Criado por 19eh94
quase 11 anos atrás
What is water pollution?
What are point source and non-point sources?
What are some infectious agents?
What are "oxygen demanding wastes?"
How is oxygen cycled?
What are the 5 Trophic levels of Lakes from worst to better.
How much production does a lake need to be consisdered Dystrophic?
What does it mean to be a "oligotrophic lake"?
What does Mesotrophic mean?
What does Eutrophic mean?
What does Hypertrophic mean?
What does Eutrophication mean?
Explain limiting factors
What is Oxygen Demand?
Explain Oxygen Sag
What are some problems with releasing raw sewage?
What are some common nutrients in fresh water and open waters?
What are two Hydroelectric Developments?
What is hydro electricity?
What is thermal Pollution?
What are two forms of water pollution control?
What is Source Reduction?
What are the three Stages of Sewage treatment?