Siena HB
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Practice Questions for KNPE 355

Siena HB
Criado por Siena HB mais de 8 anos atrás

355 Exam Lecture Questions

Questão 1 de 86


Which one of the following is not a mode of Cardiometabolic Risk assessment?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Lab Test

  • Physical Exam

  • PISQ

  • Clinical Test

  • PAR-Q


Questão 2 de 86


The average resting heart rate of an individual is between

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 65-85 bpm

  • 70-90 bpm

  • 50-70 bpm

  • 60-80 bpm

  • None of the Above


Questão 3 de 86


Pulse provides information on which of the following:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Speed and irregularities of heart rate

  • Level of arousal

  • Sleeping or Awake

  • How healthy an individual is

  • Whether or not there are blockages in the blood


Questão 4 de 86


Prior to taking BP via auscultation it is important to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Ask patient how much alcohol they have consumed in the past 12 hours

  • Let patient relax for at least 5 minutes in a comfortable environment

  • Sedate the patient so that they are in a relaxed state


Questão 5 de 86


Which of the following does correlate with the correct blood pressure category

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Normal <120mmHg/<80mmHg

  • Prehypertension 120-135mmHg/80-89mmHg

  • Hypertension 136-159mmHg/90-100mmHg

  • Stage 2 Hypertension >160 mmHg/>101mmHg

  • Stage 3 Hypertension >180mmHg/>120mmHg


Questão 6 de 86


Cardiorespiratory Fitness is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The ability of the cardiometabolic system to produce strong work by consuming oxygen

  • The ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen around the body and keep muscles healthy

  • The ability of the cardiometabolic system to deliver oxygen to working muscles and those muscles ability to use that oxygen to do work

  • The ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to working muscles and do work using that oxygen


Questão 7 de 86


Active Recovery entails:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Continuing light intensity exercise for approximately 3 minutes

  • Recording HR at each minute

  • Additional two minutes if not below 100bpm

  • All of the above

  • A and B


Questão 8 de 86


Which of the following is a correct response if a patient feels uncomfortable or exhibits signs of distress during a test?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Reduce cadence and continue test

  • Pause test and give them a second before continuing test

  • Take steps to terminate test

  • Encourage them to keep going


Questão 9 de 86


These two tests are examples of Submaximal Tests

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Constant duration Cycle & Constant Duration Treadmill

  • YMCA Cycle Ergometer & Ebling Treadmill Walking

  • YMCA Cycle Ergometer & Constant Duration Treadmill

  • Constant Duration cycle & Ebling Treadmill Test


Questão 10 de 86


All of the following are examples of Exercise Tolerance Tests except:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Constant Work (CWT)
    Participant completes set amount of work or a given distance as

  • Constant Duration (CDT)
    Participant completes as much work or covers as much distances as possible in a set time

  • Constant Power (CPT)
    Participant maintains a constant power until exhaustion

  • Constant Speed (CST)
    Participant maintains a constant speed until exhaustion


Questão 11 de 86


Which of the following best describes the advantages of Sub-maximal testing

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Sub-maximal testing is relatively simple and thus can be performed by untrained individuals in a short period of time

  • This type of testing can be completed quickly due to its simple nature thus making it easier to apply to clinical populations

  • Sub-maximal testing is relatively simple and inexpensive making it easy to apply to clinical populations

  • Sub-maximal testing is easier to apply to non-clinical populations due to its timeliness and simplicity


Questão 12 de 86


The YMCA Cycle Ergometer test is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Contains 3 or 4, 3 minute workloads

  • A constant cadence at 50 rpm

  • Aimed to raise heart rate between 110 bpm and 85% of age predicted HRmax

  • Work loads are determined by the heart rate during the last minute of the first workload

  • All of the Above


Questão 13 de 86


If a 25 year old male’s heart rate is 89 bpm during the first work load his subsequent 2nd, 3rd and 4th workloads would be which of the following respectively:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 450kpm/min, 600kpm/min, 700kpm/min

  • 600kpm/min, 750kpm/min, 900kpm/min

  • 600kpm/min, 700kpm/min, 800kpm/min

  • 450kpm/min, 600kpm/min, 750kpm/min


Questão 14 de 86


Exercise tolerance test determines _________ performance, whereas VO2 max determines max. oxygen consumption during exercise

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Anaerobic

  • Aerobic

  • Athletic

  • Cardiometabolic


Questão 15 de 86


All of the following are aspects of the treadmill test except:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • CDT

