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Sophia Franklin
Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

Mapa Mental sobre Islam Quiz Part II, criado por Sophia Franklin em 08-01-2016.

Sophia Franklin
Criado por Sophia Franklin aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
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IslamQuizPart IIOttoman EmpireSafavid EmpireMughal EmpireSultan: meaning "overlord"or "one with power"First Sultan: Orkhan I (Osman's son)Timur the LameHalted Ottoman expansionBurned Baghdad to the groundCrushed Ottoman forces at theBattle of Ankara in 1402Suleyman the LawgiverCame to the throne in 1502 andruled for 46 yearsExcellent military leaderSocial OrganizationConquered Belgrade in 1521 (wasan important European city)Naval Power led tocapture of Tripoli (N.Africa)1526 moved into Hungaryand Austrian conqueringLaw CodeHandled bothcriminal and civilactionsTaxes simplifiedand limitedReduced andsystemizedbureaucracyGovernmentSoldiersDevshirmeDrafting of boys from thepeoples of conquered Christianterritories to form an elite,Islamic fighting forceJanisseriesElite force trained tobe loyal to the sultanHeart of the Ottomanwar machineA Shi'ite Muslim dynasty that ruledin Iran from the 1500s to the1700sCultural BlendingPersia / Ottoman / Arab BlendSqueezed betweenthe Sunni MughalEmpire andOttoman EmpireIsma'ilConsolidated power fromcrumbling Ottoman Empire12 years oldShahTitle of the monarch of IranShah AbbasClaimed throne in 1587Golden Age of Safavid EmpireCultural BlendingGovernmentReligionArtistryMilitaryHired foreigners for high positionsConvinced Europeans of ReligiousTolerance by bringing in ChristiansLead to increase in Europeansmoving to Safavid EmpireCarpetsHuge demand for Persian rugs ledto the industry becoming nationalrather than localArtworkChinese and Safavidscreated metalwork,glasswork, mini paintings,calligraphyEsfahan CapitalShowplace for many artisansPersianChristians from the NorthBaburExpanding the EmpireLeadershipLed 12,000 troops tovictory against 100,000Unified & EstablishedMughal EmpireBuilt armyExpanded into IndiaHis son lost all territoryAkbarExpanding the EmpireLeadershipCultural BlendingHired rajputs as military officersMilitary = Root Of PowerContinued Religious FreedomMarried Hindu Princesses and did not make them convertDid not tax any non-MuslimsHired Spanish Jesuit tutor for his sonForeigners could hold officeUrdu: Pakistan official languageShah JahanAurangzebGovernmentAssassinated allpossible rivalsTaxed people duringfamine for wars andbeautifying the cityBuilt Taj MahalExpansionExpanded empire to greatest sidesLeadershipLost small territories to rebellionsTaxed non-MuslimsRemoved non-Muslims from governmentLost power to bordering statesStrong military leaderCultural BlendingTook away Hindu jobsnon Muslim taxImposed Muslim lawsDestroyed Hindu monumentsTook away drink & gamblingClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico