A broad-band test is one that measures a subset of normal functioning.
What are the polarities of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI)? (HINT: There are 4)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on which theory?
Carl Jung
John Briggs
Carl Rogers
Amanda love to going on vacations that she plans last minute, and often makes spontaneous decisions in her life like cutting off all her hair or getting a tattoo. What might Amanda score high on for the MBTI?
Peter can often be objective about situations, and doesn't often let his feelings get in the way of what is logical or practical. Which MBTI polarity would Peter score high on?
What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator commonly used for?
Assessment of psychopathology
Determining what type of treatment would be best suited for a patient
Assessing occupational traits
Two of these are correct
All of these are correct, the MBTI can be used for all these purposes
What is the most common Myers-Briggs Type Indicator code? (HINT: Most people are more extroverted than introverted)
The MBTI has 3 forms. Form M is what can be administered by a registered psychologist. Form G and Q also exist. True/False?
Which of the following are issues of the MBTI?
Can only be used on people <18 years old
Cost of administration
Low validity
There are no issues with the MBTI
What is the most widely used test in history? (According to the text)
Beck Depression inventory
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Neo Personality Inventory Revised
Form Q of the MBTI can be taken online with the permission of a registered psychologist and provides the examinee with the facets of each of the 4 polarities. True/False.
How many personality types does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator contain? (HINT: Different combinations of every polarity)
On the Myers-Briggs test, about 41% keep their entire code (XXXX) and 38% maintain the same code on all but 1 of the polarities (XXX?). True/False?
Which of the following is TRUE for the California Psychological Inventory (CPI)?
It is a T/F scale
Gives immediate results
It is written in easy to understand, ordinary language
It can be predictive of psyc/physical health, achievement, student and teacher effectiveness, police effectiveness and leadership/management success.
Effective in identifying delinquent and criminal lifestyle
Scored on 20 folk measures, 7 work related scales, and 3 broad vectors
Collects information and designates people to 1 of 4 lifestyles (Innovators, implementors, supporters and visualizers)
Which of the following are broad band tests for normal personality (non-pathological)?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
California psychological inventory (CPI)
All of these
None of these
two of these
Which of these is NOT true about the Neo Personality Inventory Revised (NEO PI-R)?
it is based on the five-factor model of personality (Acronym: OCEAN)
It includes 3 facets for each factor
It is useful in both research and clinical measurement of psychopathology
It was revised (R) for better internal consistency because some words were too complex for the average examinee
It's in T/F format
All of these are TRUE (If so, only select this option)
The phenomenon where less healthy individuals drop out of studies and bias the results is called ___________.
Cohort effect
selective attrition
selection bias
confounding effect
Cohort effect is when differences between age groups are caused by different experiences and cultural changes. What method can be done to distinguish cohort effects from real longitudinal trends?
Cross-sectional method
Longitudinal method
Cross-sequential method
Cohort bias-reduction method
None of these are correct
Which of the following are not examples of insecure attachment (as given by attachment theory)?
Avoidant : Emotionally distanced from caregiver who is disengaged
Ambivalent : Caregiver is inconsistent and child becomes angry and insecure
Disorganized : Caregiver is extremely erratic and child is depressed, angry and passive
Vulnerable : Caregiver is abusive towards the child, who then becomes distrustful and emotional
All of these ARE examples of insecure attachment
Jamie is two years old and is often left to sit in front of the TV for hours while his mom talks to her friends on the phone. When Jamie tries to get her attention she brushes him off, ignores his pleas for attention and leaves the room. Every time Jamie tries to engage her, she simply disengages and leaves him feeling emotionally distanced from all those closest to him. What attachment style does Jamie likely develop?
This is not an example of something that could determine attachment style
Attachment theory suggests that attachment style develops into personality style. Lily's caregiver was inconsistent and caused her to have an ambivalent attachment style. What personality style is likely to develop?
dismissing of attachment
pre-occupied with attachment
ambivalent to attachment
Attachment theory suggests that attachment style develops into personality style. Amilio's mom and dad are often disengaged, causing him to feel emotionally distant and alone. What personality style will Amilio likely develop?
understanding of attachment
fearful of attachment
A study using the Big Five Inventory (BFI) was done to assess normative changes in personality that occur with development. Which of the following are TRUE results of their research?
Agreeableness and conscientiousness are lowest for ages 10-20
From ages 20-65 agreeableness, openness and conscientiousness all rise
Levels of extroversion are highest at age 10, then decrease to age 15 and are maintained through life
men have higher rates of neurotisim
Kohlberg's theory of morality is based on who's theory?
What are Piaget's 3 stages of moral dilemmas from least to most developed?
Pre-conventional < principled < conventional
Conventional < principled< pre-conventional
Principled < preconventional < conventional
pre-conventional < conventional < principled
Leo thinks that whatever satisfies his own personal needs is what is good and makes for proper decision making. Which of Piaget's stages is Leo in?
Preconventional stage 1
Preconventional stage 2
Conventional stage 4
Principled stage 6
None of these is the correct stage (or pairing of stage and level)
Jimmy believes that it is the physical consequences (punishment and obedience) which determines what is good or bad. Which stage of Piaget's moral development is Jimmy?
Stage 4
Stage 1
Stage 7
Stage 0
Kate is a police officer and strongly believes that the values that are agreed upon by society, like in legal court or by popular vote, determine what is morally "good". Which stage of the moral judgement scale is Kate in?
