TSgt Wyatt is the NCOIC of the Structural Repair training section. On Wednesday morning,
he overhears SrA Thornton loudly discussing how he had been drinking the night before.
Wyatt knows Thornton drinks but until now, he has never heard of him doing it on a
weeknight. Wyatt calls Thornton into his office and asks, “Thornton, I overheard your story.
Is everything ok?” Thornton responds, “Yes sir, everything is fine. I went out drinking last
night, but I only had a few.” Wyatt says, “It sounded like you had more than a few.”
Thornton replies, “It’s OK sir, I’ve got it under control.” Wyatt then says “Just be careful,
and call me if you need anything” Thornton comes to work the next morning and goes to
Wyatt’s office, hangs his head and says, “Sir, I went out drinking again last night. I don’t
know how much I had to drink, and don’t remember how I got home. It’s getting a little out
of control, but I don’t know what to do. Can you help me?”
Due to ___________, the MOST LIKELY outcome of this scenario is ______________.
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