Criado por Sparkle Shine
quase 9 anos atrás
The Transformation of Surgery
What were the three main problems in surgery?
What wold be prescribed to deal with pain?
When was Nitrous oxide first discovered and by whom?
What were some of the problems that came along with the use of nitrous oxide?
What did William Morton discover and in what year?
What were some of the disadvantages to using Ether?
Who was the first to use Ether?
Who was James Simpson and what did he discover?
What year was this discovery made?
Were there any drawbacks or problems that the use of chloroform produced?
How did the use of chloroform become famous?
Why was there opposition to the use of anesthetics?
How was chloroform discovered?
When was the "Black period" of surgery?
Why is it that as the use of anesthetics increased by the 1850s and 1860s the death rates in surgery went up?
What did Joseph Lister do?
In what year was this carried out?
-What influenced this discovery?
What is an antiseptic?
What did the use of Carbolic spray mean?
Who was Ignaz semmelweis?
How was surgery like before Lister's discovery?
-Why did people oppose Lister's discovery?
What were the impacts of using carbolic spray?
What is an anticoagulant?
What led to the first blood banks being set up during WWI?
What happened in 1901?
When did the first blood transfusion take place?
And by whom?
What was the main problem with blood transfusions in 1907?
What is a blood transfusion?
When were X-rays discovered?
And by whom?
What did Marie Curie do?
Who was Harold Gillies?
Roughly how many plastic surgery operations were there during the war?
What factors influenced the development in surgery?
How did War influence the development of surgery?
How did Science help the development of surgery?
How did Technology hep the improvement of surgery?
How did communications help the improvement of surgery?
Who performed the first blood transfusion?
Who invented the first blood banks?
When was this?
What was the next stage to tackle, after antiseptics?
When did Hannah greener die?
Who developed aseptic surgey and in what year?
What did Halstead do?
Who discovered that sodium citrate can be used as an anticoagulant? And when?
Who realised the discovery about citrate glucose solution and when?
When was the first blood bank opened? And by whom?