"Law and order" orientation
"social contract-legalistic" orientation
"Universal ethical-principle" orientation
"Punishment and obedience" orientation
Which of the following are false of the Defining Issues test (DIT)?
Kohlberg designed this test
It has better scoring format than the moral judgement scale (piaget)
You must decide on an action for all moral dilemmas by 5-pt likart scale
can be biased against conservatively religious individuals
contains some dated situations (like the Vietnam war) and some situations that participants have likely been overexposed to
NONE of these are false. All of these are TRUE.
There was a correlation between scores on the Defining issues test (of morality) and the AAM (assessment of academic misconduct), which pointed to the validity of the DIT. True/false?
The Defining issues test lacks a proper norm group for minorities. true/false?
Upwards of 90% of people believe in God (of some sort), and this has stayed constant over the years. True/false?
Which of the following is not a purpose of religious and spiritual assessment?
Understand world view of client
establish the impact of spiritual-religious views on problems
Establish if views can be used to facilitate coping /growth
identify spiritual interventions to use in therapy
recognize spiritual doubts to be assessed
3 of these are correct
All of these are correct
Allport developed a scale of religious assessment in the 1960s to see the intrinsic VS extrinsic uses of religion. True/false?
what is "Religion as a Quest"
an aspect added to Allport's religious orientation scales
characterized by complexity, doubt and tentativeness as ways of being religious
someone who seeks out religion regardless of which religion it is
having so much faith you commit your life to religion
two of the above
What is true of the ASPIRES scale?
It measures spiritual/religious variables cross-culturally
the spiritual transcendence scale (STS) portion yields incremental validity is assessing who will benefit from religious based drug and alcohol therapies
SWB shows correlation to health and wellbeing
Positive psychology is ______________________________________.
the pursuit of optimal human functioning
when someone has a positive prognosis
improving the symptoms of a mental illness
What are the five domains of creativity according to the Kaufman domains of creativity scale (K-DOCS)?
There are only 4 domains of the K-DOC
fluid intelligence
Which is not a board category of how creativity has been defined?
Creativity as a process
Creativity as a product
Creativity as an innate talent
Creativity as personal characteristics
The remote associations test (RAT) measures _________________.
Creativity ad a personal characteristic
Creativity ad a product
remoteness of verbal associations
"aha" phenomenon
More than one of these is true
All of these are true
composite creative personality scale measures self-rated scores on adjectives like "active" or "curious". What sort of creativity is this testing?
Creativity as a personal characteristic
divergent thinking
A creative product is defined as one which is has these qualities: _________, ___________, ______________, __________.
Coalescence of meaning (takes time to appreciate significance), novelty, appropriateness, transcendence of constraints.
Novelty, meaningfulness, insightfulness, uniqueness
uniqueness, transcendence of constraints, coalescence of meaning (takes time to appreciate significance), abstactness
Creativity in terms of creativity as a product is defined by all of these.
is the ability to change direction in problem solving in order to come up with diversity in answers. It is the opposite to convergent thinking.
What are ways of measuring divergent thinking?
alternate uses
ideation fluency
What is the Torrance tests of creative thinking (TTCT) based on?
Guildford's model of divergent thinking
Carl Roger's self theory
Cajal's theory of neuronal development
Cattall's factor analytic trait theory
What is TRUE of the Torrance tests of creativity (TTCT)?
Comes in two forms (A and B)
Has two parts, the TTCT-verbal (fluency, originality and flexibility) and TTCT-figural (Picture completion, picture construction and repeated figures)
diagnoses of individual children can be made from this
This is predictive of later creative accomplishments
creativity is domain specific. True/False?
Which of the following is true of the Mayer-salovey-caruso emotional intelligence test (MSCEIT)?
141 items, 2 areas, 4 branches and 8 task scores
Yields total score which is emotional intelligence score (EI)
the four branches are 1. perceiving branch, 2. facilitating branch, 3. managing branch, 4. understanding branch
half of the 141 items are related to interpersonal emotions, and half related to intrapersonal relations
Mayer-salovey-caruso emotional intelligence test (MSCEIT), Emotional competence inventory and Bar-on emotional quotient inventory (EG-i) are all tests of emotional intelligence. True/False?
"I have a positive outlook and expect the best form life" would likely be a statement requiring likart scale responses found on which of these tests?
Mayer-salovey-caruso emotional intelligence test (MSCEIT)
Life orientation test (LOT-R)
Coping humor scale (CHS)
Optimism and pessimism are two ends of the same continuum. True/False?
The Life orientation test (LOT-R) is not suitble for clinical practice because of it's low reliability. True/false?
The Gratitude questionnaire 6 item form (GC-6)......
measures intensity, frequency and density of gratitude (number of people) on self-report likart scale
has multiple dimensions of gratitude
Both of these are correct
GRAT GC-6 CHS HSQ SHRQ( GRAT, GC-6, CHS, HSQ, SHRQ ) is a multidimensional model of gratitude, resentment and appreciation showing that gratitude is not a unitary trait.
Which is true of the Coping Humor scale (CHS)?
Assesses extent to which individuals report using humour to cope with stress
Good reliability
very high internal consistency
A broad measure of sense of humor
None of these are true
The situational humor response questionnaire (SHRQ) measures....
if someone is depressed based on how little they show humor in funny situations
how often someone makes a humorous comment/joke
degrees to which someone is easily amused in different situations
More than one of these is correct
What are the 4 dimensions of the Humour styles questionnaire (HSQ)?