  • 3 minute warm up

  • Treadmill at 0%

  • 10 minutes at highest work-rate

  • A and B

  • B and D


Questão 16 de 86


The resistance for the Cycle CDT Exercise Tolerance test is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 3.5 kp

  • kp as determined by the participants 85% age predicted HR

  • 3 kp

  • 2 kp

  • 5 kp


Questão 17 de 86


Functional fitness assessment is important because:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The main causes of injuries especially in aging populations are sedentary lifestyle and disease

  • The components testing in FFA impact an individuals ability to perform activities of daily living

  • Testing can help reduce the prominence of injuries like hip fractures which represent a high percentage of health care costs

  • All of the above are reasons as to why FFA is important


Questão 18 de 86


Which of the following test is matched with the correct area of assessment

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 30 second arm curl/upper arm strength

  • 30 second chair stand /lower body and core strength

  • 8 foot up and go/Static balance

  • 2 minute step test/cardiorespiratory endurance


Questão 19 de 86


One of the following lists all possible ways to measure musculoskeletal fitness

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Muscular, strength, muscular endurance, speed, flexibility

  • Muscular strength, muscular endurance, muscular power

  • Muscular strength, muscular endurance, muscular power and flexibility


Questão 20 de 86


Steps of the grip strength test include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Held between fingers, palm of hand and base of thumb

  • Take two measures on one hand and then two on the other

  • Exhale while squeezing

  • Hold hand away from body and stare at focal point

  • A, C and D

  • All of the above


Questão 21 de 86


Sit and Reach:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Tests the lower back and hamstring flexibility of an individual

  • Uses a flexometer

  • Uses a dynamometer

  • Repeated twice for accuracy

  • A, C and D


Questão 22 de 86


Subjective Measures of Physical Activity include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Questionnaires

  • Interviews

  • Written tests

  • All of the above


Questão 23 de 86


Typically subjective measures lack reliability and validity because:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The reference table may not be an accurate reflection of specific population

  • Seasonal variation

  • Human memory

  • Difficulty to objectively judge self

  • All of the above


Questão 24 de 86


The accelerometer is a good example of an:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Subjective measure of cardiovascular endurance

  • Objective measure of physical activity

  • Objective measure of cardiovascular endurance

  • Subjective measure of physical activity


Questão 25 de 86


The accelerometer units of measurement are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • BPM

  • m/min

  • CPM

  • DPM


Questão 26 de 86


The gold standards of body composition assessment include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • MRI

  • CT

  • DEXA

  • X-Ray

  • Hydrostatic Weighing

  • All of the above

  • A, B, and D


Questão 27 de 86


The gold standards of body composition assessment include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Weight (kg)/Height (cm2)

  • Weight (Kg)/Height (m2)

  • Height (m2)/Weight (kg)

  • Weight (lbs)/Height (m2)


Questão 28 de 86


An individual would be considered obese II if their BMI was between the following range:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 30-34.9

  • 31.-39.9

  • 35-39.9

  • 35-44.9


Questão 29 de 86


The two measurements of waist circumference are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NHANE – Inguinal Crest, WHO – midpoint

  • NHANE – Iliac Crest, WHO – Midpoint

  • NHANE – Midpoint, WHO – Iliac Crest

  • None of the above


Questão 30 de 86


Prior to taking a BIA measurement you should advise the participant to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Avoid alcohol consumption for 24 hours prior to test

  • Exercise lightly for 30 minutes in 8 hours prior to test

  • Avoid showering for 8 hours prior to test

  • Increase water consumption 12 hours prior to test

  • None of the above


Questão 31 de 86


Which of the following is the correct thumb and index finger placement for obtaining consistent and accurate skin folds:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 12 cm apart and perpendicular to the long axis of the skin fold

  • 8 cm apart and parallel to the long axis of the skin fold

  • 10 cm apart and parallel to the long axis of the skin fold

  • 8 cm apart and perpendicular to the long axis of the skin fold


Questão 32 de 86


When acquiring a skin fold the head of the callipers should be placed at?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The crest of the skin fold

  • Halfway between the crest and base of the skin fold

  • The base of the skin fold

  • Beside the skin fold


Questão 33 de 86


Which of the following is not an accepted skin fold site

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Biceps

  • Iliac Crest

  • Deltoid

  • Calf


Questão 34 de 86


Jaws of the caliber are placed 1cm below the the point where the skin fold is: True or False?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • True

  • False


Questão 35 de 86


The tricep skin fold measurement requires marking the midpoint between:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Distal clavicle and acromion process

  • Distal clavicle and olecranon process

  • Acromion process and olecranon process

  • Inferior deltoid and proximal radius


Questão 36 de 86


Which of the following is correct regarding the order of skin fold measurement ?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Complete one full round of measurements at each site, then repeat cycle

  • Complete one measurement at all sites in order except sub scapular which requires two consecutive measurements for reliable values

  • The order in which measurements are taken is not important as long as 3 measures are obtained at each site

  • None of the above


Questão 37 de 86


All skin fold measurements should be taken before how long after pressure is released?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 1 second

  • 2-3 seconds

  • 4 seconds

  • 6 seconds


Questão 38 de 86


A third measure at a site is only taken under which circumstances?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It is felt that another measure would yield a more accurate reading

  • The client requests it

  • The mean of the first 2 is greater than the corresponding intra-measure error

  • All of the above


Questão 39 de 86


Which of the following is a limitation of taking skin folds

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • People may have sensitive skin

  • Intra- and inter- individual error

  • You need a lot of training to be competent

  • All of the above


Questão 40 de 86


In which of the following situations would taking skin folds not be recommended?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Determining the effect of a weight loss intervention in individuals with a BMI >30kg/m2

  • Determining the effect of training in some elite level athletes (rowing or wrestling)

  • Determining the effects of a weight loss intervention in individuals who would be classified as overweight

  • Skin fold should never be recommended


Questão 41 de 86


The following is necessary to measure waist circumference correctly except:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The arms should be cross over the chest

  • The examiner should be positioned on one knee on the clients right side

  • The measurement should be taken at the inferior edge of the iliac crest

  • The measurement should be taken at the midline of the body


Questão 42 de 86


Which of the following is/are not true of proper technique for taking circumference measurements:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • All measurements should be taken on the left side of the body

  • Take a minimum of two measurements at each site in rotational order

  • Apply tension to the tape so it fits snugly around the body without causing indentation to the skin

  • For waist, align the tape in a horizontal plane to the floor


Questão 43 de 86


Proper hip circumference measurement should be taken:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • At the narrowest part of the torso

  • Distal to the gluteal fold

  • Around the buttocks at the furthest posterior protrusion

  • At the superior edge of the iliac crest


Questão 44 de 86


Of the following which is/are true about BMI?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It is a good measure of abdominal adiposity

  • It is an indirect measure of body fatness

  • It provides important information on the distribution of body fat

  • All of the above


Questão 45 de 86


What are the current cut offs for abdominal obesity in men and women?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Women=88cm, Men=102cm

  • Women=88cm, Men=88cm

  • Women=102cm, Men=88cm

  • Women=102cm, Men=102cm


Questão 46 de 86


According to the Arden et al. reading which of the following is not an issue with the current abdominal obesity cut-offs for men and women?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The wait circumference thresholds were developed to be used in place of BMI rather than in addition to BMI

  • The thresholds were developed in a predominantly caucasian population

  • The waist circumference thresholds do not predict increased health risk within normal weight, over weight, and obese BMI categories

  • The thresholds were not developed based on the relationship between wait circumference and health risk


Questão 47 de 86


Based on Reading 1 which of the following statements is correct?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The addition of BMI specific waist circumference cut off does not improve the classifications of risk

  • Women have a higher WC threshold than men

  • The thresholds were developed to measure absolute risk rather than relative risk

  • Waist circumference thresholds provide additional information on health risk versus using BMI alone to determine health risk


Questão 48 de 86


Which of the following is false regarding the importance of measuring waist circumference ****

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Abdominal fatness is a more important determinant of health outcomes than overall body fatness

  • Individuals with increased waist circumference are more likely to have the metabolic syndrome

  • a high waist circumference even within obesity class II and III denotes a higher risk for coronary events

  • Individuals who have a BMI within the normal range are at increased risk if they have a higher waist circumference


Questão 49 de 86


What would the health risk of a female with a BMI of 28kg/m2 and a waist circumference of 97 cm be?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Low

  • Moderate

  • Very High

  • Extremely High


Questão 50 de 86


A participant has just completed the one-mile walk test and their active recovery. They have been sitting for 3 minutes. Under which of the following scenarios would you end the passive recovery?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The participant's HR reaches 110 bpm

