What is ICT?
What is coding? What does it achieve?
Difference between a De Facto standard and a De Jure standard, examples for both
Difference between the main types of malware?
What procedures can be done to protect computers and data?
What are the roles of the data protection commissioner?
Name 4 ways data can be lost
What needs to be considered when planning a backup strategy?
Give 3 Benefits and 2 Drawbacks of the consequences of the use of ICT on individuals
3/2 Benefits and Drawbacks of teleworking
3/4 Benefits/Drawbacks of the consequences of ICT on society
Factors affecting the use of ICT - CLEESE. Give 2 examples for what each includes
What is the RIPA?
What is the CDPA
What are 3 types of software license?
Explain the three types of backup
Give 4 things you should consider for an effective recovery procedure:
Give 5 things that ICT can provide
Limitations in what the information ICT systems produce (GIGO)
Explain the three types of processing
Define and differentiate between the Internet and the WWW
Define Intranet and Extranet
Define IP Address, Packet and TCP/IP
Give 4/3 ways to protect from both internal and external threats
What does a firewall do and help prevent?
Give 4 Access Rights
Give 6/8 Data Protection Principles
Give 2 Exemptions from the Act
Give 2 things the Freedom of Information Act 2000 allows information to be provided about
Give 2/3 offences under the computer misuse act of 1990
List 4 types of user interface
Characteristics of a GUI - WIMP
Give an advantage and disadvantage for each interface
List 5 Qualities for ICT Professionals
4 Characteristics of an effective ICT team
Give 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of networks
Define a LAN and WAN, with examples
Give Advantages/Disadvantages of Star Networks
Give Advantages/Disadvantages of Bus Networks
What is an ICT System?
Components of an ICT System - PeDISH Pro
Define data and information
What is encoding data?
Give 5 factors which affect the Quality of Information
Characteristics of Users and using ICT Systems - PEETA