Criado por Ge-Ge O'Malley
quase 12 anos atrás
Describe the composition of the atmosphere
Which form of Ultra Violet light is considered in ozone depletion?
Why is it difficult to predict the changes associated with global climate change?
Which process in the sun releases energy and in what form is it released?
Define the greenhouse effect
Name a human source of the following greenhouse gases:
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides and CFCs
In which section, or 'sphere', of the atmosphere is the ozone layer found?
How will global climate change affect sea levels and what impact will this have on wildlife?
How will global climate change affect climate systems and what impact will this have on wildlife?
How will global climate change affect El Niño and La Niña and what impact will this have on wildlife?
Why is chlorine not found in the stratosphere?
Define and give two examples of positive feedback mechanisms
Define and give two examples of negative feedback mechanisms
Identify one method of reducing human levels of the following greenhouse gases:
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides and CFCs
Describe the strategies to cope with the consequences of climate change
Why is there concern about ozone depletion?
Which two processes are key in maintaining the natural dynamic equilibrium of the atmosphere?
What were sources of CFCs and why are they so damaging to the atmosphere?
How does temperature change as we move up through the atmosphere?
Describe and explain the changes in levels of carbon dioxide and the causes of variation in water vapour levels over time
Draw a diagram of the layers of the atmosphere - including labels of the
'-spheres' and '-pauses'
Why is ozone depletion greatest in Polar regions?
How does atmospheric pressure change as altitude increases?