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quase 9 anos atrás
What different types of miracles was Jesus able to perform according to Mark?
Give an account of the feeding of the five thousand.
Why is the phrase "they were like sheep without a shepherd" significant?
What may the following have represented in the feeding of the 5000 story?
1) 5 loaves
2) 2 fish
3) 12 basketfuls
What does 'Messiah' (or 'Christ' in Greek) mean?
What is the Messiah?
Why was the Messiah sometimes given the title 'Son of David'?
What did the Zealots believe about the Messiah?
Why may Jesus have wanted to keep his identity as the Messiah secret?
What does the title 'Son of Man' mean?
Why did Jesus refer to himself as the Son of Man?
Give an account of the story of the healing of the paralysed man.
Explain why some Christians like the title 'Son of Man' for Jesus.
For which people was the term 'Son of God' used?
How did Mark interpret the fact that demon possessed people referred to Jesus as the Son of God.
At which key events in the gospel is Jesus referred to as the Son of God?
Explain why some Christians like the title Son of God for Jesus.
In what ways did Jesus differ from the other Rabbis?
What are parables?
What did Jesus' healings show about him?
What did Jesus' ability to perform exorcisms show about him?
To which Old Testament stories do some people think the Feeding of the Five Thousand refers?
Why do some Christians like the title 'Messiah' for Jesus?
Why do some Christians not like the title 'Messiah' for Jesus?
What is an alternative reading of the phrase 'whom I love', spoken by the voice from heaven at Jesus' baptism?