Criado por Emily Vester
quase 9 anos atrás
What is the difference between the USGBC and GBCI?
What is the minimum floor area required for LEED NC Projects?
What are LEED credit weightings based on?
What are the parameters of the LEED site boundary?
Which sections are listed in the LEED reference guide for each credit and prerequisite?
What credits might be affected by the LEED site boundary?
What are benefits of the IPD process
What does Triple Bottom Line refer to?
What is the minimum number of occupants required to be eligible for LEED?
What information is needed when registering a LEED project?
What is the difference between a CIR and a LEED interpretation?
List the ten LEED rating systems.
What does LEED stand for?
What are the 6 major credit categories?
Which rating system addresses acoustics?
Which rating system requires recertification?
What must be included in LEED EBOM building policies?
Which rating system allows for 'pre-certification'?
How much of the interior build-out can a developer control in order to remain eligible for LEED CS?
How often must LEED EBOM projects recertify?
What are the four levels of certification and their points?
What is the difference between 'group' and 'campus' certifications?
Which 3 team members play the largest role in the IPD Process?
What are LEED project certification fees based on?
What is the role assigned to the person who registers the LEED project?
How much do credit appeals cost after the final review?
What information is required when registering a project?
What does OPR refer to?
What are the 5 areas of sensitive land protection?
What are examples of 'diverse uses' in each of 5 categories?
Define 'brownfield'
What is the organization that sets the minimum mileage rate for green vehicles? (minimum score of 40 for low emitting vehicles)
What are strategies to address stormwater runoff?
What is the baseline flush rate for toilets?
According to LEED, how many times would a man use a urinal in one day?
Which fixtures are not considered greywater fixtures?
In which climates are rainwater catchment systems most feasible?
What are benefits of a vegetated roof?
What does ASHRAE stand for?
Which systems must be commissioned?
What year must CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons) be phased out?
Which counts as a form of renewable energy?
Which represents an example of 'process energy'?
Each REC represents how many MWh of renewable energy delivered to the grid?
Which design considerations should be included when designing an area for the collection of recyclables?
What items do not apply to construction waste diversion?
What do EPD & HBD stand for?
What does FTE refer to and how do you calculate it?
What should be top priorities when selecting a location for the project site?
Which materials count as rapidly renewable?
Define Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
Define Solar Reflectance
Solar Reflectance Index
Ambient Temperature
Authority having jurisdiction
Basis of design
Building envelope (building shell)
Define 'charrette'
Closed system
Commissioning (CX)
Construction Lien
Demand Side Management (demand reduction)
Densely Occupied Space
Detention Basin
Energy Management Systems
Floor to Area Ratio (FAR)
Gap Analysis
Hard Cost
Soft Cost
What are the 7 impact categories that LEED uses for point allocation?
Integrated Design
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
Leverage Point
Define Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Life Cycle Costing (LCC)
Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV)
Mixed-Mode System
Negative Feedback Loop
Open System
Owner's Project Requirements (OPR)
Passive Solar Design
Positive Feedback Loop
What is the difference between post-consumer & pre-consumer recycled content?
Potable Water
Process Water
Rain Garden
Regenerative Design
Smart Growth
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
Total Suspended Solids
Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
Thermal Envelope
Vehicle Miles Traveled
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)
Green Label Plus Program
Green Label Program
Energy Policy Act of 1992 and International Plumbing Code
Fair-trade Labeling Organizations International (FLO)
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
California Air Resources Board (CARB)
What percentage of Earth's water is fresh water?
The US Geological Survey estimates that buildings contribute what percentage of the world's annual water usage?
According to a report by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, what is the average payback for both retro-commissioning and commissioning of new buildings?
Construction and demolition wastes contributes approximately what percentage of the total solid waste in the US?
According to a study by Carnegie Mellon University, Green Buildings can contribute to an increase in employee productivity from what percentage?
What are the basic prerequisites for participating in LEED?
What is the difference between people and buildings with LEED?
What role do products have with LEED certification?
What does a LEED credit structure include?
LEED for New Construction (LEED NC) applies to what?
Are LEED NC projects required to recertify?
LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance (LEED EBOM) applies to what?
LEED EBOM buldings must:
When is LEED for Core & Shell used?
Which rating system includes an adjustment for square footage to discourage large 'green' mansions?
What are the Minimum Program Requirements (MPR)?
Are buildings or structures primarily dedicated to parking eligible for LEED Certification?
What are the steps to LEED Certification?
What are the 3 main phases of the Integrative Process?
Project vision statement
Iterative Process
What two items cannot be changed after registration?
The screenshot within LEED online that lists each credit the project is attempting is referred to as what?
What 6 general items must be uploaded to LEED online prior to submitting for final certification?
What is the advantage of splitting credit review into two phases? (Design Review and Construction Review)
What are Energy-Related Systems?
What are water-related systems?
Integrative Process (IP) Prerequisite 1: Integrative project planning and design
Location and Transportation (LT):
List the credits
LT Credit 1: LEED for Neighborhood Development Location
LT Credit 2: Sensitive Land Protection
LT Credit 3: High-Priority Site
What is the difference between a brownfield and a greenfield site?
LT Credit 4: Surrounding Density & Diverse Uses
LT Credit 5: Access to Quality Transit
What is the largest contributer of greenhouse gas emissions related to buildings?
LT Credit 6: Bicycle Facilities
LT Credit 6: Bicycle Facilities
How close does bike storage need to be from any functional entry?
LT Credit 7: Reduced Parking Footprint
LT Credit 8: Green Vehicles
LT Credit 8: Green Vehicles
What two options do you have to meet one of for alternative-fuel fueling stations?
Sustainable Sites - SS:
list the credits
SS Prerequisite 1: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
SS Credit 1: Site Assessment
Complete and document a site survey that includes the following:
SS Credit 2: Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat
SS Credit 2: Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat
What are the two options for this credit?
SS Credit 3: Open Space
SS Credit 4: Rainwater Management
What are the two options for this credit?
SS Credit 5: Heat Island Reduction
What are the two options for this credit?
Heat Island
Heat Island Effect
Thermal (Infrared) Emittance
In what climates is Heat Island Effect worse?
SS Credit 6: Light Pollution Reduction
Water Efficiency - WE
What percentage of the total water use do buildings account for?
Water Efficiency - WE:
list the credits
WE Prerequisite 1: Outdoor Water Use Reduction
What are the 2 options?
What are some strategies?
Evapotranspiration Rate
Microclimate Factor
WE Prerequisite 2: Indoor Water Use Reduction
How many times do people go to the bathroom in a day according to LEED default calculations?
What standards set baselines for fixtures?
WE Prerequisite 3: Building-Level Water Metering
WE Credit 1: Outdoor Water Use Reduction
What are the two options?
WE Credit 2: Indoor Water Use Reduction
WE Credit 3: Cooling Tower Water Use
WE Credit 4: Water Metering
What are the benefits of using a vegetated roof?
Energy and Atmosphere - EA
According to the USGBC, who are the 2 largest energy users in buildings?
EA Prerequisite 1: Fundamental Commissioning & Verification
EA Prerequisite 2: Minimum Energy Performance
EA Prerequisite 3: Building-Level Energy Metering
EA Prerequisite 4: Fundamental Refrigerant Management
What does the Montreal Protocol call for?
Leakage Rate
What do these stand for?
Energy and Atmosphere - EA:
list the credits