Criado por Emily Vester
quase 9 anos atrás
EA Credit 1: Enhanced Commissioning
EA Credit 2: Optimize Energy Performance
Regulated (non-process) energy
EA Credit 3: Advanced Energy Metering
Building Automated System (BAS)
System Level Metering
District Energy Systems
EA Credit 4: Demand Response
Demand Response
EA Credit 5: Renewable Energy Production
What are considered acceptable forms of renewable energy for LEED?
What are NOT considered acceptable forms of renewable energy for LEED?
EA Credit 6: Enhanced Refrigerant Management
What are the two options?
EA Credit 7: Green Power & Carbon Offsets
Renewable Energy Certificates
Material and Resources - MR:
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MR Prerequisite 1: Storage & Collection of Recyclables
MR Prerequisite 2: Construction & Demolition Waste Management
Alternative Daily Cover (ADC)
MR Credit 1: Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
MR Credit 2: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization - Environmental Product Declaration
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
MR Credit 3: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials
What are the 2 options?
Extraction criterial definitions
MR Credit 4: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization
Health Product Declaration (HBD)
Cradle to Cradle
MR Credit 5: Construction & Demolition Waste Management
Indoor Environmental quality EQ:
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EQ prerequisite 1: minimum indoor air quality performance
EQ prerequisite 2: environmental tobacco smoke control
EQ Credit 1: Enhanced indoor air quality strategies
list the 2 options
EQ Credit 2: Low emitting materials
building interior
volatile organic compound (VOC)
VOC budget
EQ credit 3: construction indoor air management plan
EQ Credit 4: indoor air quality assessment
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EQ credit 5: thermal comfort
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EQ Credit 6: interior lighting
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EQ credit 7: daylight
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EQ credit 8: quality views
EQ credit 9: acoustic performance
Innovation - IN:
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IN credit 1: innovation
IN credit 2: LEED accredited professional
Regional Priority
What are the different ASHRAE sections?
Integrative Process - IP:
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IP Prerequisite 1: Integrative Project Planning and Design
IP Credit 1: Energy and water-related systems