Criado por Paul Mandaiker
quase 9 anos atrás
How can you check Multicollinearity?
How can the presence of Multicollinearity be solved?
Explain Ward's Method
Explain Mediation
Explain Moderation
Conditions for Mediation
What is a marketing model
What is a market response model?
Explain intuition between least squares model
What are residuals and why are they squared in linear regression?
Simple explanation of linear regression
Why is does linear regression use a measurement error term (Epsilon)
What is the difference between Measurement Error (Epsilon) and e
How do you interpret Beta
What does the standard deviation of error term indicate?
How do you compare relative effects of different IVs on DV if their units are different?
What is the null hypothesis to test overall model significance?
How can coefficient significance be tested?
How do you calculate a 95% confidence interval
What is R-square
Why is adjusted R-square important?
what are the three error assumptions
How can you test the normality assumption?
You do no want to reject the null of KS test.
What is the equal variance assumption?
How does a violated equal variance assumption look like?
when is the independence assumption violated?
How do you interpret a dummy coefficient (Beta)?
In Conjoint analysis: why are consumers asked to evaluate products by considering different attributes jointly?
What is the most preferred product?
How do you calculate the importance of an attribute?
How do you calculate the relative importance of attribute?
How do you calculate utilities and market share of hypothetical products?
Standardised coefficients become importance of attributes.
What are the two goals of cluster analysis?
How do you measure homogeneity/heterogeneity?
When do you use Euclidean metric of distance?
What do you have to examine in data before doing cluster analysis?
What is the premise of agglomerative hierarchical clustering?
What are two agglomerative processes used in hierarchical clustering?
name three ways of deciding on the number of clusters
What is non-hierarchical clustering?
What are advantages/disadvantages of non-hierarchical clustering?
How do you interpret and profile clusters?
Explain the direct method of MDS.
Explain derived method of MDS
When do you stop with MDS algorithm?
What does STRESS indicate?
Why is STRESS value similar to R-square?
How do you determine ideal number of dimensions on perceptual map?
How do you label dimensions of perceptual maps?