This technique is not recommended to those who
Are less of 22 weeks of pregnancy
Are being tested with amniocentesis
Both are correct
Prenatal screening gives you a valuable information about
The chance of having certain congenital disorders
If your baby has Down Syndrome
If your baby has a good health
After this technique has been made, What if you get screen positive results?
It indicates the baby will suffer a disorder
It can be a false positive so that, baby won´t have a disorder
We could not know if baby have a disorder for sure
What should you do if you want to know for sure whether baby have a disorder?
An Amniocentesis
A Chondroplastic villus sampling
All of the above
Differences between Amniocentesis (Am) and Chorionic villus sampling (Ch) can be
(Am) collects embryonic liquid and (Ch) collects tissues from placenta
(Am) is easier to collect than (Ch)
(Am) risk of miscarriage is bigger than (Ch)
What would you do with the test results if prenatal testing indicates that your baby might have a birth defect?
To consider not to continue the pregnancy
To plan for your baby´s care in advance
To understand your options and then to take a decision