Criado por ashiana121
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
What does secularisation refer to?
What is meant by the 'golden age' of religion?
Since then there has been a ________ in the proportion of the population going to church
An increase in the average ___ of churchgoers
Fewer ________ and _____ _________
A decline in numbers holding traditional _________ ________
Greater _______ ________ including more non-Christian religions
Who argues that Western societies have been undergoing a long-term process of secularisation?
What percentage of the adult population attend church? (2015)
What does the English Church Census (2006) show?
Despite this, why is the overall trend in church attendance still a decline?
________ _____ is declining in line with the decline in church attendance and membership
In which way has religions influence on wider society declined? (education)
In what way do faith schools have to conform to the states regulations?
How does the number of clergy affect secularisation?
What are the names of the three theories that explain secularisation?
What is a common theme for explaining the process of secularisation? (starts with M)
What does modernisation involve?
How does secularisation emphasise the affect of social change on religion?
What is the other theme in the explainations of secularisation?
What two things do secularisation theorists argue the growth of diversity has undermined about religion?
Who's explaination for secularisation is 'rationalisation'?
What does rationalisation refer to?
What does Max Weber argue about the Protestant Reformation (16th century)?
How did the medieval Catholic world-view see the world?
What types of things were thought to be present and influential in the world?
Humans could try and influence these beings in their favour by means such as what? (3)
What word is given to the process by which Protestantism saw God as transcendent, removing magical/religious ways of thinking and therefore starting the rationalisation process?
Using _______ and _______, humans could discover the laws of nature and predict how the world works and control it through technology
What do technological advances allow humans to do?
What does this do to the religious world-view?
Who follows on from this and argues that a 'technological world-view' has largely replaces religious/supernatural explanations?
What does Bruce conclude?
Who's theory is 'structural differentiation'?
What is structural differentiation?
How does structural differentiation lead to the disengagement of religion?
What things has the church largely lost its influence in?
What does Bruce mean when he says that religion has become privatised?
As a result what has happened to traditional rituals and symbols?
Even where religion continues to perform functions such as education and social welfare, what must it do?
What is an example of this in the education system?