  • The participant's blood pressure drops to 135 mmhg/90 mmhg

  • The participant informal you they feel recovered

  • All of the above


Questão 51 de 86


Bob is an older adult who has been recommended by his physician to determine his aerobic fitness. He does not have any balance or coordination issues. Which of the sub maximal tests from the CSEP-PATH manual would be the most appropriate to assess his VO2 max?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The mCAFT

  • YMCA Cycle Ergometer

  • Treadmill walking test

  • One-Mile walk test


Questão 52 de 86


If doing a cycle ergometer exercise test and cycling at 50 rpm with 1kg of resistance (distance per revolution 6m) what is the equation you would use to calculate to the work rate (watts) at which the individual is cycling? 1 watt=6kgm/min

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 1kg*(6m/50rpm)*6

  • 1kg*(6m/50rpm)/6

  • (1kg*6m*50rpm)*6

  • (1kg*6m*50rpm)/6


Questão 53 de 86


For relative VO2 peak what is the appropriate unit of measurement?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • L/min

  • L/kgFFM/min

  • ml/kg/min

  • L/kg/min


Questão 54 de 86


Once a participant is seated during the recover process, at what time points do you measure HR and BP?
a) Minute 2
b) Minute 1
c) Minute 4
d) Minute 3

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A and B

  • A, B, and D

  • B and D

  • All of the above


Questão 55 de 86


What assumptions are made in considering sub maximal exercise tests?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • HR will continue to rise consistently throughout each test

  • There is variability in HRmax for clients of a similar age

  • The mechanical efficiency during cycling or treadmill exercise is consistent for all individuals

  • An exponential relationship exists between Vo2 and HR within the range of 110-150 ppm

  • All of the above


Questão 56 de 86


During the belying Treadmill Walking Test a steady state HR is achieved when the HR does not vary by more than:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 1 bpm

  • 10 bpm

  • 3 bpm

  • 5 bpm


Questão 57 de 86


In the Ebbing Single Stage Treadmill Walking Test, at which HR range should the client be exercising in within the first of walking?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 40-60%

  • 55-75%

  • 65-85%

  • 50-70%


Questão 58 de 86


Which of the following is not an advantage of sub maximal aerobic exercise testing?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • More accurate

  • Less Costly

  • Quicker to carry out

  • All of the Above


Questão 59 de 86


When is the HR recorded during the YMCA test?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • During the first 15 seconds of each minute

  • During the final 15 seconds of each minute

  • During the first 15 seconds of minute 1 and 3 of each workload

  • During the final 15 seconds of minute 1 and 3 of each workload


Questão 60 de 86


Tracy is cycling at 50 rpm with 2.5kp of resistance. At what power is she cycling?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 75 W

  • 125 W

  • 175 W

  • 750 W


Questão 61 de 86


The next workload of the YMCA Cycle test requires that the individual cycles at a power of 200 W. How much total weight must be on the weight basket to increase the resistance to this power?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 3 kg

  • 3.5 kg

  • 4 kg

  • 4.5 kg


Questão 62 de 86


A 65 kg female is using the treadmill walking test to estimate VO2 max. She is 52 years old. Her speed is initially 3.2 mph but adjusted to 3.5 mph after her first minute of warm up. She reaches steady state HR of 104 bpm. What is her estimated VO2 max?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 36.8 ml/kg/min

  • 3.2 L/min

  • 42.7 ml/kg/min

  • 34.3 ml/kg/min


Questão 63 de 86


You are performing the Ebbing Treadmill Test on a 48-year old male. After the first minute of warmup, the following HR should be maintained:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 85

  • 104

  • 125

  • None of the Above


Questão 64 de 86


What is the HR cut-off for sufficient recover after the Ebbing Treadmill?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 121

  • 120

  • 99

  • 100


Questão 65 de 86


Technically speaking, what is the most accurate determinant of max. oxygen consumption?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A non exercise model for prediction of VO2 max

  • A graded submaximal test

  • A graded maximal test with collected expired gases

  • None of the above


Questão 66 de 86


During the Cycle Exercise Tolerance Test, which of the following is the only variable the participant can change at their will?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cadence

  • Resistance

  • Duration

  • All are predetermined and constant


Questão 67 de 86


Badr has just completed the 10 minute cycle exercise tolerance test, he was able to maintain a cadence of 90 rpm throughout the test. What was his total power in kpm/min?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 270 kpm/min

