How many neurons are there in pathways that transmit conscious awareness of sensation?
The cell bodies of first order neurons for somatosensory pathways to the cerebrum are located in this...
dorsal horn
dorsal root ganglion
dorsal column nuclei
dorsal roots
The second order neurons of somatosensory pathways to the cerebrum always...
have axons that cross the midline
synapse contralateral to first order axon
synapse at level of closed medulla
have cell bodes in dorsal horn
The dorsal column medial lemniscal pathway...
conducts mechanosensation
has a single thalamic target
when injured causes deficits in two point discrimation
all of these are true
Mechanosensation from the right arm travels up the...
left fasciculus gracilis
left fasciculus cuneatus
right fasciculus cuneatus
right fasciculus gracilis
Mechanosensation from the sacral region travels...
up fasciculus gracilis where it synapses with second order neurons at nucleus gracilis and crosses via the anterior part of medial lemniscus
up fasciculus cuneatus where it synapses with second order neurons at nucleus cuneatus and crosses via the posterior part of medial lemniscus
up fasciculus gracilis where it synapses with second order neurons at nucleus cuneatus and crosses via the anterior part of medial lemniscus
up fasciculus gracilis where it synapses with second order neurons at nucleus fasciculus and crosses via the posterior part of medial lemniscus
Axons on the posterior most part of the right medial lemniscus in the closed medulla are...
carrying mechanosensation from left cervical and thoracic regions
carrying mechanosensation from right cervical and thoracic regions
carrying mechanosensation from right lumbar and sacral regions
carrying mechanosensation from left lumbar and sacral regions
The third order neurons of the dorsal column medial lemniscal pathway...
have cell bodies in VPM thalamus
enter the cerebral cortex via the superior cerebellar peduncle
terminate at lower 2/3rds of brodman's area 3, 1, and 2
none of these are true
Which of these is true about the anterior spinothalamic and dorsal column medial lemniscal pathway?
They both have a single termination at VPL thalamus
Their second order neurons are located on the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
For both pathwyas information on spinal cord is organized somatotopically with cervical information being more medial and sacral information more lateral
both of their first order neurons are located in the DRG
Pain fibers that travel via anterior spinothalamic tract...
have their first synapse in the dorsal horn in region called substantia gelatinosa
that are damaged may never recover when there is damage to anterior spinothalamic tract
travel much faster than mechanosensation in dorsal column medial leminscal pathway
Second order neurons in anterior spinothalamic tract...
cross the midline via the anterior white comissure
travel in the spinal cord at the spinothalamic tract
synapse directly with third order neurons in VPL thalamus
In what region does the antero-lateral fasciculus become the spinothalamic tract?
closed medulla
open medulla
pons at middle cerebellar peduncle
above level of T6
What is the caudal most level in which damage to both the dorsal column medial lemniscus and anterior spinothalamic pathways causes contralateral sensory deficits?
cervical level
thoracic level
At the pontine level the mechanosensation from the cervical region is located
At the level of the midbrain the mechanosensation of the sacral region in the medial lemniscus is most...
Two important collateral targets at the midbrain for the spinothalamic tract are the...
deep layer of superior colliculus and central gray
deep layer of inferior colliculus and red nucleus
edinger westphal nucleus and trigeminal motor nucleus
none of these
Before the synapsing at the VPL thalamus, the 2nd order axons of both the dorsal column medial lemniscus and anterior spinothalamic pathways pass through this structure in the midbrain that is lateral to the red nucleus.
central gray
prerubral field
subthalamic nucleus
reticular formation
Which of these is not a termination of the spinothalamic tract in the brainstem?
medial part of thalamus
red nucleus
The information that is sent in the axons that are traveling within fasciculus gracilis will most likely have their terminations in what region of the cerebral cortex?
post central gyrus near the vertex
post central gyrus adjacent to the temporal lobe
post central gyrus between the vertex and area adjacent to temporal lobe
post central gyrus slightly below the vertex
All primary afferents of the trigeminal nerve have their cell bodies in the trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion.
Which part of the trigeminal nuclei runs between the pons and midbrain?
mesencephalic nucleus of V
trigeminal ganglion
principal sensory nucleus of V
motor nucleus of V
The afferents of cell bodies located in the trigeminal ganglion terminate at the...
spinal nucleus of V
dorsal horn of spinal cord
The motor nucleus of V contains cell bodies for afferents that...
innervate muscle of facial expression
innervate tongue muscles
innervate muscles of mastication
innervate muscles of deglutition
Just as in the spinal cerebral sensory pathways, there are three neurons for trigeminal cerebral pathways.
At the level of the closed medulla...
principal sensory nucleus of V has adjacent region called substantia gelatinosa
you will see the spinal nucleus of V along with spinal tract of V
Which of these structures is continuous with the dorsal horn?
substantia gelatinosa
no structures are continuous with dorsal horn
Second order neurons of trigeminal pathway synapse at .
This pathways has its primary afferents in the trigeminal ganglion. It then sends an axon to synapse at principal sensory nucleus of V. Axon of second order neuron synapses directly at VPM thalmus. Which is this pathway?
spinothalamic pathway
rostral trigeminal pathway
caudal trigeminal pathway
visceral pathway
Where do first order neurons that transmit pain sensation via the caudal trigeminal-thalamic pathway synapse?
most rostral part of spinal nucleus of V
pars caudalis of spinal nucleus of V
primary sensory of V
mesencephalic of V
Neurons that communicate position sense of the jaw....
have their 1st order neurons in the trigeminal ganglion
have axons of their first order neurons pass through the trigeminal ganglion
have the axons of 1st order neurons synapse at rostral part of spinal nucleus of V
have 2nd order cell bodies located in the mesencephalic nucleus of V
How many neurons are in the spino-cerebellar pathways?
1st order neurons of the spinal cerebellar pathways synapse ipsilaterally.
Compared to the dorsal column medial lemniscus pathway the dorsal-cuneo spinocerebellar pathway...
is separated by lower and upper extremeties
carries information about pain and temperature
crosses the midline in the medulla
none of these are true.
The cuneo cerebellar pathways sends information levels ...... in the spinal cord, synapsing then traveling to the ..... cerebellum via the ......
above T3....ipsilateral....inferior cerebellar penduncle
above T3....ipsilateral....accessory cuneate nucleus
above T6....contralateral....inferior cerebellar peduncle
above T6....ipsilateral....accessory cuneate nucleus
Where do fibers from the cuneu-cerebellar pathway that enter at levels C6 synapse?
accessory cuneate nucleus
nucleus cuneatus
deep nuclei of cerebellum
column of clarke
Nucleus cuneatus is to accessory nucleus as nucleus gracilis is to....
substantian nigra
The first order neuron for the information that goes from the lower limbs to the cerebellum is located...
in the accessory cuneate nucleus
column of clark
nucleus gracilis
medial part of dorsal column medial lemniscus
Visceral information from cranial nerves VII, IX and X synapse at the
nucleus ambigiuus
nucleus solitarus
The axons from the nucleus solitarus projects to....
all of these
The process of stereognosis is mediated between what two regions of the cerebral cortex?
posterior parietal and postcentral gyrus
postcentral gyrus and precentral gyrus
SII and postcentral gyrus
anterior parietal and precentral gyrus
Descending projections from primary sensory cortex to brainstem and spinal cord aid in the process of...
selective attention
sensory association
orientation and direction of stimuli