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Ryan Turner
Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

AS - Level ICT (Unit 1) Mapa Mental sobre Input devices, criado por Ryan Turner em 28-03-2016.

Ryan Turner
Criado por Ryan Turner quase 9 anos atrás
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Input devicesKeyboardErgonomic keyboard is akeyboard made with anatural layout to stopstrain on the wristswhilst typingA keypad is built into a devicewhich makes it easier for theuser as it isnt physical butrather a built in feature.A concept keyboard is atouchscreen keyboardwhere the keys aremade to do specificfucntions. They can alsobe programmed to haveimages as keys.Mouse typesMechanical mouse ismost durable as itcan be used on anysurface due to itsrubber ball howeverit needs moremaintenanceOptical mouse is thebest quality due to itshigh senstivity andprecision however itwont work on shinysurfacesTrackpads are builtonto computerswhich is easier asit doesn't have tobe externally boughthowever if itbreaks the userloses the wholedevice.Trackpoint is built ontodevices and is smallerthan other types ofmouse.Touch screen devicesTouch screens arecommonly used inpublic places due tothere convenianceand ease for theuser.Touch screens help peopledo their jobs in quicker timeas it could help process oraccess numerous elementseasier.Can also be usedfor security e.g.fingerprint andsignaturerecognition.Tablets and whiteboardsGraphics tabletallows the user todraw and designanimations due toit recognisingshapes.Also helps peoplelearning languages as itrecognises the stylesof the other languages.Whiteboards are usefulfor interacting with a lotof people within oneroom. It needs a speakerand a monitor to function.Automated input- Card ReadersA smart card isa plastic cardwith a built inmicroprocessorand is used forfinancialtransactions.It has an embeddedmicrocontroller which keepsthe transaction safe dueto the tamper resistanceas it uses encryption tosecure the data.If themagnetic tapegetsdamaged itcannot workand they'redifficult to getreplaced.ScannersFlatbed scanner isthe most commonas it prints at highquality and is easyto use. It scans witha laser and collectsthe image with thereflection from this.Handheld ismore portablethan flatbedand scansdifferent sizedocuments.Sheetfeed isused to scanloose sheetsof paperA drumscanner isthe highestresolutionscannerA barcode scanneris used insupermarkets foritems and scanspecifically barcodesofitems then it runsthrough a stockdatabaseOMR and OCROptical markrecognition processeshuman marked dataand is primarily forthings such as quizesor surveysOptical character recogniton is atechnology that copies numerousdocuments from paper forms toonline documents. This is usuallyconverted to pdf and it canthousands of copies at any onetime.Magnetic Inkcharacterrecognition isprimarily usedbetween financialtransactions ofcheques.Sound and video inputNeeds primarily twofeatures both a MIDIcable and amicrophoneResolution ismeasured in pixelsand the moreresolution in adocument thehigher storage ittakes.A sample is a digital inputsound in a computer.Samplerate is the number of timesper second that a sound isrecorded.Video ConferencingAudio and video data is collectedand sent to another compuerallowing face to facecommunication over a webcamlive.This keeps the file sizedown as it allows the userto not store theinformation as it keepspassing betweenClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico