Bailey N
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Management chapter 15 quiz

Bailey N
Criado por Bailey N quase 9 anos atrás

MGT chapter 15

Questão 1 de 25


_____ is the process by which individuals attend to, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environments.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Perception

  • Participative communication

  • Active hearing

  • Passive hearing

  • Apprehension


Questão 2 de 25


Which of the following causes people exposed to the same information to often disagree about what they saw or heard?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Straightforward communication

  • Defensive bias

  • Perceptual filter

  • Empathetic listening

  • Antagonism


Questão 3 de 25


Which of the following statements about perception and perceptual filters is true?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • People organize and interpret what they pay attention to similarly

  • People perceive according to experience-based differences.

  • People are unaffected by differences in stimuli.

  • People remember things similarly.

  • People can perceive only similar things.


Questão 4 de 25


The steps in the basic perception process, in order, are _____

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • attention, decision, intention, and action

  • organization, attention, interpretation, retention

  • interpretation, attention, organization, action

  • attention, interpretation, organization, retention

  • attention, organization, interpretation, retention


Questão 5 de 25


In the perception process, _____ is the process of noticing or becoming aware of particular stimuli.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • retention

  • attention

  • organization

  • interpretation

  • activation


Questão 6 de 25


_____ is the tendency to notice and accept objects and information consistent with our values, beliefs, and expectations, while ignoring or screening out inconsistent information.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Fundamental attribution error

  • Selective evaluation

  • Closure

  • Defensive bias

  • Selective perception


Questão 7 de 25


_____ states that we all have a basic need to understand and explain the causes of other people's behavior.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Attribution theory

  • Theory of empathetic reinforcement

  • Causality theory

  • Principle of consideration

  • Behavioral reflection principle


Questão 8 de 25


Lopez was injured at work when he slips and falls at a construction site. However, his coworkers assumed the accident was due to improper flooring. According to attribution theory, Lopez's coworkers interpreted the incident with a _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • culpability bias

  • proactive perceptual error

  • reactive perception error

  • defensive bias

  • fundamental attribution error


Questão 9 de 25


According to attribution theory, _____ makes managers more likely to attribute workers' problems or failures to internal rather than external causes.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the defensive bias

  • the self-serving attribution bias

  • the fundamental attribution error

  • closure

  • cognitive dissonance


Questão 10 de 25


When things go wrong in the workplace, workers are more likely to attribute their problems to _____, while managers are more likely to attribute those same workers' problems to _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • external causes; internal causes

  • the fundamental attribution error; the defensive bias

  • internal causes; external causes

  • extrinsic reinforcers; intrinsic reinforcers

  • intrinsic reinforcers; extrinsic reinforcers


Questão 11 de 25


In the communication process, _____ makes senders aware of possible miscommunications and enables them to continue communicating until the receiver understands the intended message.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • feedback

  • encoding

  • retention

  • noise

  • attribution


Questão 12 de 25


Andrea works for a finance company. She receives a complex message that she is unable to decode correctly. This situation is an example of _____ interfering with the transmission of a message.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • noise

  • attribution biases

  • attrition

  • defensive biases

  • filters


Questão 13 de 25


The _____ communication channel is the system of official channels that carry organizationally approved messages and information.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • formal

  • kinesic

  • attribution

  • cluster chain

  • grapevine


Questão 14 de 25


The three formal communication channels in organizations are categorized as _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • hierarchical, functional, and organizational

  • downward, horizontal, and upward

  • vertical, horizontal, and dyadic

  • upward, dyadic, and downward

  • horizontal, vertical, and grapevine


Questão 15 de 25


The two primary types of grapevine communication networks are _____ chains

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • upward and downward

  • cluster and gossip

  • focus and scramble

  • diagonal and horizontal

  • linear and circular


Questão 16 de 25


In a grapevine communication network, a _____ involves one highly connected individual sharing information with many other managers and workers.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • dyadic chain

  • vacuum chain

  • cluster chain

  • structural chain

  • gossip chain


Questão 17 de 25


Organizational grapevines can be managed by:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the management withholding information.

  • rewarding employees when they circulate rumors in the company.

  • keeping employees informed about changing strategies and policies

  • giving incorrect information to the employees

  • punishing those who share information with other employees.


Questão 18 de 25


_____ is a type of one-on-one communication used by managers to improve an employee's on-the-job performance or behavior.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • coaching

  • leading

  • counseling

  • supportive supervision

  • upward guidance


Questão 19 de 25


In nonverbal communication, the term _____ refer to movements of the body and face.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • mnemonics

  • kinesics

  • semitones

  • semantics

  • proxemics


Questão 20 de 25


In nonverbal communication, _____ includes the pitch, rate, tone, volume, and speaking pattern (i.e., use of silences, pauses, or hesitations) of one's voice.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • paralanguage

  • metalanguage

  • semitones

  • proxemics

  • kinesics


Questão 21 de 25


Which of the following is one of the primary tasks faced by managers who want to improve communication?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Controlling organization-wide kinesics

  • Maintaining vertical communication channels

  • Managing small group communication

  • Managing organization-wide communication

  • Eliminating informal communication channels


Questão 22 de 25


Which of the following statements about hearing and listening is true?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Listening is a passive action, while hearing is an active action

  • Hearing is perception of sounds, while listening is making a conscious effort to hear.

  • Listening is an involuntary behavior, and hearing is a voluntary behavior.

  • Both hearing and listening require paralanguage for the communication process to occur.

  • Hearing and listening are synonymous with each other


Questão 23 de 25


_____ is a technique of understanding a speaker's perspective and personal frame of reference and giving feedback that conveys that understanding to the speaker.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Symbiotic listening

  • active listening

  • reflective hearing

  • empathetic listening

  • non-confrontational listening


Questão 24 de 25


_____ is feedback that is intended to be helpful, corrective, and/or encouraging and is aimed at correcting performance deficiencies and motivating employees.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Dyadic feedback

  • Constructive feedback

  • Solicited feedback

  • Participative feedback

  • Empathetic feedback


Questão 25 de 25


Organizational silence occurs when _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • an organization is going to engage in a leveraged buyout

  • employees believe that telling managers about problems will not make a difference

  • employees are encouraged to discuss company issues with the news media

  • an organization refuses to answer customer complaints

  • managers shut down all efforts to conduct grapevine communications in the organization
