Criado por Mark Arsenal
mais de 11 anos atrás
Define Breatholding:
Define Breatholding:
What is the average breatholding time? Are there any ways in which we can increase breathold time?
What happens to PaCO2 and PaO2 when Breatholding?
True or False, the Breatholding Break Point is where PaO2 falls to a certain level.
Is there a PaCO2 Breathing Break Point?
Is Breath Hold Time simply effected by Lung Volume limits or Arterial Chemoreceptors?
What is Central Respiratory Rhythm and how is it affected when breath holding?
What is PaCO2 and PaO2?
What happens to oxygen saturation when PO2 decreases?
Why do we hyperventilate in Hypoxic air?
How greatly does Hypoxia effect breathing?
What happens to breathing as PaCO2 increases?
How are Minute Ventilation and Metabolic Rate linked?
So what does increase Breathing?
So what does increase Breathing?
How is breathing Controlled?
What factors vary Lung Volumes and how can we measure them?
What is Tidal Volume?
What is Inspiratory Reserve Volume?
What is Expiratory Reserve Volume?
What happens to IRV and ERV during exercise?
What is Vital Capacity?
What type of volumes are Tidal Volume, IRV, ERV and Vital Capacity?
What are Dynamic Lung Volumes?
What is the Forced Respiratory Volume-to- Forced Vital Capacity Ratio?
What is Max Voluntary Ventilation?
How does Lung Function differ between genders?
What happens to VO2 Max as Ventilation increases?
Is maximal exercise limited by Ventilation?
What is Minute Ventilation?
What is Alveolar Ventilation?
What is Alveolar Ventilation?
What happens to both Rate and Depth of Breathing during Exercise?
What is the theory behind a Ventilatory Break Point?
What is the Respiratory Control Centre?
What is Arterial Hypoxaemia?
What is Physiologic Dead Space?
Why does Blood Pressure Increase during exercise?
What is Muscle Fiber Necrosis?
What are some causes of Muscle Fiber Necrosis?
What is DOMS?
What are the consequences of DOMS?
What is a Plasmalemma Tear? and what sequence follows?
What is a Plasmalemma Tear? and what sequence follows?
How is Pain Sensed?
What causes DOMS (activates the pain sensing afferents)?
What is Fatigue caused by?
What types of fatigue are there?
What is High Frequency Fatigue?
What is Low Frequency Fatigue?
How does the body protect against High Frequency Fatigue?
Define the term Central Fatigue:
Describe- giving frequency intensities force generation when one is suffering from Low Frequency Fatigue:
What causes Low Frequency Fatigue?
What does fatigue cause?
What causes fatigue during high intensity?
Does PCr effect Fatigue?
What effect does ATP/ADP ratio have on Fatigue?
What is the most important point to remember with regard to muscular fatigue?
What are the characteristics of immature Muscle Fibers?
What determines Muscle Fiber Type Composition?
What affects does Resistance Training Have on Muscle Fiber Changes?
How easily can you type Muscle Fiber Type?
What effects do Sprint Training have on the Muscle Fibers?
Does the Nerve that innervates the MF have an effect?
What effects do Altitude have on MF's?
What effects do Nutritional/Hormonal factors have on MF's?
What effects do ageing and disuse have on the MF's?
What is Muscular Atrophy?
What methods can be used to measure muscle mass?
What effects does muscular Disuse have on the muscle?
What is Steady State Protein Turnover?
How does Disuse effect the Motor Neuron?
How does fixation in both lengthened and shortened positions effect MF's?
What other effects does immobilization have on on the joint and the limbs enzymatic activity?
What is a twitch and what effect does muscle atrophy have on it?
What effect does Ageing have on the Muscles?
Are larger or smaller nerves (and thus Motor Units) recruited first?
Explain the principle of Cross Innervation:
Are both Slow Twitch and Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers lost equally as we age? and how is power output affected with age?
Define Weakness:
Define Fatigue:
What are the possible Central Locations for Fatigue?
What are the possible Peripheral Locations for Fatigue?
How can we test Fatigue?
What Neurophysiological changes arising from Resistance Training cause an increase in strength?
How greatly can MVC increase due to neural changes?
Is force higher in Voluntary contraction or when it is electrically stimulate?
Is the improvement in Weightlifting ability proportionate to physical strength gain?
What is the Cross Over Effect?
In fast movements, what trained aspects can increase force?
How does stimulus frequency affect force generation and magnitude?
How does stimulus frequency affect force generation and magnitude?
How does training affect EMG signals from muscles?
How does training affect Motor Units?
What relationship do Neurological and Hypertrophic adaptations have as a training regime progresses?
What determines Muscle Fiber Type?
How can we visually determine type of muscle?
What size Motor Units will be recruited first? and is there a link between Motor Unit Size and Muscle Fiber type?
Explain why Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers generate more force than Slow Twitch:
How important is Muscle Fiber CSA in force production?
What is flexibility and what factors effect it?
What factors limit the Range of Motion available?
How are Flexibility and Injury Linked?
How are Flexibility and Injury Linked?
What is Osteoperosis?
How does Flexibility effect Energy Efficiency:
How do muscle adapt when they are fixed in a shortened position?
Explain the Tendon Normal Stress-Strain Curve:
What is energy storage?
How can we improve Connective Tissue ability to stretch?
What is Thixotrophy?
Are the muscles elastic in nature?
What is speed of muscular contraction dependent on?
Describe both Eccentric and Concentric Muscular Contractions:
Describe what an Isometric Twitch is, and explain how it is formed:
What is Series Elasticity?
Does force increase exponentially with tetanus?
What is Twitch Potentiation (Post Tetanic Protensation)?
How does load effect the speed of contractions?
Describe the Force Velocity Relationship:
What is a Motor Unit?
Describe the Muscle Contraction Cycle:
What is the optimal muscle length for optimal force production?
What is the Latent Period?
What is Electro-Chemical Coupling and at what stage does it occur in the Muscular contraction cycle?
What makes up Muscle?
How many types of Skeletal Muscle Arrangement are there?
What is a Sarcomere?
Give some basic information about Actin:
Give some basic details about Myosin:
Describe the pathways of both the Afferent and Efferent Nervous Systems:
At rest is the charge of a cell positive or negative?
How do Excitatory and Inhibitory Post-synaptic Potentials Differ?
What are the two components of the Peripheral Nervous System?
What sources of Sensory Information does the Somatic Nervous System Receive?
What do Muscle Spindles, Golgi Tendon Organs and Muscle Mechanoreceptors/Chemoreceptors monitor?
What is the function of the Central Nervous System?
As we know the CNS controls Motor Function (How we make movement) but what systems allow this?
What does the Autonomic Nervous System do?
How does the Endocrine system 'control' the body?
How does the Nervous System 'control' the body?
What has the greatest effect on the effectiveness of hormone response?
Explain what Down-regulation and Up-regulation refer to in Hormone control:
In what ways can Hormones Act?
Name some Endocrine Glands:
What higher control system controls the Pituitary Glands and what hormones does the Pituitary Gland release?
What hormones do the Adrenal Medulla and Adrenal Cortex secrete?
What hormones do the Ovaries and Testes secrete?
What happens with O2 Uptake with Incremental Exercise?
At what point do we reach the Lactate threshold?
Why does Lactate build during exercise?
Define Metabolism:
Define Bioenergentics:
What do enzymes do?
At rest where does are energy come from?
As we go from rest to exercise what happens?
As we go from Exercise to Recover what happens?
What are the 2 phases of the Oxygen Debt?
What is Homeostasis, and explain the principle of gain and how we respond to it?