or more project


Questão 31 de 35


When you generate the cstomer append for the extract structure of the DataSource, the system proposes a name starting with ZA followed by the name of the extraction structure, and the fields should start with ZZ

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 32 de 35


Preencha o espaço em branco para completar o texto.

You have to create a project before you can use an enhancement , for that porpose SAP provides


Questão 33 de 35


Preencha os espaços em branco para completar o texto.

There are 4 different enhancement components that can be used for the RSAP0001. Their includes contain the code for filling the extraction structure:

Transaction data supply is
Master data and text supply is
Texts supply is
Hierarchy supply is


Questão 34 de 35


Preencha o espaço em branco para completar o texto.

The transaction to test and debug in extractor check is


Questão 35 de 35


Preencha o espaço em branco para completar o texto.

The monitor running tasks is in transaction