  • 1620

  • 2700

  • 16200


Questão 68 de 86


What do Vollard et al. report happens when inactive participants undergo a period of aerobic training?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • There is an equal increase in VO2 max and aerobic performance

  • Improvements of VO2 max and aerobic performance occur independent of one another

  • The improvement in VO2 max far outweighs the improvements in aerobic performance

  • There is not change in either


Questão 69 de 86


What did Vollard et al. Conclude?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Vo2 max is a good determinant of improvements in aerobic performance

  • Improvements in Vo2 max and metabolic control combine to explain enhanced aerobic performance

  • Individuals who are low responders to Vo2 max following aerobic exercise are also low responders to aerobic performance following aerobic exercise

  • None of the above


Questão 70 de 86


In which of the following scenarios would you use an aerobic performance test in place of VO2 max?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To determine max. O2 consumption

  • To predict performance of 20km cycling time trial

  • To assess cardiovascular disease risk

  • None of the above


Questão 71 de 86


Which of the following is not part of the protocol for exercise tolerance treadmill test?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Participants walk at 0% grade for warm up, then increase to 5% for duration of test

  • Participants self select speed throughout duration of test

  • Test measures total distance covered in 12 minutes

  • Speed is recorded every 20 seconds throughout test


Questão 72 de 86


Which of the following is part of the protocol for the exercise tolerance cycle test?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It is defined as a constant work test

  • Resistance is set at 5kp

  • Participant cycles at desired cadence

  • HR is recorded every 20 seconds throughout duration of test


Questão 73 de 86


What is the main reason for measuring exercise tolerance in addition to VO2 max in KNPE 355?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Athletes rely more on exercise tolerance as an indicator of performance

  • There are fewer technical errors associated with measuring exercise tolerance vs. VO2 max

  • Individuals can improve exercise tolerance without improving VO2 max

  • There is no point in measuring exercise tolerance


Questão 74 de 86


Which of the following is the best predictor of initial onset disability?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Upper body strength

  • Lower body strength

  • Balance/coordination

  • A and B


Questão 75 de 86


Enhanced musculoskeletal fitness is positively associated with all of the following except:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Bone health

  • Glucose Homeostasis

  • Mobility

  • Aerobic Capacity


Questão 76 de 86


The push-up test is important for assessing which component of musculoskeletal fitness?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Flexibility

  • Endurance

  • Power

  • Strength


Questão 77 de 86


The sit and reach test assess the flexibility of what part of the body?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Upper Back

  • Hamstring

  • Hip

  • Calf Muscles


Questão 78 de 86


Termination for the push-up test includes all of the following except:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • If the client feels pain and discomfort

  • When the client performs a maximum of 25 push ups in 1 minute

  • When client is unable to maintain proper push-up technique over 2 reps

  • All of the above are indications to terminate


Questão 79 de 86


The vertical jump test is used to assess which component of musculoskeletal fitness?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Flexibility

  • Endurance

  • Power

  • Strength


Questão 80 de 86


Termination criteria for the back extension test include all of the following except:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Client experiences pain or discomfort

  • Maintained the test for 3 minutes (180 seconds)

  • Torso drops below the horizontal on one occasion

  • The client is fatigued and wants to stop


Questão 81 de 86


The one-leg stance is terminated after completing a maximum of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 1 minute

  • 30 seconds

  • 45 seconds

  • 2 minutes


Questão 82 de 86


Balancing on one leg requires all of the following except:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Static Balance

  • Dynamic Balance

  • Leg Strength

  • Integration of visual and inner ear signals and receptors in the muscles and joints


Questão 83 de 86


The back extension test measures what component of musculoskeletal fitness

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Back endurance

  • Core Endurance

  • Leg Endurance

  • All of the above


Questão 84 de 86


In subjective physical activity questionnaires, an example of the floor effect is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • When activities that are less intense than brisk walking cannot be accounted for

  • When light PA is self-reported as a higher intensity

  • When resistance exercises cannot be accounted for

  • When sedentary behaviour is not self-recorded properly


Questão 85 de 86


In self-reported PA questionnaires what aspect of PA is the least reliably reported?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Frequency

  • Duration

  • Intensity

  • No aspect is less reliable than another


Questão 86 de 86


What type of validity is most ideal to measure on a PA questionnaire

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Concurrent Validity

  • Predictive Validity

  • Criterion Validity

  • Construct Validity
