Venus is sometimes referred to as the "evening star" or the "morning star".
Which planet is Venus most similar to in diameter and mass?
What is true about Venus' atmosphere?
It consists mostly of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), making up approximately 96% of the atmosphere.
The atmospheric pressure is 90% stronger than Earth's.
The atmosphere is extremely hot, due to an extreme or "runaway" greenhouse effect.
All of the above.
Because of Venus' thick atmosphere, night and day temperature only differ by a few degrees.
What is true about Venus' surface?
It experiences plate tectonics similarly to the Earth's, causing many long mountain ranges, large canyons, and volcanoes along edges of plate boundaries.
The surface of Venus is very different from Earth's. While it has many volcanoes, they did not form in a similar way to the Earth's volcanoes, suggesting that Venus' mantle does not experience convection.
The surface of Venus is mostly flat without any traces of volcanoes, mountains, or craters.
Venus' surface is mostly mountainous with many small crater impacts, though there is no trace of volcanoes.
What is unique about Venus' rotation?
Venus has a "retrograde spin", meaning it spins backwards on its axis in comparison to other terrestrial planets.
Venus rotates sideways on its axis.
Venus rotates quicker than any other planet in our solar system, given it the shortest day.
Due to "tidal locking" Venus' always has the same face pointed at the Sun.
Venus spins on its axis slower than any other planet in the Solar System, causing it to have extremely long days and nights.
At one point in time, Venus may have had liquid water, but what happened to it?
The water may have boiled away and sunlight broke down the H2O to allow hydrogen to escape.
The water froze due to the extreme cold Venus' experiencing during night.
The water became trapped in volcanic glass, causing "bubbles" in the rocks.
The water became trapped in cracks Venus' thick crust, so it is no longer present on the surface.
What caused Venus' weak magnetic field?
The interior of the planet is completely solid, making it impossible to generate anything but a residual magnetic field.
The interior of the planet lacks any iron, which is necessary to generate a magnetic field.
The dense atmosphere of the planet does not allow a magnetic field to form.
The slow rotation rate causes a the process for generating a magnetic field to weaken, causing a lack of a magnetic field.
What evidence is there that the surface of Venus was covered by giant flows of lava a few hundred million years ago?
The surface is still very hot.
The cracks present in the lava indicate its age.
Radioactive dating was used to determine when it cooled.
There are relatively few impact craters on Venus' surface.