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aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
What was the name of the original prokaryotic kingdom and what did it mean?
3 Characteristics of Prokaryotes
What 2 domains was kingdom monera split into?
List the taxonomic hierarchy from most inclusive to least inclusive.
What does Domain Archaea consist of?
What is peptidoglycan?
Does Domain Archaea contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls?
Is Domain Archaea more similar to Domain Bacteria or Domain Eukarya?
What does Archaea mean?
What is the collective term used for all organisms in Domain Archaea?
List 2 characteristics of Archaea.
What are the 3 groupings of Archaea?
List characteristics of Methanogens.
List characteristics of Extreme Halophiles.
List characteristics of Thermophiles
What is unique about Domain Bacteria?
What is the difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria?
What is a capsule?
What are pilli and what are they used for?
What are the 3 morphological shapes of bacteria?
What are the 3 arrangements of bacteria?
What is bacteria flagella made of?
What is chemotaxis and do bacteria have it?
What is phototaxis and do bacteria have it?
By what method do bacteria divide?
What is a major source of bacteria variation?
What are the three mechanisms of genetic recombination?
What is conjunction?
What is transformation?
What is transduction?
What are saprobes?
What are endospores?
Name the energy source and carbon source of photoautotrophs
Name the energy source and carbon source of chemoautotrophs
Name the energy source and carbon source of photoheterotrophs
Name the energy source and carbon source of chemoheterotrophs
What are parasites?
What is an obligate aerobe?
What is a facultative anaerobe?
What is an obligate anaerobe?
What is symbiosis?
What is mutualism?
What is commensalism?
What is parasitism?
What is amensalism?
What are the kingdoms of Domain Bacteria?
What are the subgroups of Kingdom Proteobacteria?
What are some characteristics of Alpha Proteobacteria?
What are some characteristics of Beta Proteobacteria?
What are some characteristics of Gamma Proteobacteria?
What are some characteristics of Delta Proteobacteria?
What are some characteristics of Epsilon Proteobacteria?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Clamydia?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Spirochetes?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Gram Positive Bacteria?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Cyanobacteria?
What are some general characteristics of Kingdom Protista?
What are the three groupings of Protist?
What are the "supergroups" of Protist?
What are some characteristics of supergroup Excavata?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Diplomonadia?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Parabasala?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Euglenozoa?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Euglenophyta?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Kinetoplastida?
What are some characteristics of supergroup Chromalevolata?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Alveolata?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Dinoflagellata?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Apicomplexa?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Ciliophora?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Stramenopila?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Bacillariophyta?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Chrysophyta?
What Phylum is known as seaweed?
What is a thallus?
What is the holdfast?
What is the stipe?
What are the blades?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Phaeophyta?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Oomycota?
What are some characteristics of supergroup Rhizaria?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Cercozoa?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Foraminifera?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Actinopoda?
What are some characteristics of supergroup Archaeplastida?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Rhodophyta?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Chlorophyta?
What are the 3 divergent evolutionary trends in green algae?
What are some characteristics of supergroup Unikonta?
What are some characteristics of Kingdom Amoebozoa?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Myxogastrida?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Dictyostelida?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Gymnamoeba?
What are some characteristics of Phylum Entamoeba?
allelic frequency equation
genotypic frequency equation
What are the five conditions required for Hardy-Weinberg equalibrium
Life cycle of plasmodium
Life cycle of Paramecium caudatum
Life cycle of plasmodial slime mold
Life cycle of cellular slime mold
Life cycle of Chlamydomonas
What are the three steps of DNA isolation?