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Abi Riley
Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

GCSE Chemistry Mapa Mental sobre ELECTROLYSIS, criado por Abi Riley em 10-04-2016.

Abi Riley
Criado por Abi Riley quase 9 anos atrás
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1 comentário

almost 9 years ago
this is so good Abs! i think you spelt electrolysis wrong though ;)
ELECTROLYSISThe breakdown of an ioniccompound into its elementsby use of electricitydecomposition of anelectrolyte bypassage of an electriccurrent= electrolosisElectrolyte= substancewhich will conductelectric currentMust be molten OR dissolved inwaterThe electrolyte is broken down byelectricity passed through anELECTRODE.Positiveelectrode=ANODENegativeelectrode=CATHODEIn solids= chargecarrier- electronsIn liquids= chargecarrier- ionsElectrolyte MUST bemolten/solution to conduct.thus, ions are free to moveIonic compound=positive ions (atomswhich lost negativeelectrons) and negativeions (atoms which gainednegative electrons)2 ways to split up ionsTake alot to break astrong ionic bond in aGIANT structure- but withenough energy willmelt and becomemoltenDissolve in water.eg; Zinc Chlorideelectrolysed= Zincmetal+Chlorine gasElectrolysis can only occur on FREE substancesNegatively charged ions attracted herePositively charged ions attracted hereOpposites attract1. Melt 2.Placeelectrodesin melt 3.FlickSwitchGroup 1 and transition metals-one extra electron, must gaineg: Zinc ions- GAIN electrons.Chloride ions- LOSE electrons.Neg charged chloride ionsPos charged Zinc ionsANIONCATIONClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico