Which of these is not a principle function of the basal ganglia
termination of movement
initiation of movement
maintenance of movement
sequencing movement
correcting movement
The axons of 5B pyramidal cells projects to...
basal ganglia
regions of the brainstem
ipsilateral cortex
Which of these is true about structure of basal ganglia?
The VA/VL thalamus has an excitatory effect on the medial globus pallidus
The subthalamic nucleus has an excitatory effect on lateral globus pallidus
the striatum has an inhibitory effect on lateral and external globus pallidus
the indirect loop is responsible for maintenance of a movement
The substantia nigra is inhibitory on striatum.
Striatum is responsible for initiating and maintaining motor action.
The outflow of the basal ganglia is the .
The basal ganglia is not involved with...
sequencing movements
perceptual habits
motor habits
movement adjustments
During the termination of movement, a rat has a radioactive substance injected into striatum. The animal is sacrificed (RIP) and autoradiography is performed on brain slices. Where would labelled cells be found?
lateral and medial globus pallidus
medial globus pallidus
lateral globus pallidus
subthalamic nucleus
HRP is injected into the VA/VL thalamus of a rat. The rat is sacrificed (RIP) and its brain is sliced and the basal ganglia is imaged. Where would the labelled cells be found?
internal globus pallidus
cerebral cortex
substantia nigra
Damage to striatum...
as in hungtington's results in chorea on the contralateral sides
unilaterally results in excessive motor activity on contralateral side
results in ballistic motor actions on the contralateral side
results in resting tremor
Which of these is true about the substantia nigra?
damage to the pars reticulata results in parkinson's like deficits
the internal globus pallidus excites the substantia nigra
damage to substantia nigra produces intention tremor
the substantia nigra has an inhibitory and excitatory effect on striatum
Which of these is not a result of damage to the substantia nigra?
ballistic motor movement
intention tremor
none of these are true
Parkinson's disease is a result of damage to doparminergic receptors on the striatum.
The subthalamic side loop and indirect loop have an inhibitory effect on motor output.
A rat with left hemiballismus has HRP injected into the affected internal globus pallidus. Which of these is true?
the right substantia nigra will be tagged
the right subthalamic nucleus will be tagged
the right striatum will be tagged
the rat will exhibit a resting tremor
The vestibular system and inferior olivary nuclei both send and receive information to and from the cerebellum.
Which of these does not receive information from the cerebellum?
inferior olivary nuclei
VL thalamus
vestibular system
red nucleus
A cut is made on the right superior cerebellar peduncle. Which of these would be true?
Axons from the left dentate nuclei would degenerate
axons from right VL thalamus to motor cortex would degenerate
axons going to the right red nucleus would degenerate
axons going to the left VL thalamus would degenerate
A radioactive substance is injected into the pontine nuclei of a rat. The rat is sacrificed (RIP) and brain slices are imaged. What structures would be tagged?
axons in ipsilateral middle cerebellar penduncle
axons in contralateral middle cerebellar peduncle
axons on ipsilateral motor cortex
axons on contralateral motor cortex
HRP is injected into the deep nuclei of the cerebellum of a rat. The rat is sacrificed (RIP) and brain slices are imaged. What structures would not be tagged?
spino-cebellar tract
inferior olivary nucleus
vestibular nuclei
pontine nuclei
The cerebellar cortex and deep nuclei receive information via the inferior cerebellar peduncle and middle cerebellar peduncle.
Niacin deficiency results in degeneration of what structure?
posterior lobe of cerebellum
anterior lobe of cerebellum
flocculonodular lobe of cerebellum
Which region of the cerebellum receives massive input from vestibular system?
flocculonodular lobe
vermis + intermediate zone
deep nuclei
Loss of coordination in axial musculature may occur due to damage in the neocerebellum.
The functional zone that receives the greatest amount of information from the cerebral cortex is the .
The principal output component of the cerebellum are the deep nuclei.
Which of these is true about the basic circuit of the cerebellum?
Granular cells send output to the pontine nuclei and inferior olivary nuclei.
Purkinje cells send output to granular cells
Deep nuclei receive input from vestibular nuclei and spinocerebellar
the cerebellar cortex is facilitatory on the output of the deep nuclei