Criado por Tosin O
quase 9 anos atrás
Rate limiting step?
Which substance inhibits Tyrosine Hydroxylase?
Meaning of Rate-limiting step
Enzyme which converts DOPA to Dopamine
DOPA Decarboxylase can be inhibited by?
Define a Catechol Ring
Dopamine converted to Noradrenaline by?
All the enzymes require some sort of ____ for activity or for their reaction to proceed
Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltrasferase does what? It uses what compound for this?
From action of Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase, its ____is converted to ______.
Name the enzymes involved in each step (including the ones not in image)
MAO stands for what?
MAO pathway of metabolism involves...
What does DOPAC stand for?
What does HVA stand for?
Final Product of MAO Dopamine Metabolism Pathway
COMT stands for.....
COMT Metabolism pathway of Dopamine involves....
Reserpine MOA
Amphetamine MOA
Iproniazid MOA
What is an autoreceptor?