Criado por krennes
quase 11 anos atrás
Name the 4 groups that all instruments can be divided into when categorised by how they produce sound.
What name do you give to all instruments that have strings?
What name do you give to all instruments which you must hit or shake to produce sound?
What name do you give to all instruments that require air passing through them to produce sound?
What name do you give to all instruments that have a skin stretched over a hollow surface?
Name 3 examples of vocal techniques used by African vocalists.
What is the term in Music given to a repeated melodic or rhythmic pattern?
What is the term in Music given to singing without instrumental accompaniment?
What is the term used to describe many layers of rhythms heard against each other?
What is the term given in music when one instrument or vocalists begins and then another enters the song and then another?
True or False?
In music the first 8 letters of the alphabet are used to depict different pitches?
Can you sing up the scale using solfa?
Can you sing down the scale using solfa?
(Extension Question)
How many notes in a Major scale?
How many notes in a Pentatonic Scale?
Which solfa names get removed from the Major scale to form the Pentatonic scale?
What word do you remember to help you remember the notes in the spaces of the treble clef stave?
What sentence helps you to remember the notes on the lines of the treble clef stave?
Do you remember how to work out the notes on the bass clef?
Where do you find the note 'C' on the keyboard?
True or False? The letters on the keyboard are in alphabetical order?
When asked to describe an instruments Tone Colour. What are you being asked to do?
When asked to comment on 'Dynamics' what are you being asked to do?
When asked to comment on the 'Texture' of a song or piece of music what are you being asked to do?
When asked about the 'tempo' of a song what are you being asked?
What is the Italian word in music which means 'play softly'?
What is the Italian word in Music which means 'play loudly'?
What is the name given to this symbol in music '#' and what does it mean?
What is the name given to this symbol in music 'b' and what does it mean?
What is meant by the word semitone?
What is meant by the word 'Tone' when refering to distance between 2 notes?
What is the pattern of Tones and Semitones for every Major scale? (Extension Question)
List the order of notes and their values from longest held note to shortest held note.
True or False?
Every note in music, including dotted notes, have a rest of equal value?
How many beats is a dotted minim worth? How do you work it out?
How many beats per bar if the time signature is 4/4?
How many beats in the music if the time signature is 3/4?
Name 5 keyboard instruments used throughout history:
What is the note which is one octave above C?
Name the 4 families of the Orchestra.
Which family does the cello belong to?
Which family does the flute belong to?
Which family does the saxophone belong to?
What is a conductor in Music?
What is a composer?