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Lindie Metz
Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

? Pathology Mapa Mental sobre 5 CAUSES OF OEDEMA, criado por Lindie Metz em 02-03-2016.

Lindie Metz
Criado por Lindie Metz quase 9 anos atrás
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5 CAUSES OF OEDEMANa+ and H2O retentionDecreases plasma colloid PLymph obstructionIncreased hydrostatic PIncreased vascular permeability↓ Venous returnLocalClotSystemicCCFConstrictive pericarditisDilation of arteriesRenal failureRenal hypoperfusionHypoprotonaemia, ↓albumin in plasma↓ Absorption↓ Intake↓ Synthesis↑ LossGIT – protein losing gastroenteropthyKidney – nephrotic syndrome leadingto increased loss in urineImpairs interstitialfluid clearanceInflammationCancerParasiteInfiltration and obstruction of lymphatics by growthTreatment causing scarring/loss of lymph drainageMassInflammationSystemicLocalAcuteChronic**See CCF diagram, leading to activation of RAASDVT causing oedema in distal part of lymbCausing obstruction, leading to oedemaAscites**See note on Liver Cirrhosis leading to ascitesBlood backs up behind the heart and ↑ PHeat** See note on Liver Cirrhosis with ascitesMalnutritionMalabsorption syndrome in GITinfection by Filariarsis causes obstruction ofinguinal lymphatics (Elephantitis)Excessive salt intake↑ Tubular absorption↑ RAAS↑ Salt retention↑ water > ↑ hydrostatic P + ↓ colloid osmotic P**CCF**LiverCirrhosis↓ Pump action of heart > ↓ cardiac output > ↓ Renal perfusion > activates RAAS↑ Na+ and H2O to ↑ blood volume > ↑ hydrostatic PBUT heart cannot compensate and CO is still ↓ > ↑ Venous back P > ↑ oedema↓ Liver function > Hypoprotonaemia > ↓ Colloid osmotic PH2O leaks from vessels > ↓ BV > ↓ Renal perfusion > activates RAAS↑ Na+ and H2O to ↑ blood volume > ↑ hydrostatic P BUT ↓ Colloid osmotic PWill get progressively worse > kidney failureRAASReduced renal perfusion d/t ↓ BF, ↓ BP, dehydration, renal aa stenosisKidney releases Renin > Liver > Angiotensinogen > Angiotensin IAngiotensin IIVasoconstriction > ↑ BPAdrenals > Aldosterone> Na+ retention + H2OADH > ↑ H2O reabsorption↑ Thirst, liquid intake, BVExudateClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico