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Sarah Arnold
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Geography Revision!

Sarah Arnold
Criado por Sarah Arnold aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
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Geography Revision By SarahCountries in NorthAmericaUnited States of AmericaMexicoCanadaIt has 50 states, and WashingtonDC is its capital.There is blistering heat in Hawaii, while there is freezingcold in Alaska!Many French people livethere and the capital isOttowa.Parts of Canada are uninhabited asthey are too cold!Mexico's official name is the Mexican United States, and its capital isMexico City.Mexico introduced chocolate, chillies andcorn to the world!Glossary TermsTectonic plates are massive, irregularly shaped rocks,which can be made by of continental and oceanmaterials, such as graphite.Earthquakes are the vibrations caused by rocks breaking understress. The surface along which the rocks break and move iscalled a fault.A composite volcano is made upof alternating layers of lava andash, whereas other volcanoes arejust made up of lava.A shield volcano is a broad domed volcano with gently sloping sides,and they are usually found at constructive or tensional boundaries.Short Term Need is what you need urgently after adisaster, such as food and shelter, and Long Term Needis when you may need something after a couple ofmonths.A hurricane is a violent wind which has a gale force oftwelve on the Beaufort Scale.A tornado is a mobile, destructing vortex ofviolently rotating winds having the appearanceof a funnel shaped looking cloud.The eye of the storm is a region of mostly calm weather found at thecentre of strong hurricanes, typhoons and tropical cyclones.An avalanche is a mass of snow, ice and rocks rapidlyfalling down a sloped surface, such as a mountainside.A jet stream consists of strong winds which moveweather systems around the globe which can reach up to200 miles per hour!Tectonic Plates And BoundariesThe tectonic plates are moving because the core heats up magma, and whenit rises it cools and slips back down, and it creates friction which graduallymove the plates.180 million years ago, all of the continents we know were grouped together as a supercontinentcalled Pangaea, which was made up of tectonic plates. There are two types of plates,. continental andoceanic.The repeated friction of the magma rising and cooling causes theplates to slide past each other, and when this happens, an earthquakeoccurs, shaking the ground on both sides.There are four types of plate boundary: Constructive, Destructive,Collisional and Conservative.San Francisco DisasterAn earthquake called Loma Prieta hit Northern California onOctober 17th in 1989, which had a magnitude of 6.9 and killed63 people, and 1,000 injuries in just 15 seconds of impacts.It happened because a conservative plate boundary slid past another inopposite directions. It is sometimes called a transformative plate margin,where friction is eventually overcome and the plates slip past in a suddenmovement,To reduce the effects on earthquakes you couldpredict them, or have earthquake trainingcentres where people can go to experience anearthquake and know the signs. You could alsoinstall weights on the roof to reduce movementand automatic window shutters.HurricanesThey start in the tropics (Cancer, Capricorn), and the water starts to heat up becausethere are no clouds, and the air gets hotter and starts to move and travel upwards. Thewarm air funnels inwards, outwards and up and then the vapour cools and condensesto form thick clouds. The wind causes the water to whip up massive waves .Hurricane Katrina made 100 million people homeless, 1million dollars worth of stock was stolen, 85% of NewOrleans was flooded, several oil rigs were damaged, 1200died and farmers crops were ruined.Syrian Refugee CrisisISIS are a terrorist group whowant to make a new state whichwould join parts of Iraq and Syriatogether. They have threatenednon-muslims to covert or die, andhave taken control of many partsof Syria.Climate Change between 2006 and 2001 broughtsevere drought which lasted longer than anyoneexpected. This killed 85% of Syria's livestock andpeppers.There was also a civilwar, with thegovernment fightingrebel groups to gaincontrol of cities. Thiscaused 220,000 to bekilled. It startedbecause lots ofdifferent religions arefighting against eachother.The government had bombarded civilian areaswith air strikes, because an insurgent group hadattacked the government positions.TornadoesFirst of all you need cool dry air, warm dry air and warmmoist air mixed together, which rises up and formsclouds which makes a storm and if winds blow indifferent directions it can start rotating. It causes afunnel to drop out of the cloud, but it only is a hurricanewhen it touches the ground.AvalanchesSnow Layers - Snow on the mountain can turn to ice, and itbecomes very slippery, and if fresh snow falls on top, it canslide forward and start an avalanche.Steep Slopes - They are more likely tohappen on steep slopes as it is easier forsnow to fall down the mountain, due togravity.Deforestation - Trees on the side of the mountain act as anchors, theyhold the snow in place, and if they are cut down the snow becomesunstable.Wind - The wind causes snow todrift and collect, and where itoverhangs it is unstable and itcollapses.Vibrations - Any thing from a person skiing down the slopescan trigger vibrations which cause avalanches.Heavy Snowfall - During periods of heavy snow,snow piles up and when it becomes too heavy itslides down.To prevent avalanches people close the mountaintopsand then drop dynamite to set off the avalanche sonobody is hurt by it when they may come across itlater on.There are people who spot potential avalanches bylooking at maps and past data to see where the nextone could happen.TerrorismTerrorism is where people clash over laws, religion, marriage orother things that they believe are wrong, which leads to attackslike hacking, bombing or arson..Terrorism includes useor threat of violence,, oraffecting members of thepublic.DesertificationCaused by climate change when land begins to dry out.Farmers get more desperate and allow their animals toovergraze on the grass. Plants and tress start to die andmany of them are eaten and die completely. Their rootsare lost and they fly away and become dust, which repeatsuntil nothing can grow and the land turns into a desert.Clique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico