What is data?
Unprocessed Information
Processed information
A software
A hardware
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
The term software refers to a sequence of stored instructions to get the computer to perform specific tasks.
Resting the cursor on an object and then selecting the object by clicking the left button once.
Data is unprocessed information.
Data is processed information.
What is a hardware?
The term hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer that can be seen and touched.
The term hardware refers to unprocessed information.
The term hardware refers to processed information.
The term hardware refers to a sequence of stored instructions to get the computer to perform specific tasks.
What is meant by the action performed by the mouse, namely clicking? Quickly clicking the left button twice.
A mouse can perform no more than one action.
Name six hardware components.
CPU (Central Processing Unit).
Windows Visa
Windows 8
The computer needs an to actually work.
Label label number one.