Criado por Anna mph
quase 9 anos atrás
What is anxiety?
What is an anxiolytic?
What is a sedative?
What is a hypnotic?
What classes of drugs can be used as anxiolytics? (6)
Which class of drugs can be used to subdue a panic attack but shouldn't be used long term due to their addictive nature?
Which drugs are anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic?
Which drugs are just anxiolytic?
Which drug is just hypnotic?
What are the two mainly used types of anti-depressants?
What is the onset time period for anti-depressants? (SSRIs and SNRIs)
Give an example of an SSRI
Give an example of a SNRI
What are the clinical uses of benzodiazepines?
What are the side effects of benzodiazepines? (6)
Give an example of a benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety?
What happens if you mix benzodiazepines with alcohol?
What are the half lives of these drugs and what are they (hypnotic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant) (5) (more important are *)
Tolerance in benzodiazepine is ? in
How does tolerance vary with half life of the drug?
What are the physical dependence withdrawal symptoms?
How do benzodiazepines work? (2)
What effect does BCCE (ethyl-B-carboline-3-carboxylate) and diazepam binding inhibitors have?
What is the point of benzodiazepine antagonists?
What happens if you give someone a benzodiazepine antagonist if they have no benzodiazepines in their system?
Give an example of a benzodiazepine antagonist
What is phenobarbitone?
What type of receptors do barbituates potentiate the action of?
Which ligand gated ion channel do they inhibit?
Why are benzodiazepines used more commonly than barbiturates?
How do low and high concentrations of barbiturates interact with GABA receptors?
What is Buspirone
How does Buspirone differ to benzodiasepines in terms of sedation and motor in-coordination?
What are the side effects of Buspirone and how do they relate to benzodiazepines?
What are the pros of Buspirone (1)
What are the cons of Buspirone?
What are 5-HT1a receptors and where are they located?
What effect does the prolonged presence of buspirone have on the 5-HT1a receptors (and seretonin release)?
Why are B adrenoreceptors antagonists not a good anxiety treatment?
Which symptoms of anxiety do B adrenoreceptor antagonists treat?
Give an example of an B adrenoreceptor antagonist
What can antipsychotics be used to treat?
Why are antipsychotics not generally used?
What can zopiclone and zolpidem be used for?
Where do Zopiclone and zolpidem bind?