Criado por gina_evans0312
aproximadamente 11 anos atrás
Anneal Primers
Nestled primers
Melt DNA at...
Primers bind after...
Anneal at...
Extend primers at...
The stages are repeated...
The ends of the amplified DNA represent
DNA Polymerases Vary In
Uses of PCR- Viruses
Uses- Cloning
Uses- DNA
Quirk of Taq Polymerase
T- Vectors
TOPO Isomerase
Introduction of a Restricton Site
Reverse Transcriptase PCR
Reverse Transcriptase PCR- Primers
Reverse Transcriptase PCR- Tth Thermostable DNA Polymerase
Quantitative PCR
DNA Production in PCR
Light Cycler Assay Probes
Light Cycler Assay- Fluorescence
Use of Taqman Assay
Use of Taqman Assay Probes
Use of Taqman Assay Amplification
Molecular Beacons
Binding of Molecular Probes