Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

A2 ICT (1. Data, Information, Knowledge and Processing) Mapa Mental sobre Data, Information, Knowledge and Processing, criado por eleanorbradbury em 09-04-2013.

Criado por eleanorbradbury quase 12 anos atrás
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Data, Information, Knowledge and ProcessingData, Information and KnowledgeData is made ofalphanumericCharactersInformation= Data +Structure + Context +MeaningKnowledge is the application anduse of informationRepresentation MethodsTextAdvantagesDisadvantagesClear to understandLots of Detailneed to be ableto read andundestand thelanguagelevel of detail can beconfusingLots of text cannotbe read quicklyGraphicsAdvantagesMultilingual, donot need to beable to read alanguageCan match what you seewith physical shapesDisadvantagesConfusing if you dont know the symbolsome symbols do notmean the same thingin different countriesSoundAdvantagesNo fixed posistionNo line of sightrequiredGood for visuallyimpaired peopleDisadvantagesNo good in largeareasUsually languagebasedMay not know thesoundNeed to be able to hearMoving picturesAdvantagesLots ofinformationconveyedNot language dependantDisadvantagesProblems if soundattatchedLinear, if you do notsee the start you maynot understand itLEDAdvantagesCan be used inmany placesSimilar tographicsCan keepinformationsecureDisadvantagesNeed to be able tosee the lightsCombination of lights needs to beknown to be understoodData typesBoolean- yes/noReal- Numbers withdecimalsInteger- whole numbersText/String- alphnumeric charactersSources of DataDirect- when youhave collected thedataIndirect- whensomeone else hascollected the data forthe same or adifferent purposeAdvantageSource andcollectionmethod areverifiedExact data can be collectedData collected can be changed to needsDisadvantagesMay not get a largeamount of dataData may not be availableAdvantagesLarge range ofdata availableData availablefrom differenttime periodsData may havealready beenanalysedDisadvantagesDo not know ifcollection was biasedCannot be certain ofaccuracyMay not have allinformation about howit was collectedIf the information was notorginally collected you can't gethold of itStatic and dynamic DataStatic - Cannot be changedDynamic - canbe updatedQuality of informationAccuracyRelevanceAgeCompletenessPresentationLevel of detailEncoding DataValidationVerificationEnsures that data entered isreasonable, sensible, complete andwithin acceptable boundsRange checkPresence checkLookup checkPicture checkType checkCheck digitEnsures source and object document arethe sameProof readingComputer verificationManual VerificationBack up and archivingBacking up involves makinga copy of the dataArchiving is removing datafrom direct acessCost of informationGeneric ICT systemHardware- specialist equipment such asscanners, graphics tablets ectSoftware- desktop publishingor graphics packages ectpersonnel - newemployees andtraining staffConsumable - electricity,paper and ink ectinput external data is put intothe systemprocess - manipulating the datastorage - holding the data for later useoutput - data beign passedoutside the systemfeedback - output influencing the inputClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico