Criado por davidmorley5125
quase 9 anos atrás
What meeting of Parliament 1529-1536 Reformed the church?
What is Royal Supremacy?
Who took the lead on theological debates?
What provinces were the English church divided into?
(2 provinces)
Where were the six new bishoprics made when the church was reformed?
When and What was the
Valor Ecclesiasticus?
What job title allowed Cromwell to reform the Church of England?
When was the act for the dissolution of the lesser monasteries?
What was the churches wealth used for?
When were the Ten Articles of faith introduced?
What did they do?
What did the injunctions in 1536, Bishops book of 1537 and further injunctions in 1538 do?
When was the dissolution of greater monasteries?
What was the act of six articles?
When was it introduced?
Example of how Henry cared about religious reforms by Cromwell?
What book replaced the Bishops book?
What did it do?
How many churches closed under Edward VI?
How many statutes were created between King John and Henry VII?
How many by Henry VIII?
How did protector Somerset pass laws?
Did he use Parliament?
Did Northumberland use Parliament?
When was the act for
First Fruits and Tenths?
What did this and the administrative court set up do?
When was the court of
Augmentations set up?
What did it handle?
When was the court of Wards set up?
What did it handle?
What courts were reorganised in 1541 and 1542?
What two events in Henry's foreign policy squandered money raised by Cromwell?
What was the process of removing Gold or Silver and replacing it with a base metal?
What did it cause?
Somerset's policy of keeping troops on the Scottish Border?
What was the Downside?
What did Northumberland do to try and stabilise the economy after Somerset?
When did the courts of Augmentations and General surveyors merge?
What happened the other revenue courts?
How many people were on the royal
What was the role of the Council?
What position did Cromwell gain in the council in 1536?
how did he manage it?
How many members were on Cromwell's executive Privy council?
What did it feature?
Who did Somerset use to gain control?
Who did Northumberland use, what title did he give himself?
How many members did the Privy Council increase to?
Who was made president of the Council in Wales?
What did the Act of Union do?
Who was the leading Magnate family in the South West?
When was the Council of the West set up?
Who was the President of the Council of the West?
How did Cromwell manage faction?
What faction did Cromwell belong to?
Who led it?
Who led the conservative faction in the time
of Cromwell?
Events that contributed to Cromwell's fall?
What was the Regency Council set up to do?
What did Bishop Gardiner accuse
Cranmer of?
What did Henry do?
What two areas did Sir Anthony Denny control in 1546?
What is Somerset's name, Earl
and Dukedom?
Who was he uncle to?
Where did Somerset gain his power?
When did Somerset pass the new treason act?
How was the new treason act met by the people and religion?
How many proclamations did Somerset issue?
When was the Chantries act passed?
What is a Chantry?
What did the Chantries Act do ?
What depleted the Royal finances before Somerset came to power?
What Court did Somerset set up for the poor?
When was the vagrancy Act introduced?
What did the Vagrancy act do?
What did Somerset do about enclosure?
What taxes did Somerset initiate as part of this?
What did Somerset do about War in Scotland?
Why was Mary Queen of Scots a problem for Somerset?
What rebellion broke out in 1549?
What happened in October 1549?
What happened to Somerset in 1552 and what was he accused of?
Who brought the charges against Somerset?
Names and titles of Northumberland?
What rebellion did Northumberland deal with?
How did Northumberland treat Edward?
Who did Northumberland involve with the running of Government?
How did Northumberland improve the financial situation with the Treaty of Boulogne?
How did Northumberland improve the financial situation with Garrisoning?
How did Northumberland improve the financial situation with Debasement?
How did Northumberland improve the financial situation with the Privy Coffer?
How did Northumberland improve the financial situation with the kings expenditure?
How did Northumberland improve the financial situation with the revenue courts?
What did Northumberland's new treason act do?
What did Northumberland's new Vagrancy act do?
What did Northumberland's new Enclosure policy do?
What did Northumberland's policy on controlling grain do?
How did Northumberland control faction?
At what age was t agreed Edward would reach his majority?
What disease did Edward die of in 1553?
What was the name of Northumberland's son?
Who did he marry in May 1553?
What did Edward draw up on his deathbed?
What was the document to do?
Who did the document originally name and what then was it changed to?
When did Edward VI die?
Why was Edwards death not announced for two days?
What did Mary do in response to Northumberland's plan?
When was Mary recognised as Queen?
When was Northumberland arrested and executed?
What happened to Lady Jane Grey after Mary took the throne?
Northumberland's title traditionally?
How did Mary consolidate her position after the succession event?
Why was Somerset cautious with religious reform?
What event shows he failed in moderate reform?
What happened to the Act of six Articles under Somerset?
What happened to the treason act under Somerset?
What happened to the Chantries act of 1545 under Somerset?
What happened to the royal injunctions 1547?
What happened when the book of Homilies was introduced?
What did the arrest of Gardiner and Bonner show?
When was the First Act of Uniformity passed?
What did the First Act of Uniformity do?
What were the aims of the book?
How did protestants react to the Prayer book?
What direction did Northumberland take Religion?
How did Cranmer's ordinal push England towards greater Protestantism?
How did the introduction of Communion Tables push England towards greater Protestantism?
How did the Removal of Conservative Clergy push England towards greater Protestantism?
How did the further seizure of Ecclesiastical property push England towards greater Protestantism?
How did the Second Act of Uniformity and Second Prayer book push England towards greater Protestantism?
How did the Forty Two Articles push England towards greater Protestantism?
Did parliament oppose reform during Edwards reign?
How did Edward contribute to religious reform?
How did Edward contribute to religious reform?
Under Mary what was the First Statute of Repeal (1553)?
What happened in the Second statute of repeal (1555)?
What happened in March 1554?
What happened to the Heresy laws in 1555?
how many people were burnt as heretics between 1555 and 1558?
Names of Key people in Mary's reign?
Role of Mary to religion?
Role of Parliament in Mary's reign?
Role of Mary's advisors?
Under Elizabeth what were the key reforms?
Outline the Act of Supremacy(1559)?
Outline the Act of Uniformity (1559)?
Additions to settlements?
Key people under Elizabeth?
Role on Elizabeth as a monarch?
Role of parliament under Elizabeth?
Role of advisors under Elizabeth?
Key Years of Rebellions studied?
POG Causes ?
Causes of Western and Kett's Rebellion?
Causes of Wyatt's rebellion?
Causes of Northern Rebellion?