Ella Wolf
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

gcse history- international relations Quiz sobre History- Abyssinia, criado por Ella Wolf em 14-04-2013.

Ella Wolf
Criado por Ella Wolf quase 12 anos atrás

History- Abyssinia

Questão 1 de 6


Who Invaded Abyssinia?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Japan

  • China

  • Egypt

  • Italy

  • Manchuria


Questão 2 de 6


Why was ABYSSINIA invaded?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • no advanced weapons- still fought with spears

  • They were receiving threats off abbyssinia

  • Italians had the surrounding territory

  • Italy had and excuse- november 1934 25 soldiers were killed in a border clash

  • Abyssinia was one of the few countries not under European influence


Questão 3 de 6


When was Abyssinia invaded?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 1934

  • 1933

  • 1935


Questão 4 de 6


what were the leagues actions in response to the invasion?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • They responded to haile sellassie by sending troops to put up resistance

  • they forced Britain to close the suez canal to Italian ships, preventing them easy access to abyssinia

  • They imposed a lot of economic sanctions

  • they imposed some economic sanctions

  • they completely ignored haile selassie

  • The condemened Italian aggression, but didn't really doo much to stop it


Questão 5 de 6


why did the league of nations fail to stop the invasion of abyssina?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • They didn't want to get on hitlers bad side

  • Britain and france wanted an ally against hitler so refused to 'push' Mussolini into hitlers arms if they were too harsh

  • Britain and france didn't want to harm their economys through strong sanctions

  • Italy had control of the suez canal

  • france had control of the suez canal and let Italy use it for their ships

  • lack of support from Britain and France militarily

  • The league had no army

  • in july 1935, the league was undermined by the hoare laval pact, displaying the lack of support


Questão 6 de 6


what were the consequences of the leagues failure?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Britain and France left the leauge

  • the crisis showed that its members would not use force to stop agression

  • it showed that countries in the league were undermining it

  • the league could no longer be taken seriously
